V>~ Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 13, 1976 Thomasville 4-H meets The Thomaavllle 4-H Community club m«( at the 4-H Center for there monthly meeting. The American and 4-H pledgee were led by Roy Thornpaon and Ned Henlicl respectfully. Song* were led by Allen Keeney. Bonnie Wire and Nancy Elsenhart These reports were given; County Council. Paul Myers 111 Achievement Night Kelly Rentzel. Promotion Week. Bonnie Wire, County Achievement Night Tina Parr Kick-off week will be observed by the club by placing an exhibit in WANT BETTER MILKING WITH GREATER RESULTS? BOU-MATIC Bucket Units - Stainless Steel or Glass Pipelines ALL KINDS OF MILKING EQUIPMENT IN PLACE WASHING AUTOMATIC TAKE OFF - IN PLACE STIMULATING ■