Nitrogen stabilizer developed I Continual frost Pagt I with anhydrous ammonia or urea solution fertilizers at rates equivalent to one-half to one quart per acre, N-Scrve tends to increase yields, or maintain yields in the face of decreased use of these fertilizers. Disease resistance is also enhanced. For example, of 1M tests for which data had been tabulated by December 1, 1975, a total of 104, or 83 percent, showed LATE WINTER SALE 15% OFF \ low-cost portable ■_ _ _,A ■ Carry warm waathar . ' IlCal S * h . ,r ! v * r you °°. neoc* ■ ■ ...indoor* or out .. H6ST6R • Powerful .. provides 50,000 BTU's of fan circulated heat. ■ Portable . weighs 45 lbs. Less than 30" long • Peace of mind features an automatic protec non system. • Economica l . uses low r, .it kero.ene Mo I fi.el i.l for penmes per-hour comfort Ask for a free demonstration. GEHMAN BROS. Sales & Service 1 Ml. NO. OF TERRE HILL ON RT. 897 PHONE (215) 445-6272 YOUR NO. 1 STOP OUR EQUIPMENT WILL BE ON FOR LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT HUSKY 3100 Husky LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT MVIKJ Inquiries invited from outlying areas. SHENK'S FARM SERVICE E. Woods Drive Trailer Mounted Pumps 8-10-12 Ft. 3 point Hitch Mounted Pumps Tank Spreaders 1250 gal. Tandem 1875 gal. Tandem 2500 gal. Tandem 3100 gal Tandem Plow Down Attachments Available HUSKY €72 LIQUID MANURE PUMP yield Increases, according to R. L. Tennant, Dow’s Manager of Plant Nutrition. N-Serve (ailed to Increase yields In only 22 of the testa, and these were Instances where conditions for nitrogen losses did not occur. The tests were run on the four crops for which the stabilizer is registered com, wheat, grain sorghum and cotton at more than SO locations across the country. In addition, many other growers not formally involved in the tests reported similar successes with both fall and spring application of N- Serve. Ecological benefits also occur from the use of N-Serve because it minimizes the volatilization and leaching loss of nitrogen incorporated in the soil prior to planting. It achieves this by controlling many of the Nitrosomonaa bacteria which normally are responsible for the conversion of ammonia cal nitrogen to nitrite nitrogen. Therefore, the nitrogen remains in the ammonia cal form attached to soil particles, instead of converting to a form of nitrogen which can be carried off by rain or irrigation waters. In fact, sou scientists estimate that only half of the nitrogen farmers apply is utilized by their crops. The rest is lost through natural biological conversion, denitrification, leaching, and volatilization processes. Research indicates that N-Serve can cut this loss from 50 to only 30 percent and sometimes much less, Tennant says. This explains the success of fall fertilization with nitrogen plus N- Serve in the com belt. There, historically, nitrogen ap plication has been held off until the soil temperature drops to 50 degrees F to minimize nitrogen leaching. By then, too often there has not been enough time left to do the job. • However, with the addition of N-Serve, nitrogen can be applied sooner, and with N-Serve be can apply nitrogen at the spring rate. According to research at Purdue University, N-Serve or nitrapyrin in chemistry language is expected to give best results when applied to light soils which are subject to leaching losses, or to heavy, wet soils where denitrification is likely. This is especially true in years that are excessively wet and-or cold and where nitrogen is early-faU appUed. On the other hand, Purdue scientists point out that there will be little or no yield benefit in those soils or years with Uttle N loss caused by leaching or denitrification. No significant response would be expected where excessive rates of nitrogen were applied to compensate for leaching or denitrification losses. No response would be expected if the "BETTERBILT” Model 800 gal.; 1100 gal.; 1500 gal.; Lititz. PA 175 DISPLAY AND DEMONSTRATED. CHECK PAGE NUMBER 96 Vacuum Spreaders Attachments Available ■ : -^i* ==a 3 CHOPPER AGITATOR PUMP SALES—INSTALLATION—SERVICE 24-Hour Service Offered Phone 626-1151 2100 gal.; 3100 gal. Plow Down Lancatter Farming, Saturday. March 13.1976 nitrogen fertilizer used did not contain significant amounts of the ammonium form. Dow notes that N-Serve would benefit dealers and custom applicators from fall application because it enables them to level their peak work loads. And manufacturers of nitrogen benefit because fall fertilization comes at a time when they would otherwise have to shut down production due to lack of storage capacity. Protein and Lysine content of grains is also increased by the use of N-Scrve, says Tennant. Current research shows that contrary