Help Wanted Wanted mechanically Inclined for £*>stallaUon and service on ’milking and farm equip ment. Experience helpful, but not necessary. Pnone 717-274-1430 Wanted • Hired boy 14, IS or 18 yean old. Melvin S. Nolt, East Earl ROl, 17519 717-354- 5360 Help Wanted - Experienced full time herirr—. Tor n.v modern free stall milking parlor operation. One day a week oft. Home with all utilities. Employer seeking person interested in good future. Long term benefits available. Call 201-855-2616 MILKING PROBLEMS! CALL YOUR NEW SURGE DEALER JAMES LEFEVER BUS. PH. (717) 786-1533 HOME PH. (717) 529-2618 SERVICEMAN CHARLES WAGNER (717) 529-2358 COVERING SO. LANC. CO. & SO, EASTERN YORK CO. AREAS. 24 HOUR SERVICE - 7 DAYS A WEEK JIM’S SURGE SALES & SERVICE S. CHURCH ST., P.O. BOX 37 QUARRYVILLE, PA LOC. NEXT TO POST OFFICE mJVMer *&> Feb. 24 and 25 We have rototillers, plows, cultivators, disk harrows and planters for mounting on cadets. SPECIAL on all SNOW BLOWERS. Help Wonted If you are interested in working for a top Penn sylvania Holstein herd with good wage, vacation, fringe Benefits & a modern house. Call Bud Holmes, 717-632- 0672 Person Wanted - Married man to work on geese farm. No daily. Small feedlot & crops. Have modern large house & all utilities provided. Liberal salary plus paid Insurance & all fringes, excellent op portunity. Write or call Baum's Meat Packing, Lansdale, PA 215455-4741 Wanted - Herdsman for Registered Holstein Herd, and also man for general farm work. 301-863-3537. ROUTE SALESMAN JIM CARPENTER (717) 464-2361 • Quality Parts Servicemen. 5 MODEL CADETS REDUCED COME IN AND SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION. Help Wonted Dairyman wanted, some field work required. Ex perience necesaarv. References required. PH: 215-932-9782 Wanted - Full-time family man for a modem dairy & crop operation. Experience & references a must. Good home, benefits & salary. PH: 215-5684097 TRUCK OPERATORS Steady employment, many benefits & com mission. Requirements: 25 yrs & older with farm background. G & G FEEDS PH: 717-665-5001 YOU CAN BE OUTSTANDING In your field. A midwestern based company is looking for persons with an agricultural background to sell prestigious products in your area. You will be Given a step-by-step plan that guarantees your independence, success, and finnnHal security. Backed by an organization of absolute in tegrity and dependability. Starting an exciting adventure of personal growth and self-development. Trained to earn an almost unlimited income. Given an opportunity to train and manage others. If you are truly ambitious, open minded, and ready to start tapping your real potential call for an ap pointment. (Possibilities for part time positions for qualified persons.) HERBERT L HESS MGR. CONKLIN CO., INC. RDS Box 460 Manheim, PA 17545 Area Code 717-665-4351 Trucks Brand New 1975 CMC 4 wheel drive Pickups and Jimmys. 50 to choose from. Priced at $4500. or |4BOO. also 1976 CMC 1 ton Vandura Delivery Vans ready to work. Call REEDMAN PONTIAC DATSUN-GMC Rt. 13, Bristol, Pa. 215-788-6454 Exit 29 on Pa. Turnpike Come Visit Us for Something Hot to Take the Chill Off of Winter and Take Advantage of Our Specials for a Better Year in 1976. 10% CASH DISCOUNT ON ALL PARTS REGISTER FOR DOOR PRIZES CHICKEN CORN SOUP Served From 12:00 to 8 P.M Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 14,1976 Trucks For Sale - ’63 Chevy truck, 60 £° r Sale - InterMUomjl IJBO Scries with new paint and « new inspection. 717-7334)553 ask^g * 3,795, 717 ‘ 1975 W-200 four wheel drive pickup 1973 D-100 Club Cab Pickup 1972 Vi ton Pickup 6 cyl. auto. 1972 X A ton Pickup 8 cyl. auto. 1972 Va 9000 lb. pickup 8 auto. 1971 Vi ton pickup 8 cvl. stick 1968 Vi ton pickup H.D. 6auto (Like New) PETTICOFFER DODGE, INC. Route 230 East Next to Shopping Center Eluabethtown, PA PHONE 367-1808 I ST. MOUKTVIUE, PA PHONE (717) 28S-4538 SPECIAL PRICES ON NEW TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT GOOD USED TRACTORS FARMALL 706 GAS FARMALL 400 DIESEL $1,500.00 FARMALL M POWER STEERING $1,400.00 FARMALL H- NEW PAINT $BOO.OO FARMALL CUB TRACTOR $1,400.00 A, a 555 HARVESTER w-TWO ROW ‘ WIDE CORN HEAD. >4,500.00 Trucks I ;..l $4,100.00 31
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