—LancasterFarming, Saturday. May 8, 1976 market Livestock and auction-news East Coast Carlot Meats St. Louis Cattle May 5,1976 East Coast Carlot Meat Trade CAP Boston to Washington Area fnclnsive: Compared to Tuesday’s dose: demand and com-, mitments moderate for most meat items. Choice steer beef YG 3 mostly 50-1.00 lower. No comparison on Good. Cow beef steady to 1.50 lower, dedine on Conner and Cutter. Spring lamb- com pared to last Wednesday 3.00-5.00 higher, lamb 2.00- 5.00 higher. Fresh pork:' loins 1.00-2.50 higher; picnics 1.75 higher; butts 1.50 higher. STEER BEEF: Prime 600- 800 lb. YG 3 Few 09.00; Choice 600-800 lb. YG 3 69.00, few 68.50 Mostly 50-1.00 lower, 600-800 lb. YG 4 64.00, few 63.00 No Comparison; Good YG 2-3 Holstein Type 550-900 lb. Few 67,00 No Comparison. HEIFER BEEF: Choice 500-700 lb. YG 3 68.00 No Comparison; 500-700 lb. YG 4 Few 68.00. Comparison; Steer Rounds 60-85 lb. 76.00-78.00 No Comparison; Heifer Round 75.25 No Comparison; Arm backs 100-150 lb. 63.00-65.00 No Comparison. Weekly Cattle Review Receipts this week 8200; week ago 7700; year ago 7500. As compared to the previous weeks close, slaughter steers and heifers mostly SO lower. Cows 50-1.00 lower than the previous weeks high time or fully steady with last weeks dose. Bulls fully steady. Supply mainly good and dioice 925-' 1150 lb. steers, around 20 percent heifers and 10 percent cows. 2-3 38.50-tt.oo. Standard to good holsteins 1000-1300 lbs: 2-3 37.0039.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Part load choice and prime 960 lbs. 2-4 at 42.25. Choice 8001025 lbs. 2-4 39.5042.00, closing sales 39.50-41.50. Mixed good and choice 750 1000 lbs. 2-3 38.5040.25. Good 2-3 36.5038.75. ' COWS: Utility and com mercial 28.5032.00. Cutter 27.0028.50. Canner and lov cutter 24.50-27100. Shelly SPRING LAMB CARCASS YG 3-4: COMPARED TO LAST WEDNESDAY Choice & Prime 55 lbs. down 128.00- 130.00 3.004.00 higher; 55-65 lb. 128.00-129.00 4.00-5.00 higher. LAMB CARCASS Y6S 3-4: Choice & Prime 65 lbs. down 127.00- 2.004.00 higher; 65-75 lb. 126.00-127.00, few 128.00; Mostly 4.00-5.00 higher. FRESH PORK CUTS: Loins 14 lb. down TRMD 93.75 1.00 higher;. 14-17 lb. TRMD 91.75-92.25 2.00-2.50 higher, 14-17 lb. 89.50-91.50 1.00- higher, 17-20 lb. TRMD 83.75 No Comparison; Picnics 4-8 lb. 58.25 1.75 higher; Butts 4-8 lb. 78.501.50 higher; Skinned Hams 17-20 lb. 84.25-82.25 No Com parison, 26-30 lb. 80.25 No Comparison, 26 lb. up 79.25 No Comparison, Tails 39.50; Snouts Lean In 23.00. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Load choice and prime 1200 lbs. 3-5 at 43.00. Choice 925- 1225 lbs. 2-4 41.5043.50, closing sales 41.5042.50. Mixed good and choice 900- 1175 lbs. 2-3 40.5042.00. Good canner 21.00-23.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1100-2000 lbs. 35.00*38.00; 900-1100 lbs. 32.00-35.00. Individual YG 5 around 1900 lbs. at 33.00. VEALEBS: Choice 45.00- 52.00. COW BEEF: Utility (Brkg.) YG 3-4 Few 58.50 Steady; Utility (Bng.) YG 1- 2 600 lb. up Few 61.00 Steady; Canner & Cutter YG 1-2 350 lb., up 61.00-62.50 50-1.50 lower. CHOICE PRIMAL BEEF. CUTS YIELD GRADE 3: Hinds 145-190 lb. 86.00 No Comparison; Ann Chucks 90-130 lb. 54.50-56.00 No SMOKED PORK: Skinned Hams 16-20 lb. 86.00-88.00 Generally Steady; 19-23 lb. 84.0085.50 Steady to 1.50 higher; 1 lb. Sliced Bacon Vacuum Pack 119.00 Steady; Boneless Beef 90 PCT Chem Lean, Fresh 85.00-87.00 