to earlier belief —“seedling crop plants better utilize nitrogen in the ammoniacai form than as nitrates. Perhaps even more significant, holding N in the ammoniacai form for the longer period mitigates certain crop diseases, particularly Pythium and Diplodia stalk root rot of com, footrot, or take-all and Leopard-Spot in wheat, and Vertidlllum wilt and Texas root rot of cotton. This disease reduction results in part simply from growing a healthier plant free of nitrogen stress, Tennant explains. But in the case of Pythium and Diplodia stalk rot of com, there is a more direct relationship: both these diseases ac tually feed on nitrate nitrogen. Overall, though, most com growers have reported healthier, stronger stalks growing on acreage treated with N-Serve. While researchers dig deeper into these relationships, Dow has ample evidence Indicating N-Serve will earn its way in yield increases anytime the amount of N applied is less than that which can be utilized by the crop being fed. “In some cases,’’ Tennant says, “a farmer can use 20 percent less fertilizer without appreciable reduction in yield if he adds N-Serve. But, unless we come into a period of critical shortage of N, we’d rather see him add N-Serve to the same amount of nitrogen he’s using now and increase his plant population or reduce row spacing to make better use of the ‘extra kick’ N-Serve gives him.’’ In any event, he adds, N-Serve is good medicine when nitrogen is a limiting factor, either because application is at a rate less than optimum, or because of nitrogen losses that have heretofore been beyond the farmer’s control. Best response usually can be expected in light soils subject to leaching or in heavy water-logged soils. However, throughout central and northern Illinois, for example, corn growing conditions were just about optimum in 1975 and the need for N-Serve might have been thought minimal. Yet the additive still increased yields substantially. Typically, Donald Hubbard, who farms 292 acres southwest of Lincoln, Illinois, fall-fertilized in 1974 about 18 acres with 160 Ib.-acre of N plus N-Serve and another 16 acres with 160 Ib.-acre of N alone. The plot treated with N-Serve yielded 197.11 bu.-acre adjusted to 15% percent moisture and the plot without N-Serve produced 190.45 bu.-acre. This yield dif ference of 6.66 bushels netted Hubbard an extra $13.15-acre. “If you like corn, don’t skimp on the nitrogen,” adds Hubbard who has been farming for 42 years. “And with N- Serve, the nitrogen will be there when you need it. I’m really sold on it for fall application.” At Land-O-Lakes’ Answer Farm near Fort Dodge, lowa, researchers added N-Serve to 100 Ib.-acre of N and harvested 127.9 bu.-acre of dryland cofn nine bushels more than was produced on similar land receiving the same amount of N without N-Serve. At $2.70 a bushel, the “profit” after cost of N-Serve would have been more than $2O-acre. Surprisingly enough, a field treated with 140 Ib.-acre of N produced less 113.3 bu.-acre. When N-Serve was added at this rate, the yield went up to 120.1 bu.-acre 6.8 bu.-acre more than without N- Serve. Says Tom Nauman, fertilizer specialist for Land-O-Lakes, a large cooperative serving some 50,000 growers in six corn belt states. “We feel real confident we can duplicate these gains next year—particularly if we have a wet spring again. This speeds nitrification and accelerates fertilizer losses. If you knew you were going to have ideal conditions, then maybe you wouldn’t want to use N-Serve. But the way we look at it, it’s good low-cost insurance.” Dr. Cleve A. I. Goring, head of Dow Chemical U.S.A.’s NEW! CHOICE PASTURE Introducing 5 exciting new pasture mixes from your Stanford Seed dealer. TRIPLE CROWN HORSE PASTURE MIXTURE - highest quality pasture mix for the professional horse breeder Includes hardy Tetraploid ryegrass and new Troy Kentucky btuegrass HOBBY HORSE - economical mixture for pleasure horse owners in cludes protein-nch Tetraploid ryegrass and legumes HIGHLAND - provides outstanding pasture on well-drained soils con tains new Troy Kentucky bluegrass Tetraploid ryegrass and Saranac alfalfa LOWLAND - quality mixture of grasses and legumesforlesswelldramed soils GENERAL**** '* - all-around pasture mixture with alfalfa clovers and grasses The choice la yoursi Order now Or send coupon today for complete information , 1 | {Mai! to either address below) ' j j YES I Stanfords new pasture mixes could be just what 1 need ■ I Please send me □ more information □ name of my nearest dealer ! I I have □ horses □ cattle □ (other) I NAME I | ADDRESS . (Street or Road) • • _ (City or Town) (Zip) ' ) I 1 THE STANFORD SEED CO. PO Box 366 Buffalo NY 14240 PO Box 230 Plymouth Meeting Pa 19462 [Continued on Page 20] 15