Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 21, 1976, Image 19
CENTRAL TRACTOR fr '\ S L. 'SAVE 30 00 Tillers These tillers have 4 cycle engines with easy pull recoil start, exclusive Turf-A-Matic drive control and remote control of Choke-O-Matic throttle Direct belt drive 3% h.p. sale lQQ99 2240? 258 Rag 22S 99 I 5 H.P. SALE 91 Q. 99 22409 258 Rag 259 99 /I Jl DYNAMARK MADE BY AMF Milk Replocer Higher quality than many milk replacers on the market. Compare for yourself and see the difference this quality can make in your animals. 27100-215 Reg. 12.99 “10 99 10 OR MORE 9.99 DISC BLADES • New Heat Treated Disc Harrow Blades Mad* of huvy gain* high carbon alloy staal, halt traatad for long trouble-free service Tha special forging procasa uaad gives the blades a finer grain in tha steel and makes it tougher, and much more abla to withstand rough usage Tbs cutting edges are hardened to hold their edge longer yet are not brittle and will not usily break or split when striking stones or other hard objects All fit sjsuere axle unleu Indicated. PLAIN BLADES Sin « £»%“«<•, 11 gauga, 7 Iba IO l"axla, 11 gauga. 7 Iba 1 %" axla, 11 gauge, 7 lb« 1%" axle, 11 gauge, • Iba 1" axla, 11 gauge, 9 Ibt.. <ni'l ’/<’ round axla, 11 gauged Iba IO 1%” axla, 11 gauga, 9 Iba . ... 1" axla, 9gauge, 13 Ibt... . 1%" axla, 9 gauga, 13 Ibt .. . 1 %' round axle 9 gauga, 13 Ibt 1%" axla. 0 gauga. 13 Ibt . . 1%” axla, 9 gauga, 14 Iba . .. 1" axla, 9 gauge. 14 Iba .. . fcw 1%“ rgund axla, 9 gauga, 14 Iba 1 %" axla, 9 gauga, 14 IS* HR»»1 Vi" axla, 7 gauga 13 Iba laxla 7 gauga, 13 lbs 25% mora anal thin regular fitM Complataly nvitid Panels mid* of 22 gains ■stoamaad steal Compton with screw hooks, hingas and slide latch 14 FT. SALE 0q.99 16 Ft. SALE 17676-257. -Reg. 35.79 17677253 rs«.4z.m MARTIN’S TUBULAR GATES .. .... . . . . ALSO AVAILABLE PricM aubjact to changa without notica—Wa rasarva tha right to limit quantitias—Sala pncas good for aala datas omyi CENTRAL TRACTOR HURRY! SALE PRICES GOOD ONLY THROUGH SATURDAY, FEB. 28, 1976. Central Tractor 5 Panel Steel Gates BUPePB i k PENHIjW *OTOR Oil Vtluvimli 1 ' we SALE Stock No •06-261 •10-261 •10-261 |5T> «* .812-261 •12-261 .•2S-261 •2(-2«1 . •2(-261{ . «2«-261> •30-261 •30-261 S;3> 529 *.7t/ 6.59 818-26* Sit-261 629-261 829-261 io.irv 827-261 827-261 11.89 r 8” 1590 Manheim Pike, Lancaster Phone 569-0111 Open Mon.- Sat. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. SAVE up to 27% Famous Brand Motor Oil SALE RRt ■ ■ par quart straight waight Rag. .65 par quart SALE CRt UJ Rag. .75 par quart , SAVE 4500 SALE 15499 Space Heater Uses kerosene or #1 fuel oil, 94,000 BTU, heated air output of 350 cubic feet per minute 23985-260 34" Air Compressors - 134 99 V« h.p. sin' 1 * cyfinder. 12 callon air tank with 15’ air hose and lire chuck. 3.6 c.f.m., 115 volts. Maximum working pressure, 100 p.s.i. 19743-106 .... Reg. 159.99 Reg. 199.99 SEASON END CLEARANCE Lancaster Firming, Saturday. Feb. 21.1976- y« h.p. 99 Pull , winch or puller, three-sisteenth" leverage, 1 (on Reg. 28 29 SAVE 4 70 SALE Siyss SALE Pickup Tool Box Fits most standard pickups 22185-269 SALE B9" 1 / 2 H.P. Compressor Vi h p single cylinder 7% gallon air tank Includes 15 air host and tira chuck 3 2 cf m 115 *olts Maximum working pressure 100 psi 17942 106 CLEARANCE 249“ Clear Vue Cabs This cab is a combination of metal, fiberglas. and vinyl Has sturdy, matal upper cab with tmtad tempered glass all around Can ba osad mdapandantly by removing lower section Lower cab is made of heavy duty material to fit your tractor Fits all tractors with fenders Side an try 24600-214 Raft-3*9 99 Aluminum Asbestos Fibered Roof Coating This asphalt basa product provides a waterproof coating for outside wall surfaces as well as roofs. It not only protects and preserves, it insulates. 5 Gallons 13974-272. Rag. 22.69 SAVE 20 00 7999 \ BamkaSericard HE2S3I your r [ master charge L t..f ,Ntf «n»N» r Rag 109 99 Rag. 99.99 19