—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 14. 1976 36 USED FARM MACHINERY- New Holland 357 Grinder-Mixer. 2 years old; 424 International Harvester Tractor, 3PT Hitch • Excellent Condition - 4 years old - Used only for a short time Please contact Charles J. Knox Whlteford, Md. 21160, or Phone (301) 836-1418; Before 8 30 a m or after 7 00 p m UK jSurr - Protects Year Fann Against Power Failure Your profits go down when power goes o'H Let us show you how you can prefect vour family and (arm from costly annoying power outages by leasing or buying a Empower alternator HMlUralMkU DISTRIBUTOR MARVIN J. HORST Dairy Equipment and Amana Appliances R D #1 ((ona( Lebanon PA Phone |717|272 0871 Located on Route 897 between Schaefferstown and Lebanon over 30 years in business at same place | 1975 FORD 5000 All Purpose Diesel, dual power, power adjust wheels, front weights, remote valve, Full 1 year iactory warranty. *9lOO 1972 FORD 70CQgL | O%ose Diesel, load monitor & cylinSljU"J' | res, completely overhauled, like nS.. *9500 New FORD 340 Compact Loader, 30 H.P. Wisconsin engine, close out model, Full warranty. *5900 1962 FORD Tractor-Loader-Backhoe Diesel, 13 ft. hoe. *4500 1964 INTERNATIONAL 504 Diesel, 1850 hrs, original, good rubber, wide front, ex. cond. *3900 ALUS CHALMERS Dl7 Gas, wide front, 3 pt. hitch attachment, 4 bot. plow and cylinder, good condition. *2900 New FORD BIG BLUE, 200 bu Manure Spreader, with tires. *lBOO 1974 INTERNATIONAL Cub Cadet, 14 H.P., hydrostatic, Used 1 season. *ITOO NEW HESSTON POTATO HARVESTER (2) Model 445, Just Arrived From Factory. Special Introductory ONLY Month of February *16,000 WE SHIP PARTS ANYWHERE Watch for Our Open House r— -s DEL-MAR FORD W TRACTOR, INC. BBSS Rte. 42 JUST WEST OF U.S. 13 liUUlattiiflJ CHESWOLD, DEL. 19936 PH: 302-678-8484 1 HESSTON . mm IAHIUU SS FARM EQUIPMENT 11 BHHB Form Equipment 1-argc selection of Tractors - Case 1200 4 _ wheel drive; M.F. Super ‘ 90 with dual wheels; Dl9 AC. with mounted plow; J D . Ford, David Brown, Oliver, Lcyland, Dcutz, Moline, Massey Harris and Porsche Diesel, Tractors with loaders and backhoes, skid steer loaders, payloaders, crawler tractors with loaders and backhoes, roll-over plows, rotobar rakes, wheel rakes, grinder mixers, cultunulchers, cultipackers, disk harrows, spreaders, corn shellers, roller mills, tank spreaders and harvesters. 4-row plateless com planter, fertilizer spreaders, steel wheel wagons, haybine balers, 2 & 4 row cultivators, mowers, Oliver 5B hyd. reset plow, 1,2, 3,4, 5 bottom plows, grain drills, blowers, elevators, rotary scythe, landscaping equipment. 100’s of tractors to choose from. Lot of equipment not listed. CLYDE E. KEENER 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 Intersection of Rts. 72 & 283 Phone 717-569-9861 Form Equipment Famuli 1466 with cab 6c air. 826. 806. 706, M.H. John Deere 4430, 4020, 3020, 3010, 2010. Oliver 1655,1850, Ford 800, BN. 4,5, 6c 6 bottom plows. Disk harrows. Large selection of used chuck wagons. New Sc used bale wagons, used balers New Holland 354 feed mill like new, used Gehl 120 mill. New Gehl round baler at last year’s price. New & used Fox choppers. Knight 350 bu. spreader used 6 months with hyd. tailgate $2600. New Hawkbilt 207 spreader New White 4 row no-till planter New White 5 bottom automatic reset plow $3850. New Woods 10 rotary mower. John Deere 95 combine, Oliver 545 combine. New Idea 702 Uni tractor. 