24 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Mar 15. 1& 76 Bloat precautionary measures Lush pastures during spring greatly increase the likelihood of bloat in sheep and cattle, says Joseph H. Way, Montgomery County agricultural agent. Cooperative Extension Service. This is especially true if legumes such as clover or alfalfa are eaten. A few simple precautions to protect animals from bloat are: Never turn hungry animals onto lush pastures. Feed some dry hay Average Consumption It is estimated that in 1975, U S citizens consumed an average of 3,160 calories per day Approximately 46 per cent of these came from car bohydrates, 42 percent from fat and 12 per cent from protein Security Costs Thirty-two million Amer icans are now receiving nearly $69 6 billion a year in Social Security checks. At the same time, 100 million Americans and their em ployers are paying $66.5 billion a year in taxes to keep the system operating. Thus, for the first lime in its 41- year history, tax collec tions are running short of benefits by approximately $3 billion suggested beforehand, and put some course hay or straw in the pasture where animals have access to it. Cattle and sheep can be given poloxalene, the new antibloat medicine, in their feed or in a molasses-based block. This will effectively prevent bloat under the worst conditions for bloat. This new drag has enabled dairymen to feed chopped alfalfa without the danger of Moat, says Way: Alternate use of grass and legume pastures can be helpful for bloat prevention. Alfalfa or clover pasture should be grazed during the dry part of the day and sudan grass or native grass can be pastured at night, adds Mr. Way. Milk Facts TP ACTOR PULLIM6 MAY 29, 1976 10:00 A.M. - GARDEN TRACTOR PULL 1:00 P.M. - LOCAL FARM TRACTORS AND CLASS A SANG PULL ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE (717) 386-5945 & (717) 386-5446 CHARLES S. SNYDER ROBERT WEHR Benefit: St. Peter’s Educational Bldg. Fund LEHIGHTON FAIR GROUNDS LEHIGHTON, PA. Minks up HARRISBURG - The 1975 mink pelt production in Pennsylvania totaled 125,000 pelts - up three percent from the previous year according to the Crop Reporting Ser vice. Pearl was the most 1 common color, accounting for 30 percent of the pelts. The number of milk females bred to produce kits in 1976 is 38,500 - down three percent from a year earlier. The Milk Industiy Foun dation says Americans are drinking less whole milk than they used to, less cream, too, but more low-fat or skim milk. Today, only 9 5 per cent of all dairy products are sold by home delivery, compared to 52 per cent during World War II Americans drank an aver age of 132 2 quarts of milk in 1974 • FURADAN for Alfalfa Weevils • CHLORDANE for Cut Worms • TILLAM for Weeds in Tobacco 5% DISCOUNT on Furodan for com JONAS S. EBERSOL Vh miles North of Bird-In-Hand on Stumptown Road WE’RE ON OUR WAY TO SERVING YOU BETTER WAREHOUSE FACILITY NOW & STORAGE COMPLETED! 60 FT. ELECTRONIC SCALES NOW COMPLETED! WAT FO RTH R PROGRES REPORTS FROM OUR SHOEMAKERSVILLE BULK FEEDS & GRAIN STATION! VAN-MAR FEEDS INC. LEESPORT, PA. PH: (215) 926-2121
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