26 —Lancaster Farming," Saturday, May 15, 1976 Shown above is one of the new the Steiger tractor company, realizing Steiger tractors, which is available that tractors of this size were needed with engines producing more than but not commercially available at the 320 horsepower. Two farmers -r- time. Doug and Maurice Steiger started Steiger Tractor, Inc. one of North Dakota’s fastest growing agricultural companies was in- corporated on January 22, 1969. But the company really had its start 12 years earlier on the Red Lake Falls, Minnesota farm of Douglas and Maurice Steiger. The Steiger brothers built their first big four-wheel drive tractor because they couldn’t buy just what they needed. The brothers bought the parts and put together a 130 horsepower machine. Recognizing a market, they started a company on the farm and made a few more tailor-made machines in 1958. Realizing that not every farmer has the same amount of land or the same kind of problems, they designed four original models from 130 horse to 318 horse. Growth was steady through 1968 when they produced and sold 40 trac tors. In 1969 they sold over 50 percent of their company, incorporated and moved offices to Fargo. been dramatic. Production has doubled each year. The work force has grown to over 925 and sales are now in ternational. All models from the Series I to the new Series m were built to meet the needs of farmers. Models contain basic design features that have made the Steiger tractor popular lots of power, center Since 1969, growth has Two farmers started Steiger tractor company oscillation and articulation, a swinging power divider, and an uncomplicated open under design that makes servicing easy. Early in 1975, Steiger moved into a new 420,000 square foot Fargo plant a structure with nearly 10 acres under one roof and the largest manufacturing facility in the state. FARMERS AoCREDIT 9 East MaifStreet, Lititz, PA 717/626 4721 Conservation award sought LANCASTER - Lancaster County Conservation District is competing for the grand award in the 30th annual Goodyear Con servation Awards Program, according to board chairman Aaron Z. Stauffer, Ephrata Rl. The district is vying with other districts in Penn sylvania for the top honors. An independent judging committee will select the first and second place winners on the basis of their conservation achievements in the contest sponsored by The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in cooperation with the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD). In addition to receiving a recognition plaque, the first place district will be given expense-paid, vacation study trips for its out standing cooperator and a member of the governing board. Representatives of 53 winning districts will be guests on this year’s grand awards tour to Goodyear Farms, Litchfield Park, Arizona, in December. The year’s outstanding cooperator, selected by the Lancaster County Con servation District governing board, also will be honored as part of the awards program. In previous contests, Lancaster County Con servation District won first place in 1953-1954, 1956-1957, and 1958-1959. They were a second place winner in 1955- 1956, and in 1973 won the Honor District Award. District board members are: Aaron Z. Stauffer - Chairman; Amos H. Funk, Vice Chairman; Mrs. Nancy J. Burkhart - Secretary- Treasurer; Raymond G. Herr - County Com missioner: and Robert K Mowrer, Kenneth C. Depoe, J. Everett Kreider, Robert E. Wagner, Henry H. Hack man, Gerald M. Heistand. At Last, A Fly Control Block For Lactating Dairy Cows Staley’s new Sweetlix® Rabon® Block* offers you two bis ad- ( vantages. 1. It has EPA approval as a fly control agent for lactating dairy cows 2. It is the only fly control agent that can now be fed to the complete dairy herd. Rabon prevents the development of the most common flies around your dairy barn - horn flies, face flies, house and stable flies. Staley's patented molasses-salt formula helps assure you that your cattle will voluntarily consume the right amount of Rabon oral lar vicide plus additional highly available dicalcium phosphate. Sweetlix RABON Block We Have It! <§> INQUIRE AT YOUR LOCAL FEED DEALER Awton is the registered trsdemetk of Shell Chemical U i Patent 3 102 VENTILATION HEADQUARTERS ★ ★ CIRCULATING FANS FAN JET ★ SYSTEMS Agrl Equip., Inc. • SALES INSTALLATION • SERVICE RD2 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Farmersville) JAMESWAY ★ CHORE AIR—O—MATIC ★ ACME ★ VENT-O-MATIC offers complete TIME „ Phone Bus. 717-354-4271
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