Last hog cholera quarantines lifted State and federal hog cholera quarantines were lifted from Camden and Gloucester counties, N.J., leaving no other counties in the state quarantined for the disease, the U.S. and New Jersey Departments of Agriculture announced. task force, formed Feb. 26 at' Bellmawr to combat the New Jersey Hog cholera out break, was terminated. The task force was headed by Dr. Saul T, Wilson, Jr. of USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, and Dr. C. Kenneth Jewell, New Jersey State Veterinarian. At One time over 100 veterinarians, livestock inspectors and support personnel were assigned to the force which conducted over 3,000 inspections of swine herds in die effort to stamp out the devastating swine disease. Intensive hog cholera surveillance will be con tinued for the next two months as a part of the cooperative state-federal animal health programs in New Jersey. A group of about 20 state anf federal officials will work under the supervision of Dr. John W. Kinney, USDA’s section veterinary medical officer for Gloucester County, in conducting surveillance activities throughout the state. disease signs, with special attention being given to the herds in Gloucester county. Both Dr. Wilson and Dr. Jewel said they were pleased with the support they received from the swine producers of New Jersey whose cooperation con tributed immeasurable to eliminating this outbreak. This marks the first time in nearly 10 weeks that no area of the state was under quarantine for hog cholera - a highly infectious, usually fatal disease of swine. No other farm animals or humans are affected. In a simultaneous action, the cooperaive state-federal A total of 21 New Jersey herds comprising about 16,000 hogs were destroyed as the most effective means of stopping the spread of hog cholera. New Jersey swine owners were paid about $2 million in federal in demnities to help com pensate them for swine losses. Surveillance activities will include periodic checking of the state’s swine herds for The New Jersey outbreak, identified Feb. 24, was the first in the state in over three years. It came seven months after the last previous hog cholera outbreak in the nation, which occurred July 1975 in Texas. All of New Jersey’s recent hog cholera cases were confined to Gloucester county. The state’s last case was diagnosed March 22.. This year’s hog cholera outbreak in New Jersey was followed quickly by out breaks in Rhode Island (Feb. 28) and Massachusetts (March 1). More recently, hog cholera was confirmed in a New Hampshire herd (April 22). Three counties in New Hampshire - Cheshire, Hillsborough, and Rockingham - plus four in THERMA-STOR Before job buy a bulk milk tank get all the detak on Thiemo-Stor at Shook’s or it may very well be that you bou it an absolete bulk milk tank. We at Shenk’s are authorized distributors for Milkeeper milk tanks Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 15.197& Encephalitis alert issued 1 iui at owners should have their animals vaccinated against the dreaded virus diseases, eastern and western encephalitis, before the mosquito' season starts, and definitely by June 1, says Calvin G. Wettstein, Hunterdon County (New Jersey) Agricultural Agent. There is no specific treatment or cure for these killers. The only way to safeguard your animal is to vaccinate every year. Both the eastern and western strains of en cephalitis, which is tran smitted by mosquitoes, occur in New Jersey. The morality rate for the western strain is between 20 and 50 per cent. A staggering rate of over 90 per cent is BUDDYRUFF reported for the strain. Massachusetts - Bristol, Middlesex, Norfolk, and Worcester - remain under hog cholera quarantines. New Jersey swine producers are urged to remain alert and to report any suspicious disease signs to state or federal officials. Early signs of hog cholera include loss of appetite and fever. 25 eastern A bivalent vaccine should be used to ensure protection against both strains. Two intradermal in jections given seven to 10 days apart will immune your horse for the current season. However, it takes about two weeks for the vaccine to become effective. Foals can be vaccinated when they are about six weeks old. Thirty-five cases were reported and confirmed in New Jersey last year. None of the animals had been vaccinated. Encephalitis in horses is no threat to man but serves as a warning that the disease is in the area, says Wett stein. /RISHT OVER AMP \ COME 10 MY ITELL TLIgB/OFF ) #R]f -SURPKISF \ RKSHTNOW! V" RMfTV .. V -- MOM ((S/j^| TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! wr.2 MILKEEPER 300400-500 & 600 GALLON TANKS AVAILABLE »» THRU DKE 450 thru 3000 Gallon 501 E. WOODS DRIVE, UTOZ, PR 17543 PHONE (717) 626-1151 MAY & JUNE 25% DISCOUNT PROMOTION PROGRAM USED BULK MILK TANKS COMPLETE PROGRAM SALES—INSTALLATION—SERVICE 24-Hour Service Offered SHENK'S FARM SERVICE i NOW IN PROGRESS ••••••••• 1 - 600 gal. Mojonnier 1 - 500 gal. Milkeeper-absoutely new condition 1 - 500 gal. Esco 1 - 425 gal. Esco 1 - 300 gal. Sunset 1 - 300 gal. Girton 2 - Used 3 HP. Lehigh Belt Driven Compressors
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