1974 Ford F-600 with 20’ flat body only 24,000 miles $5200. 1968 Chevy 1 ton stake body dump. 9 ton General trailer. New Hillsboro gooseneck trailers. 1968 Ford E-600 with 14’ body & hoist. Used Oliver loader for 1850. Used Hough pay loader $1275. Used New Idea 3231 row picker. John Deere 494 & 494 A planters. New 300 gallon sprayers $l2OO. 1941 Chevy pick up truck $1275. 1974 Ford 477 engine run 2000 miles $B5O. complete. 1973 Chevy 65 series truck with 366 engine and Grove 22’ super 10 rollback body, excellent condition $9750. D&R Equipment, Inc. Kingoes, NJ (201)782-5082 BRAND NEW J.D. 4630 w-4 wheel drive - no cab BRAND NEW MILLER DISK 12 ft. $4900. more or less New Int. 100 Hydro, no cab (5) A.C. Dl7 Series 4 Tractors w-3 pt. hitch & WF’s New 666 Diesel 766 Diesel with 250 hrs. 706 with German Diesel (2) Deutz 1006 with 100 HP. (3) New 1066’s coming in March, place your order soon (2) Super MTA's Farmall 656 Diesel w-TA Farmall 1066 w-100 hrs. Farmall 656 Hydro, Diesel 1466 w-Cab & Air Farmall 656 Gas A.C. D-19 Diesel Int. 230 Farmall Gleaner Model F corn-soybean special, 2 hds. Gleaner C II w-2 heads I.H. 315 Hydro. Combine Int. 715 Combine w-both hds., Good New Idea 2-row wide Pull Picker (1) Brand New 225 bu. Int. 550 Spreader w-hyd Tail Gate $2,200 Several Shellers for N.l. pullor mtd. Pickers 702 Uni W-729A Shelter and husker Several Silage Choppers & Heads for Uni Athens Series 131 Disk, 10 ft. cut J.D. 148 Loader Mustang Skid Loader 15 ft. No 315 Int. Roller Harrow J.D. TWA Plowing Disk Case 930 CK Diesel w-side Belt Pulley (good Amish tractor) RAYMOND B. LEAMAN Willow Street RDI Phone Lancaster 464-2480 Midway between Lancaster f> Quarryville off Rt. 222 (Take Brenneman Road at Graybitt Bros Garage, Refton) FOR SALE: Tractors: Famuli 560- D. M St C w-widc front end: Famuli A w-cultivators & mower; Ford 9-N, Ferguson 20; Massey 44; Famuli M Sc D for parts. Plows: J.D. 7 bottom 16" on land hitch (real clean) J.D. 12’ cultimulcher; 2, 3 and 4 bottom plows all makes; others available. Combines: I.H. 101 w-10’ head; J.D. 45-10’ head; Massey 80-10’ head; Massey 26-8’ head; Massey 35-10' head; I.H. 64 pull type w-bin (very clean); I.H. 203 w cab - 10’ head; Massey 410-D-12’ head; Massey 510-D -12’ head; Massey 92- 10’ head. Balers: N.H. 66 & 78 power take off. Pickers, disks, wagons, blowers, com planters, and other equipment available. Buy your equipment off season and save. If we do not have the type of equipment you desire, we can possibly get it for you. We also do customized hauling and we have the experience to do the job with two straight trucks, 40 ft. van; and 43 ft. low boy trailer truck. Cali: KEITER’S USED FARM MACHINERY 362-9574 or 362-9096 anytime (Located along Route 225 -RDI Halifax, PA) USED EQUIPMENT Form Equipment Farm Equipment MACHINERY COMPANY Route 100, Eagle, PA NEW EQUIPMENT IN STOCK (2) White 5400 4-row air corn planters w mimmum til. Glenco 12 x h ft Field Cultivator Glenco Chisel Plow, Pull 9 Tooth Athens Chisel Plow, Pull 7 Tooth White 348 3B 18" Cushion Trio Plow White 5B 549 Auto Trip Plow White 244 Backhoe & Loader w-rop Save $5,5(30, White 4-25 L Bobcat Loader White 244 Fork Lift 14’, 300 hrs. $7,500. Danuser Post Hole Digger 75 sets of rear tractor chains, all sizes. USED EQUIPMENT Good road Snow Blower, Ford Ind. Engine for ftr. end Loader, All controlled by Hydraulics, used 5 hrs Oliver 251 10'4" Disk (2) Oliver 540 4-row Corn Planter J.D. 60 Gas Tractor w-3 pt. hitch. Oliver No. 64 13x7 