Steady. Chambersburg Cattle Chambenborg, PA April 29,1976 CALVES 571. Vealers grading Good & Choice $1 to $4 lower, Utility |2 to $5 higher. Few Prime vealers 65.50-70.00, Choice 55.00- 67.00, Good 46.00-57.00, Standard 44.0047.50, Utility 90-110 lbs. 42.0046.00, 70-85 lbs. 38.0042.00. Farm calves, holsteln bulls 90-115 lbs. 44.00-52.00; holstein heifers 70-95 lbs. 40.0045.00. CATTLE 470. Compared with last Thursday’s market, slaughter steers |1 to $2 lower. Slaughter cows grading Utility & Cutter about steady, Canners 50 cents to |1 higher. One High Choice slaughter steer at 42.10, few Choice No. 2-4 975- 1275 lbs. 39.0041.85, Good 35.85-39.50, Standard 33.85- 35.85, Utility 31.00-34.00. Good slaughter heifers 34.00- 36.50, one at 37.00, Standard 32.50-34.75. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 31.50-34.00, several 34.75, Cutters 29,25-32.25, Canners 27.00-30.25, few Shells down to 23.00. One Choice slaughter bullock at 40.00, few Good 35.85-38.75, few Utility 31.00-34.75. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1300-2100 lbs. slaughter bulls 36.00- 39.25. Good & Choice 350-600 lbs. feeder heifers 29.50- 37.50. MM^TTENIION HOGS 90. Barrows & Gilts SO cents to 75 cents lower. US No. 1-2 200-225 lbs. barrows & gilts 48.0048.60, No. 1-3 210- 240 lbs. 48.00. US No. 1-3 300- 550 - lbs. sows 40.25-43.25. Boars 34.75-37.50. FEEDER PIGS 60. US No. 1-3 2035’ lbs., feeder pigs 30.0045.00 per head, No. 13 35-50 lbs. 36.00-52.00 per head. SHEEP 7. One lot Good 80 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 40.00. ARE YOU READY FOR SPRING PLANTING SEASON? Available Now BLACK MULCHING PLASTIC For cantaloupes and watermelons Controls Weeds, Better Yields. Also clear plastic for plant beds. Black Plastic Crop Covers (silage covers) Quantity Discounts. m Vnaab'^-OV Kn«m \ Vour 1 I S**vm*n I V Supplier^ ZIMMERMAN’S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY ' ALSO AVAILABLE AT DAVID GOOD’S FARM MACHINERY SALES. livestock SERVICES Home Store Phone: 717-733-4466 RD4. Lititz. PA 17543 Profit-Maker Sires - j . . __ USDA [l/76] - 3,132 Daus. in 1,110 Hei Ave. 14.967 M 3.54% 530 F Predicted Difference [99% repeatability] +6B3M +s42 +6F Type: 444 Cl. Daus. Ave. 78.7 [act.]; 79.7 [age-adj.]; 298 Pr. -.98 PDT [96% r.] 15H100 MOOKOWN Optimist USDAfI/76] —66 Daus. in 12 Herds Ave. 10.250 M 4.74% 486 F Predicted Difference [58% repeatability! +942M +,sBo +33F Type: 19 Classified Daughters Average 83.5; +.l/Br. Ave. Veiy Good & Prod. Qual. (Jan./76) Sire: Lakefield Fond Hope EX (93) & GM > Dam: Glenafton Symbol N Bonheur VG (89) 15J48 B. S. Noble SUPERB Sire: Superb Adonis EX Dam: Ann Arbor Sables Ginger VG Now in daily service thru our Professional Technicians. -Atlantic % BREEDERS COOPERATIVE Member NAL Affiliated Breeders 24-Hour Tpll-Free Phone Nos. for Service: Pennsylvania 800-732-0391 Lancaster 569-0411 Del. &Md. 800-233-0216 6 Know Where the Activities WillBe? Read the Farm Women Calendar. HERD DISPERSAL At the Shady lane Dairy Cow Stabjes, V* mile West of Quarryville off Oak Bottom Road. FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 21,1976 7:30P.M. DST HEAD REGISTERED AND v GRADE COWS Last year herd averaged over 14,000 (OS). Watch next week's issue for full ad vertisement. GLENN D. FITE Quarryville RD2 PA 17566 Sales Office PH: 717-786-1725 Residence PH: 717-786-2750
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