Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 17, 1976, Image 49

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    Home on the Range
This week we are featuring Salad to some new
a number of recipes from our casseroles and a recipe
“old-favorite” Watergate whi <* is thought to have
AGROX® insecticide/funglcide seed treatment protects
seed corn, soybeans, sorghum, beans and peas...against
certain insect and disease problems your seed may
face in the soil, especially in cold wet weather.
These problems include seed corn
beetles, seed corn maggots, and fungus
diseases that cause damping-off, seed
decay and seedling blights.
AGROX 2-WAY protects germinating
seeds and seedlings against them all. Due
to new production economies, the price
has now been reduced more than 15%.
AGROX 3-WAY gives you the same pro
tection as 2-WAY plus control of wire
worms. The price has been reduced 20%.
Both formulations are applied to seed
Distributed by
7ia\ ICI United States
BS| Agricultural Chemicals Division
Wilmington, Delaware 19897
cane- from a president’s
fattier! •
We hope you’ll enjoy
trying some of these recipes
for good foods that -our
readers have sent along.
Have a good Easter
Asparagus Casserole
1% cups asparagus
V* cup butter
V* cup flour
% tsp. salt
dash pepper
2Vz cups milk
1 cup cubed cheese
3 hard-cooked eggs (sliced)
Cook asparagus. Melt
butter, remove from heat,
stir in flour, salt, and pepper.
Gradually stir in milk, bring
to a boil til a smooth
thickened sauce. Mix lightly
& put in casserole dish. Bake
uncovered for 15 minutes.
Esther Oberholtzer
Ephrata, Pa.
Deluxe Chocolate Cake
2 eggs
% cup sifted cocoa
Vi cup com oil
1% cups flour
V* cup plus 2 tblsp. sour milk
1 tsp. soda
1 tsp. vanilla
V« tsp. salt
1 cup sugar
V* cup plus 2 tblsp. boiling
1 tsp. baking powder
Place ingredients in order
through the drill or planter box. No spe
cial equipment is needed. Simply mix 2
ounces of 2-WAY or 3 ounces of 3-WAY
into each bushel of seed in the planter
box. It’s done in a few seconds. Seeding
rate is not reduced because AGROX con
tains graphite.
- AGROX protects seed against insects and
provides extra protection against dis
eases, a dual advantage that’s especially
important now because of high priced
seed and high replanting costs. See your
dealer. Follow directions on the label.
AGROX is a registered trademark of Chipman Chemicals Ltd
in a bowl and. mix well.
Batter will be a little thin.
Bake in preheated 350 degree
oven for 25 minutes or until
tests done. Frost with
favorite icing or merely sift
some confectioners sugar
over this cooled cake.
Malinda Blank
Newville, Pa.
S' V
Watergate Salad or
1 box dry instant Pistachio
1-16 oz. can crushed
1 large container whipped
topping thawed
Vz cup chopped nuts
Vz cup mini marshmallows
Do Not drain pineapple
just stir everything together
and put in a glass dish. It is
green pudding and very
Carol Ann Zimmerman
Nottingham, Pa.
Sugar Cookies
4 eggs
3 cups brown sugar
1 cup lard
cup sour milk
2 level tsp. soda
3 level tsp. baking powder
8 cups flour
Vi tsp. salt
% tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. lemon flavor
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Aprjl 17,1976
Combine ingredients and
Fannie B. Esh
New Providence, Pa.
Zesty Hot Spiced
2 cups canned applesauce
Vz cup light brown sugar
Vz tsp. cinnamon
V* tsp. allspice
2 tblsp. butter or margarine
1 tblsp. lemon juice
Combine everything in
saucepan and let it simmer
five minutes. This is a good
sauce to eat with pancakes.
Minnie Rieff
Lewisburg, Pa.
Plain Pancakes
Sift Together
1V« cups flour
V/z tsp. baking powder
% tsp. salt
1 tblsp. sugar
Mix 1 cup milk and 1 well
beaten egg and stir in just
until the flour is moistened.
Add 3 tblsp. melted butter or
margarine. Cook the pan
cakes on a heated, slightly
greased frying pan or
griddle, using V* cup batter
for each pancake. Turn when
top becomes bubbly. Top
with your favorite syrup.
Mabel Reiff
Lewisburg, Pa.
Macaroni Salad
2 cups cooked, cooled
5 tblsp. mayonnaise
1 tsp. salt
V* tsp. pepper
% of a small onion minced
% cup chopped ham
% cup Cheddar cheese
Mix everything in one
• Hybrid Corn - high yielding single
and special crosses.
• Alfalfa Seed - for any rotation or
• Forage Mixes - A mix for every
need (pasture, hay, haylage,
greenchop or green manure
• Hybrid Sorghum
and sorghum
Don't Delay.
$66 Your Pioneer PIONEER*
Salesman To-Day! Corn , Sorg hum.AiiL.a
® Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi Bred International,
large mixing bowl. Serves 4
to 6
Mrs. Lester Rieff
Lewisburg, Pa.
Strawberry Tapioca
4 cups water
6 tblsp. large balls tapioca
pinch of salt
cook about % hour
Then add when hot 1 box 3
oz. strawberry jello, Vz cup
sugar. Cool then add: 1 qt.
crushed strawberries, 1 pt.
whipped cream
Here is Colonal John C.
Coolidge father of President
Calvin Coolidge recipe for
Famous Mince Pies.
Mince Meat
1 lb. boiled beef
1 lb. suet
% peck apples
1 lb. currants
2 lbs. raisins
% lb. citron
2 lb. sugar
2% qts. cider
pinch of salt
cloves and nutmeg to taste
Apples pared and chopped
fine, currants, raisins, and
citron chopped and all boiled
with cider and sugar about
four minutes then pour over
ground or meat chopped
fine. Grind or chopped suet.
Add salt and spices last. A
little jelly or fruit juice
improves it.
Dorothy M.Knaub
Red Lion, Pa.
grain, forage,