Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 01, 1976, Image 14
—Lancaster Farmmg. Saturday; May 1. 1976 14 Now is the time [Continued from Page 10] chemical weed killers. Many of these seeds can be used next year, if properly stored in a dry, rodent-free place. Don’t be guilty of allowing seed grains to remain around the bam, machinery idled, or garage after the bag has been opened. To Place Fertilizer Carefully Fertilizer placement is very important, if it is to do the intended purpose. When nitrogen or potash fertilizer is allowed to come into direct contact with seeds or plant roots, there could be serious damage. Also, fertilizer will often kill the inoculant on legume seeds; in the case of soybeans the fertilizer should be applied separately from the seeds. Most modem com planters will put the fertilizer to the aide and below the corn kernels. When seeds and fertilizer go into the ground together germination may be retarded, or the sprout will be weakened and not make a normal plant. Flower and vegetable plants should not be planted in a hole in direct Sound Barrier The first airplane to ex ceed the speed of Sound and break the sound barrier was the Bell X-l, a U.S. Army rocket airplane, flown Oct. 14, 1947, over Edwards Air Force Base, Muroc, Califor nia, by Air Force Major Charles Yeager YOUR PIONEER SALESMAN IS WITH SEED AND SERVICE • Hybrid Corn - high yielding single and special crosses. • Alfalfa Seed plowdown. • Forage Mixes - A mix for every need (pasture, hay, haylage, greenchop or green manure . plowdown). • Hybrid Sorghum - grain, forage, and sorghum - sudangrass hybrids. m See Your Pioneer PIONEER Salesman To-Dav! ” U Corn,Sorghum,Alfalfa Don't Delay. s Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi Bred International Inc. Oes Moines. lowa, USA contact with a complete fertilizer; work the fertilizer into the ground ahead of time, or side-dress after the plants are in the ground. To Control Farm Pond Algae The management of the farm pond should start with vegetative growth in the spring; many weeds and forms of algae start growing with the warmer weather. When left uncontrolled the growth will fill the water in tiie pond and make both fishing and swimming almost impossible. The starting place is to request permission from the Penn sylvania Fish Commission to treat the pond. Application forms for this permission are available from our Ex tension Office, or from the Pennsylvania Fish Com mission Patrolman located at Lititz, R 2, Pa. Materials that may be used can also be learned at both of these places. To , treat the pond without permission is taking a risk when the overflow goes out into a public stream. Big Edition The New York Times Oct. 10, 1971 newspaper com prised 15 sections with a total of 972 pages, including 1.2 million lines of adver tising. Each copy of the paper weighed 7% pounds. READY SUPERIOR - for any rotation or Farm progress report HARRISBURG-The past week was ideal for fieldwork if not for vegetative growth. Six days were considered suitable for fieldwork with soil moisture supply con sidered mostly short to somewhat adequate. Most reports of adequate came from northern counties which had some rain mid and late week. Reporters indicate concern for winter grains and those small grains already sown. Moisture is badly needed by these crops as well as hay and pastures. The week’s activities included plowing, Palz 98 B silo unloadar ISOcattlafaadar 400 cattla faadar 162 A circular faadar 101 Tapar-Pan Faadar f Silo unloading - Feed handling - Manure handling Rate has the Equipment \ Patz has the Personnel \Patz means confidence - depend on H Contact your nearest Paiz dealer listed below ALEXANDRIA MAXISENBERG 669-4027 BALLY LONGACRE ELECTRIC 845-2261 CAMP HILL LLOYD SULTZBAUGH 737-4554 EAST EARL ZIMMERMAN EQUIPMENT 445-6409 ELLIOTTSBURG CARL BAER 512-2648 planting oats, corn and potatoes plus grape trim ming and tying and general orchard work.' Spring plowing is rated 77 per cent done, nearly three weeks ahead of 1975, Southern counties are fur thest along at 84 per cent while central and northern areas show 86 and 67 per cent respectively. For the state, oats are 73 per cent sown,-about two weeks ahead of 1975. Southern counties are 92 per cent done, the central area shows 74 per cent complete /< / ' 8 162 A conveyor 155 A conveyor 166 overhead feeder 101 conveyor HAMBURG HONEY BROOK KIRKWOOD LEBANON IcALLISTERVILLE with the north 60 per cent along. Potatoes are 41 per cent planted Statewide, about 12 days ahead of last year. The north is .slightly over 10 per cent done with central counties one-third along and southern counties at 61 per cent. The State’s com crop is about eight per cent planted, a week ahead of hut year and usual when less than five per cent would now be done. North and central areas are eight per cent , along while south is rated 10 per cent complete. 166 conveyor 400 gutter cleaner 400 manure Blacker Model 100 mechanical manure pump H. DANIEL WENGER 488-6574 ZOOK'S FARM STORE 273-9730 “j—* PIPERSVILLE MARVIN HORST 272-0871 CLAIR SANER & SON 463-2234 issued Barley and wheat are each about five per cent into the boot stage,, on par with last year’s crop. & each case progress is most rapid in central counties. The crops are in need of rain at this critical stage. ~ Condition of hay stands is rated mostly good to fair. A below average amount of feed is now being obtained from pastures. Both hay and pastures 1 need rain at present, a problem further accentuated by recent unusually warm weather. Modal 200 manure pump 400 Swinging slide 366 manure stacker 266 llquldvator 161 manure spreader LANDIS LABOR SAVERS 692-4647 MILTON LANDIS FARMSTEAD AUTOMATION 437-2375 NEWVILLE FRED B. McGILLYRAY 776-7312 MOYER 766-5675 STREET MD WALTER WEBSTER 452-8521 THOMASVILLE KENNETH LSPAHR 225-1064