By WILLIAM J. SEDLAK Agricultural Statistician Th® custom rates shown are averages from voluntary reports by custom operators throughout Pennsylvania. Most of the rates are stated per acre, ton, bale, or bushel, rather than per hour, to reduce the variation due to machine size. Individual rates charged for some jobs are frequently much higher or lower than the average rate, due to differences in working conditions, services performed, or even the operator’s eagerness to do custom work. Therefore, the average rates shown should not be considered absolute indications of fair charges. Because they are averages of what others in the state are charging, they may be helpful as a guide in establishing a rate appropriate for your own situation, especially if there is no established rate in your area for the service you are considering. Average rates are shown separately for most items by two regions of the state, labeled “Mountain” and “Valley”. The differences in rates between regions reflect differences in terrain, soils, and alternative opportunities for the labor and equipment used. Figures labeled “The State” represent the straight average of all reports used regardless of geographic location. Com Drying (23 percent com) Combining Small Grains Bu. Acre Hay Making; Mowing Mowing and conditioning Raking Pick-up baling: Twine Wire Cut, rake, bale, and store Large round baler (Avg.-1350 lb.) Stacker-wagon (2-3 ton) Silage Making: Pull-type chopper and tractor Self-propelled chopper Blower 1 man, 2 wagons, 1 tractor 2 men, 2 wagons, 2 tractors Most custom rates are higher this year, up an average of 2.2 percent from last year. Some differences between rates, especially for jobs that were lightly represented in the survey, may occur because of sample variation. That is variation caused by a different sample of reporters answering the survey this year than last. Some rates for jobs other than those asked on the questionnaire were volunteered by some reporters. Some examples are: 1. Truck grain - $.lO per bushel; 2. Post driving - $.25 per post; Potato Harvesting Plowing, Moldboard Plow Spring, stubble sod Fall, stubble sod 3. Chisel plowing - sB.ooper acre or $7.00 per hour; 4. Buzz-saw, tractor and man - $8.50 per hour. CUSTOM RATES: SELECTED FARMING OPERATIONS PENNSYLVANIA, 1976 Basis of Mountain Valley Charge Section Section HARVESTING $10.60 $10.20 14.20 13.10 14.60 14.20 Job Plowing, Deep (10 inches or more) Plowing, Disk Disking, Tandem With harrow or cultipacker Corn Picking Com Picking and Shelling Cora Combining Acre Acre Acre 1976 custom rates released .18 10.70 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Ma: Acre Acre Acre Bale Bale Bale Bale Stack Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Acre 3.60 5.35 2.95 .40 8.50 20.00 KERR McGEE CHEMICAL CORP. §Cm /ce/tf^^nfccee CROP PROGRAMS: 1. PASTURES: For control of wild onion and garlic, dandelions, thistles, and many more, apply 1 pint 2,4-D Amine plus Vz pint Banvel per acre. Do not graze for 7 days. 2. ALFALFA: a. Broadleaf weed control, new seedlings; Apply Butyrac 200 at 2 to 3 quarts per acre. Use light rate when alfalfa is less than 3 inches tall and absence of Curly Dock, Smaitweed and annual Morning Glory exists. , b. Ipsect Control: * Furadan 4F at Vi pint per acre. Harvest after 7 days. 1 pint, 14 days. * Supracide 2E at 2 pints per acre. Harvest after 10 days. * Imidan SOW at 2 pounds per acre. Harvest after 7 days. READ LABELS BEFORE USING! Protects A] [ainst Product Features s Ortho +WIREWORMS +SEED CORN MAGGOTS +AND OTHER SOIL-BORNE SECTS + COMBINED' INSECTICIDE FUNGICIDE FOR DOUBLE BARRELED PROTECTION -(-CONVENIENT HANDY MEASURING CUP IN 1 POUND CANS