Mewl NrwChremalax Brood-A-Rador Chicks, pallets, even piglets, ouy not realist they are basL'ng in the warmth o( modern electric best, but the poaltryman and farmer will appreciate the ease of In stallation and operating efficiency of the Chromalox R Brood-A-Rador - a new electric poultry and livestock brooder Just in troduced to the market. Developed by the Edwin L. Wlegand Division, Emerson Electric Co. the Brood-A- Rador is equally suitable for brooding and farrowing applications, and provides clean electric beat without noise of fumes. Its rigid aluminum construction and consequent light weight make the Brood-A-Rador easy to suspend in any desired indoor location. Heat is supplied by one Chromalox single-ended .475" diameter alloy ■heatbod element mounted in a polished aluminum reflector. The element terminates in a moisture resistant box. Chain and "S" hooks are supplied with the unit. A nickel plated protective grill Is an ad ditional safety feature. The Brood-A-Rador is available (ram stock in 120, 201 or 240 volts, all with a BTU rating of 4004. They are UL listed for indoor use in brooding and farrowing applications. Further information is contained in Bulletin PGI29 available (ram the Edwin L. Wlegand Division, Emerson Electric Co., 7500 Thomas Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15200. WATKK AB&ORBENTH AND DETECTOR* Potter Water-Enter cartridges have the unique ability to remove water from oil and other petroleum products both simply and automatically. If not removed, water trapped in tanks of petroleum products can cause contamination and corrosion damage. Water- Eaters allow water to be removed with no loss of product, which is not possible when pumps are used to remove accumulated water; they also save the time and labor required for emptying tanks completely. Water-Eaters can also be used to confirm the presence of water where it is suspected. More complete in formation on this product may be obtained from Potter Industries, 421 Dover Drive, Des Plaines, Illinois 60018. SIMM € LOCAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Use This Handy Chari To Figure Your Cos! Words |l|lssa* 13) Issues) 14 or Less $1 40 13 36 15 1 50 3 60 16 1 60 3 84 17 1 70 4 08 18 1 80 4 32 19 1 90 4 56 20 2 00 4 80 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number, c/o Lancaster Farming) 50 cents additional Ads running 3 or more consecutive bmes with no change billed at 20 percent discount. Deadline Thursday of each week's publication Lancaster Farming R 0 Box 266 Lihtz. PA 17543 Phone Lancaster 717-394 3047 or Lihtz 717-626-2191 Sperry New Model 276 Baler Stop in and make a deal on the Sperry New Holland Model 276 Baler. This 14" x 18" baler is built extra rugged to' handle tough crops. It's designed to work hard and give years of dependable service. ' Already have a new baler? Then stop in and see our Sperry New Holland Automatic Bale Wagons and Mower-Conditioners. They're priced to sell, too! Come in for a free estimate and see our line of Sperry New Holland farming equipment at... L H. Brubaker C. I. Wiley & Son, Inc. 350 Strasburg Pike 101 S. Lime St Lancaster Quarryville 397-5179 786-2895 Shollenberger Farm Supplies 4th & Pine Sts Hamburg, Pa 215-562-2005 Stanley A. Klopp, Inc. Bernville, Pa 215-488-1500 215-488-1510 Roy A. Brubaker 700WoodcrestAve Lititz, Pa 626-7766 Ask about Free Finance on Hay Equipment until June 1, 1976. Forage Equipment until Sept. 1, 1976. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Feb. 14,1976 PHONI 717-394-3047 er 717424-2141 Situations Wanted Situatlbn* Wanted Full-time help needed on Dairy Farm. Experience necessary. References. PH: 717-393-4683 Wanted - Farm Position, Beef, Dairy, Hogs, Poultry, Sheep. Orchard, willing to learn from ground up with working farmer. Part nership or participation later. Background in Banking and Finance. Married Robert Faaaett, 18 B Knozbury Terrace, Greenville, South Carolina 29801 ” fa P'S Albert J. Ness RD2 Oley, Pa 215-987-6257 Agri-business salesman desires lob in Eastern Pennsylvania. Ex cellent trade record. Write: c-oBox2MN Lancaster Fanning Utitz, PA 17543 Dairy Herdsman desired position on dairy farm, experience preferred. AI experience and general nerd health and record keeping. 215-944-0197 Farm Equipment Wanted- New Holland Model 455 or 456 mower. Write Elmer Fisher, Pond Road, Ronks, Pa. 17572 For Sale- MJF. Super 90 with 18-4-30 dual tires 2600 hrs. food condition. Also 880 M.F. bottom 16 in. hyd. reset plow. PH: 215-682-2538 Holland I. G. Ag Soles Silverdale. PA 18962 215-257-5136 A.B.C. Groff, Inc. 110 S Railroad Ave New Holland 354-4191 Kermit K. Kistler Lynnport, PA 215-298-3270 29
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