—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, 1976 16 4-H goat club organized Officers of the Blue Mountain 4-H Goat Club look over 4-H project book at their recent organization meeting. From left, Sharon and Susan Karsok, Ringtown, secretaries; Cheryl Esch bach,Kempton, vice-president; Mike, Jim, and Dave Najarian, Kempton, president, treasurer, and social chairman, respectively. Plans for. future meetings include educational activities such as learning how to judge goats, care for goats, fit and Cholera State and federal hog cholera quarantines were lifted from Salem county, N.J. April 5 the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported. Still under hog cholera quarantine in southern New Jersey are Gloucester, Camden, and Burlington counties, according to of ficials of USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, (APHIS). ln quarantined counties, swine may move direct to slaughter, but only after a permit is issued by a state or federal animal health of ficial. Swine from counties outside the federal quarantine area are sub jected to state requirements. The entire state of Rhode Island and all but six counties of Massachuestts (Berkshire, Hampshire, Franklin, Hampden, Dukes, and Nantuckett) are likewise quarantined for hog cholera. show goats, and other related management practices. In addition, the members plan to take trips and tours, and participate in dairy goat shows. Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month at the Penn State Schuylkill Campus. The club is open to all boys and girls in Schuylkill, Carbon, and Lehigh counties between the ages of 8 and 19 who are interested in learning more about the care of goats. quarantine eased Though highly infectious and often fatal to swine, the disease affects no other animals and is harmless to people who eat meat. APHIS officials said this is the second relaxation of the federal quarantine in New Jersey since the entire state was quarantined on March 2. The first such action came March 16 when the quarantine was reduced to four counties. Hog cholera in New Jersey swine herds was diagonsed Feb. 24- the state’s first case in slightly over three years. It was only the fourth out break in the nation in the past two and a half years. Thus far, all cases in New Jersey have been confined to Gloucester county. In new Jersey, nine in fected and 12 exposed herds comprising about 16,000 hogs have been destroyed as a means of preventing further spread of the disease. In Massachusetts and Rhode Island, six infected and 15 exposed herds containing about 3,300 hogs have been destroyed. Owners are in demnified for swine losses. A cooperative state federal hog cholera eradication program was begun in late 1962 with the aim of eliminating the disease in this country. Field teams of state and federal animal health officials are in the outbreak areas, working to contain and wipe out in fection. Plus FET from $l5O to $2 80 Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. Tolban is a new preplant herbicide for alfalfa. Here’s how it’s different. It cuts your cost for a preplant -material about in half. It doesn’t stunt your seedling crop. You get a first cutting of pure unweedy alfalfa this spring no nurse crop. We’ve got new Tolban. We’d like to tell you more about it. Call us. Tofban™trademark of CIBA-GEIGY for profluralin P. L. ROHRER & 800., INC. SMOKETOWN, PA SPRING TIRE SALE Not just another herbicide YESTER FLEETWOOD 440 THE BEST FOR LESS PH. 717-299-2571 MICHELIN BLEMS barf