Solanco Coatai* 4 km hft 1 The hardest part of the venture had been getting a good even aland, according to the Solanco FFA'er. ‘'l had to really be careful when planting and it took a longer time," Her shberger noted. "Although we plant a lot of corn each year, this one acre took a whole lot of time and effort." Dan is a sophomore at Solanco High School and a second year member of the FFA chapter. Along with his com raising projects, Dan has a small dairy operation with five Holstein heifers and cows. One of his favorite projects has been with the Solanco pheasant egg service and the youth has sheltered and incubated numerous quantities at his home. Dan has also served on the Community service project committee and has been a member of the state FFA Band. Along with his FFA work, Dan is an active member of the Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren youth group and spends much of his free time working on his parent’s farm. Twelve other members of PR! SEASON SPECIAL CIRCLE & READ GRAIN BINS SHENK'S FARM SERVICE Dan Hershberger (right) accepts a trophy from Ron Althoff. ag instructor at Solanco High School. Hershberger was the top one acre corn grower in the state and received the award from the Pa. Crop Improvement Association. the Solanco FFA par ticipated in the contest and were recognized for their acre yields. Honored in the 175-200 bushel per acre class were Lea Hershey, Bruce Kreider and Richard Drumm; 150-175 acre class - Ron Clark, Randy Ranck, Dave Cunnigbam, Marshall Trimble, Joe Overly and Joe Winters. Tim Hanks and Tom Galbreath were ON GRAIN EQUIPMENT GT Recirculating Batch Continuous Flow Diyer 501 E. WOODS DRIVE, LITITZ, PA 17543 PHONE (717) 6261151 recognized in the 125-150 bushel class. Jim Krantz also placed with 120 bushels per acre. Ron Althoff, Arba Henry and Or. William Fredd were in charge of the chapter’s contest. TRY A CLASSIFIED From 1000 Bushels - 100,000 Bushels BOU-MATIC BULK MILK TANKS USED MILK TANKS 600 gal. Mojonnier 500 gal. Mojonnier 400 gal. Mojonnier \ 2-400 gal. Jamesway 1-425 gal. Esco PLETE PROGRAM SALES-INSTALLATION—SERVICE 24-Hour Service Offered to meet your storage needs Farm Calendar {Continued from fact 10) Couples from their counties that attended either the 1973-74-75 Penna. Young Cooperator Couples Conference. Ember’s Restaurant, Carlisle, 9:45 a.m. Swine facilities tour by the Ephrata Young Fanners, 8:45 at the high school. Make reservations by Feb. 24. Feb. 27 Elizabethtown Young Farmers banquet, 7 p.m. at Rheems Fire Hall. Atlantic Breeders District 3 meeting (S. Dauphin, Lebanon, W. Berks Counties) 10 a.m. at Mount Zion Fire Hall. In conjunction with Dairy Day for that area. Feb. 28 Penna. Pork Producers Meeting, Sheraton Inn, Gettysburg, 1:00 p.m. Buck Tractor Pullers’ banquet and meeting, Harvest Drive Restaurant, Intercourse, 6:30 p.m. New Jersey Flower Show opens and runs through March 7, Norristown Armory. ' 7 I Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 21,1976 . Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. Valuable calves need a clean and fast-gaining environment, totally free of disease and those sanitation problems so common to an indoor pen. The calf stall design should make it impos sible for a calf to spread disease to other calves. The New Martin CALF STALLS You can do more with MARTIN CALF STALLS to save your calves and be certain they realize their full potential. And you can do all of this most conveniently. Keeping our calf stall clean and sanitary is easier because of the one-piece steel sidewall construction—and the removable floor that lifts out for very thorough cleaning. Each stall comes complete with two buckets for feeding, a chain and a removable metal hayrack. Place your order now for MARTIN CALF STALLS and know how easy it is to protect all of your valuable calves to give each one a perfect start. CONTACT YOUR SELECTED MARTIN DEALER 15
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