Gram Drill (2) Highway Mowers for Sato Tractors 460 9 ft. New Holland Haybine Phone (215) 458-5326 TRACTORS John Deere (new) 8430 four wheel drive fully equipped, used 7020 four wheel drive, 4630, 4430, 4230 power shift with 100 hrs., 4320 with Cab and air, 4620, 4520, 4320 no cab, 5020, 2 late model 4020’5, (4) 1968-4020’5, 3020 diesel, 3020 gas, 4010, 3010,2510, 2020, 1020 with loader, 830 diesel like new, 2010, 720, A. Allis Chalmers - (new) 200 for $13,000., used 7050, 7030, 210,220, XT190,021,180„ Dl9. Massey Ferguson 1155 Cab and duals like new, 1080, 180, 165, 50. Farmall (new) 966, 1466, 1066,100 hydro., used (3) 1066, 1206, 856, 806, 826, 706, 656, 560 diesel and gas, 460, 424, MTA. Case (new) 1070, used 1370 with Cab and duals, 630, 530. Ford 8600, used 5000, 6000. David Brown 1200. White (new) 2-105 with cab, 2-150 with Cab, 4-150 four wheel drive, used Oliver 2255 with Cab and duals like new, 1855 with Cab, 1850, 1855 no Cab, 1800,1650, 2150, 2050, 880. GRAIN DRILLS - John Deere 8300, 8250, FBB, (new) Massey Ferguson 33, International No. 510, (4) John Deere roll guards for most tractors. New Holland3s2 Grinder mixer. DISCS- (new) White 13 foot plowing disc, Oliver and Massey Ferguson 20 foot wing discs, (new) Brillion 18 foot transport harrows. John Deere 25 foot chisel plow with wings. COMBINES John Deere 3300 diesel, John Deere 7700 diesel Hydrostatic. John Deere 7700 diesel gear, John Deere 6600 diesel, 1974 John Deere 4400 gas with cab & air used 156 hours, 4400 gas with 500 hours, 105 Corn Special diesel with Cab, 95,40. Gleaner 1972 GD. fully equipped, G gas, C 11. Massey Ferguson 510 diesel Cab and air Quick tach, 300, old 510 diesel, 410 gas. Case 1160 diesel, For your needs call: PAUL STITZEL 734 Windsor St., Hamburg, PA 19526 Phone Bus. 215-562-8377 Home 215-562-7451 EAGLE 1660. International 315, 205 and New Idea 701 with Combine, 702 with sheller. Also 729A,' 729 Uni shellers with 3 row 30” and 40” beads. CORN HEADS John Deere new and used 643, 843,443,444,343,244, used 435, 434, 335,334,235, 234, 205. Massey Ferguson 44, 33,24,421,222 for 300 and 82. Gleaner F 335, A 330, C II 430 used 30 acres. Oliver 544. International 763 six row, 743 four row, 227, 228,3 row for 38” for 315. CORN PICKERS - (New) New Idea 2 row 30” and 40” pull with 8 and 12 row beds, 4 like new wide and narrow row with 8 and 12 roll beds and shellers, 3 row pull picker with sheller, New Idea mounted with 12 roll bed, (New) 323 one row. John Deere 237. Kill Brothers grain boxes. New Holland 276 baler with thrower CORN PLANTERS - (New) John Deere 7000 six row with monitor fully equipped, (3) new John Deere 7000 four row 30” and 40”, used John Deere 6 row 30” plateless with monitor, 4 row 1240 plateless, 4 row No. 1300 fully equipped. (New) White 4 row plant aire with no til attachment, new and used In ternational 4 row Cydo air, No. 56, 455. HARVESTERS - New Holland 770 like new, 717. John Deere 38 with 2 row head, also John Deere 38 with 244 two row for Hi Moisture Cob com. Fox 2 row with 30” head. New Holland 27 Whirl A feed blower. (New) New Idea haybine, (new) Hesston 1014 hydraulic drive haybine. (New) John Deere 1209 haybine. PLOWS - (New) White 5X reset, (new) John Deere 4XIB, SXIB trips. All makes used 4,5, 6,7 X trips and automatic reset, late model Oliver 8X on land hitch. John Deere and Athens 10,11, 12,13 chisel plows. Oliver 7X hydraulic reset.
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