BOTOX SeedleaW® +MAY BE COMBINED WITH FULL DOSAGE OF PROTECTIVE FUNGICIDE FOR PROTECTION AGAINST SEEDLING BLIGHT, DAMP-OFF OR SEED DECAY. rfiaaaaM i /s^sb £•• THr , V ' ps^*ssasasr_ -I-MAY BE USED ON PREVIOUSLY TREATED SEED +REPELLENT TO PHEASANTS +CONTAINS GRAPHITE FOR BETTER PLANTABILITY WHY NOT GIVE US A CALL?? Route 1 Box 97A Gap, PA 17527 Ph: 717-442 8116 Pottstown Roller Mills, Inc. South and Hanover Sts. Pottstown, PA 19464 Ph. 215-323-8620 Services Bulk & Bag Fer tilizers Truck Spreading (Boom only) Rental 4 x h ton spinner spreaders Farm Chemicals TERRITORY SALES MGR Joseph H. Kershner 1975 TEST PLOT YIELDS: H-2500 Med. 19,807 populabon Season 150.4 bu. No. 2 Corn H-2655 Full 15,681 population Season 136 4 bu. No. 2 Corn H-2666 Full 16,506 populabon Season 149.25 bu. No. 2 Corn Richard Breckbill RDI Oxford, PA 19363 Ph; 215-932-3307 Services- Bulk & Bag Fei tilizers Truck Spreading (Boom only) Rental 4‘/z ton Spinner spreaders Farm Chemicals Custom Truck Spraying John A. Kennel, Jr. R 2 Parkesburg, PA Ph 215-857-5620 Services- Farm Chemicals Liquid nitrogen Custom truck spraying WV\ H-2666 HT BONUS I (VJ| IA top yielder High leaf blight tolerance VV|/y Strong stalks and roots Good combine or picker corn Adaptable to a wide variety of giowing conditions Excellent gram quality ' and high test weight COLUMBIANA SEED CO SOUTHEASTERN PENNA. WAREHOUSES: Moyer and Son, Inc. 113 E. Reliance Rd. Souderton, PA 18964 Ph 215-723 6001 Services. Farm Chemicals Bag Fertilizers Custom Chemical Spraying M. D. Lumis and Son Uwchland, PA 19480 Ph. 215-458-5211 Services' Bag Fertilizers Farm Chemicals Bulk Truck Spreading (Boom only) Kerr McGee Chemical Corp. Ben 0. Stoltzfus R 2 Honey Brook, PA 19344 Ph: 215-273-3546 Services: Bulk & Bag Fertilizers Bulk Truck (Boom only) Spreading Rental 4'h ton Spinner spreaders liquid nitrogen farm chemicals wire BREAK YOUR YIELD BARRIER! 16.50 23.00 3.70 16.50 26.50 74.00 (Continued on Page 29] PLOWING AND CULTIVATING Acre 6.90 6.55 6.70 Acre 7.15 6.90 6.95 Acre 7.10 6.70 6.80 Acre 7.75 7.40 7.50 Acre 9.00 8.90 8.90 Acre 7.60 6.00 7.00 Acre 4.65 4.80 4.75 Acre 5.95 5.20 5.55 mm iMiii You won’t have to pay a lot for a little work you can easily do yourself if you buy whole chickens instead of chicken parts, which are frequently more expensive per pound * * * * * * You won’t have to pay for aprons if you make them yourself from the backs and tails of men’s worn-out shirts * * * You won’t have to pay * * * Lawn and Garden Tractors John Deere offers a choice of 6 power sizes —from 8 to 19 9 hp —and 3-speed, variable speed, or hydrostatic transmission Handsome styling encloses the engine for a really quiet ride Color-coded controls are near at hand The 3-dimensional instrument panel is easy to read Rotary Mowers LANDIS BROS. INC. A. B. C. GROFF, INC. Lancaster, PA 717-393-3906 New Holland 354-4191 ADAMSTOWN EQUIPMENT INC. Mohnton,RD2, PA 19540 (near Adamstown] Phone 1215)414-4391 extra for tires, brakes, and gasoline, if you avoid rushing up to red lights and stop signs when driving You won’t have to pay for receiving mail if, accord ing to the National Associa tion of Letter Carriers, con cerned legislators succeed in getting the government to subsidize the Post Office, the way it does universities Choose from 18- and 20-inch widths. Handlebar mounted to deck and engine for a firm feel. Cutting chamber designed for clean, even mowing Grass bag is optional. IN- The State $10.40 13.40 14.30 15,1976 .20 10.90 23 18.00 24.00 3.70 17.00 25.00 74.00 .21 11.00 4.10 5.60 3.45 .25 .35 6.60 15.00 19.50 24.50 3.70 17.00 24.00 3.90 5.50 3.30 .24 .37 7.55 17.50
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers