—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Feb. 14, 1976 30 For Sale - Self-spacing concrete hog slats in 4 ft. - 4 ft. 8 In. -6 ft. andB ft. lengths. Valentine T. Petershelm, Box 329 A R 2 Mifflin town, Pa. 17089 For Sale - JD 4-row front mounted cultivators. 1957 Chevrolet Truck stake dump, 50.000 original miles. All equipment excellent shape. PH: 717-752-3*25 For Sale - Oliver 16 in. single steel bottom trailer plow. Elam P. Kauffman, R 2, Honey Brook, Pa. 19344 For Sale • Maternal Robot 52.00. Hot water space eating unit $5O. PH; 215-754- 7012 1968 John Deere 105 “Com Special” combine. 14 ft. grain head, hydraulic reel lift, variable speed reel and pick up reel. 634 N com head $15,000. John Blue motoring pump for liquid fert. Tine Tooth tillage attachment for J.D. com planter. PH: 215- 297-5531 W. Maximuck Getting married, must sell IH 766 Diesel, wide front, TA, Differential lock, cab and air. 240 hours. Best offer. 215- 369-1200 For Sale - Square back sleigh, upholstered seat and trunk with brass shaft bells, good condition, $125.00. Phone 717-392-0644 For Sale - round bay racks. Amos S. Stoltzfus, Rl, Box 515. Beechdale Road, Bird in-Hand, Pa. spr7ng"oTfer" Mr. Farmer: If you are now using a silage fermentation control product you know that they will improve the qualify of the ferment, increase nutrient levels, extend the feeding capacity of the silo, plus many other fine extras. And if you have never tried these products now is the time. You’ll want to dip and save this ad so when you are ready to order you will be guaranteed this special spring price. Envesto is the only supplier of fermentation control products that can offer you the products from each of three distinct formulations that are “TOPS” in their classes. One of our products will fit into your management program. A . A e C# 4AO A ONE FORMULATION STOP "“#% 193 9 FOR ALL CROP MATERIAL THIS PRODUCT CARRIES A FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: DOES YOUR PRODUCT? TON SSSSK" ONE 80tr lb. ASPERGILLUS ORYZAE BASED PRODUCT IM-PRUV-fllL ORDERING: Send all early orders and deposits to our Latrobc Office where they will be confirmed. You and your nearest ENVESTO dealer wil be notified that your order has been received and soon *HI be arriving at the Depot nearest you. 'Special Price appfies to orders of 2001>. and more, cash with order, and F. 0.8. Ernesto Storage Depots located in Lancaster area, Berwick area, Lewisburg, Carlisle, Bedford area, Somerset area, Latrobe area, Zclienople, Jamestown, E. Stroudsburg and Ford Gty. TERMS: Cash with order for special offer. Deadfine offer. TERMS: Cash with order for special offer which ends March IS, 1976. 10% deposit will guarantee regular price of 90c per pound throughout the season. Smv€4& t S*tte*ftU4e& Agriculture Supplies and Services Sales Manager Star Route Frank I. Sporie Box 51 412-539-2689 La P.M. only For Sale - 5700 Gal. Trail Mobile Trailer Tank, suitable for liquid nitrogen. Injood shape. PH: 215-286- Int. 504 Utility Tractor w -2,000 Idr., combination 60” bucket. |5OOO. PH: 215-268- 2078 Int. 504 D, Int. 311 3 bot. plow, fast hitch, excellent condition. $3500. PH: 717-432- 4077 Massey Ferguson 85 Diesel 72 h.p., rebuilt engine, ex cellent condition $2900. Also Bush Hog, 6 ft. heavy duty rotaiy mower, with hay side panel. Used very little, $7OO. Call 301-472-2208 For Sale - Massey Ferguson Model 300 Combine both heads good condition. MC Model 250 continous flow grain dryer. Ford Tractor on stilts with John Bean 8 row For Sale - Gehl 440 Haybine, S boom & pump. Will used 2 seasons, like new er Joe Slovak, condition. Asking $2300. PH; i&sab nV Wanted - I .ate Model farm MANURE PITS eouSent Highest SS 2? ft - « «•; 88 «. price paid. For farmer diameter. 12 ft. depth, dr starting in business. Call 201- P rec f *J conCTete with jwocosi gumte coated interior. "IMMERMAN ENDS. INC. RDl.EphraU, PA 17522 Phone: 717-733-6166 For Sale -1 Used No. 50 Int Harvester with corn and grass beads. Good condition. New Pittsburgh disks & Use< i j o hn Deere 1020 RC and Diesel Tractor, years prices. PH: 837-3201 EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO. INC. 30 Evergreen Road Lebanon, PA 717-273-2616 For Sale or Trade - Mc- Cormick-Deering 15-30 Tractor. CaU Eve. 717-588- 6350. silsGair ... the ensilaton BENEFICIAL BACTERIA BASED PRODUCT Stuf€4i !» SdUnptiM* 1974 PTPA STATE 1974 and 1975 PTPA STATE SPONSOR PA 15650 jtrobe,. > Farm Equipment For Sale - Steel wheels for International or Farmall tractor. PH: 717-359-7855 For Sale - New Holland 278 Baler with PTO Thrower and Super Sweep, used 1 year. Phone 717-BW-7013 For Sale - Comlajge in 20 x 60 Harvcstore silo, lots of grain in it. Wide front end for International H, M and 200 series tractors like new. Warren C. Slingerland, Box 319. RDI, Mansfield, Pa. 16933 For Sale - New Pincor 25 KW PTO Alternator with shaft and trailer. Ronald H.Bagg Pincor Sales and Service R 1 Frederickaborg, PA 17028 717-865-5778 NO. 202 FOR LEGUME EROP MATERIAL NO. 303 FOR GRASS AND CEREAL GRAIN CROP MATERIAL AAt * ONE POUND TREATS ONE OU Per ib. TON ° F MATER,AL MINERAL BASED PRODUCT ONE FORMULATION FOR ALL CROP MATERIAL OfU * ONE POUND TREATS ONE OU per lb. TON 0F MATERIAL | ENVESTO ENTERPRISES, STAR ROUTE BOX 51, LATROBE, PA 15650 | ( 1 SEND MORE INFORMATION ABOUT: | I ] Stop-ALoss #1939 and product guarantee I 1 1 Im-Pruv-All Formulas I ( | silaGain ... the ensllator 1 [ ] SEND DEALERSHIP PARTICULARS AS lAM INTERESTED IN AN I ENVESTO DEALERSHIP. [ ] I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE MY NEAREST ENVESTO DEALER CALL ON ME. Please reserve, lb. of advantage of the special price oi NAME ADDRESS. CITY STATE. Form Equipment M. Diesel Tractor, good cond. N. 702 Gas Uni-Tractor 213 New Idea Manure Spreader 212 New Idea Manure Spreader M.F. 3-B pt. hitch plow ROY H. BUCK. INC. Ephrata 717-859-2441 Used John Deere F 125 5B16” Plow. Used Brillion LGS 144 12 ft. Pulverizer. LANDIS BEOS., INC. 1305 Manbeim Pike Lancaster, PA 717-393-3908 Lime & Fertilizer Spreaders. New Wiilmar and boom type spreaders and a few used ones in stock. C. U. Stoltzfus Mfg. Inc. Box 296 F, Morgantown, PA 19543 215- 286-5146 For Sale - Air compressor, used stand-by alternator PTO, 3 H.P. and 5 H.P. motor. New Handy-Man jack. Call 215-445-6409 For Sale - John Deere Cyclone B, excellent shape, recently overhauled $BOO. 215-384-8343 or 21M84-5546 For Sale - John Deere 2 row corn planter $500; 4” Auger Elevator 12 ft. $130.; Oliver 300 PTO Hammer Mill $650.; 2 PTH Field Sprayer $2OO. Poultry-Feeders-Nests- Waterers. 201-735-8389 after 7:00 P.M. CLIP AND SAVE as I am fer. Order will follow in next mail ZIP CODE Wanted - For tractor with For Sale - 020 John Deere pipe I, 3 pt. hitch, post hole tractor, 3 pt. hitch, good and York rake. 609- condition. 301-30841435 For Sale -16 ft, gooseneck „ n inn , stock trailer, tandem axle, Myers GP 100 gal. electric brakes, inspected. u s P r> y er w *f lofle and gun 717-653-6080 Myers engine driven ! wheelbarrow sprayer Used 6 & 8 row field sprayers ah Me y er mower and crusher Meeker narrows for sale. All combination sizes, all steel construction Hay Conditioners no wooden spools & Used Wagons replacabie axle ends. Also wis 2&4cvl envim* routing attachments for Jg PoVertniS* sssffiSet "s:irw o 'i5 r 3pr “ dera Manufacturing Co. 600-451- n.I. Spreader and Meyer 5700 Hay Conditioner Parts Used sprayer pump Welding and Fanricating. BEN FISHER 73 South Honks Road RDI, Rooks, PA Wanted - Vaughn manure pump, any condition. PH: 717-66&-3905 or 665-5454. Wayne Front Runner Horse Krunch is the total balancer high m taste appeal that adds the extra energy your horses don't get from hay or pasture alone. Front Runner furnishes ample vitamins, minerals and protein. Plus the energy of top quality grains. Pure cane molasses provides flavor that horses love. Front Runner is a clean, easy-to-handle feed The grains are crimped or cracked. Vitamins, minerals and other fine particle ingredients are combined into small pellets. Let your Wayne Dealer show you a sample. If you don’t know who he is, write Allied Mills, Inc., 110 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606. Your Wayne Dealer cares. That’s what makes the difference. USE WAYNE ANIMAL HEALTH AIDS TO KEEP YOU* LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY HEALTHY FOWL’S FEED SERVICE RD2, Peach Bottom, PA CHARLES E.SAUDER &SONS RDI. East Earl. PA to take BATZ FEED I SUPPLY Richland. PA STEVENS FEED MILL INC. Stevens. PA Farm Equipmanr Wayne” Care-Gram Hay or pasture... even with oats... can’t go it alone. \ > '4 W B'.-V/' Allied Mills Inc Chicago IL 60606 HERSHEY BROS Remholds. PA WHITE OAK MILL RDS, Manheim, PA WALKER COMPANY Gap. PA Form Equipment mm —, ITTJiTI WAYNE I |fiU| ANIMAL I ■RBI HEALTH I * IDB _J JE’MAR FARM SUPPLYING. Lawn, PA Phone 964-3444 BRANDT’S MILL SADDLERY SHOP 830 Maple St Lebanon. PA 17042 VAN-MAR FEEDS INC. Leesporf, PA MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE RD2, Columbia, PA DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. RDI Stevens. PA H.M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer, PA
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