READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS Before you buy any f ami loader, see a Bobcat in action! 4 - MODELS To Choose From, all with 4- Wheel Drive. BOBCAT Handles small jobs, big jobs, indoors, and outdoors. Ideal for' working in HORSE BARNS. HOG BARNS, FEEDLOTS, ETC. Almost anyone can learn to operate a BOBCAT in 15 minutes. LET US DEMONSTRATE and Show you how easy it is to own a BOBCAT. SALESMAN RAY SHOWALTER PH.665-7174 MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE - 115 DONERVILIE ROAD, MOUNTVILLE, PA WAYNE FEED DEALER FEATURING THE WORLD'S BEST SWINE FEEDING PROGRAM +Tail Curler Rockets - $289.41 per ton H-Tail Curler Senior - $201.60 per ton -fCro Pork 280 - $165.54 per ton ■fPig Balancer (medicated) - $233.30 per ton DAIRY AND BEEF FEED ; ■fSweet Bulky - $148.96 per ton +32 percent Pro Sweet Balancer - $165.09 per ton +32 percent Dari Blen - $198.02 per ton +36 percent Dari Blen - $189.28 per ton +3B percent Dari Blen - $201.65 per ton The above prices are for bagged feed picked up at the mill. There is also a 2 percent Cash Discount if paid in 10 days. There are extra discounts for large orders. Bulk feeds delivered at very reasonable prices. Gro Pork, Pig Balancer, 32 percent Dari Blen, 36 percent Dari Blen, 38 percent Dan Blen, 32 percent Pro Sweet Balancer. We carry a full line of Horse Feeds. Rabbit Pellets, Bird Seeds and Grains, Prices are subject to change each week according to the decrease or in crease in gram prices. E AT POPULAR R LOADER 717-285-5422 By Reed Larson fair work Of all the people the President could have selected to succeed John Durlop as secretary of labor, few could hive been worse for the average wage-earner than Willie Julian Uscry, Jr. User) docs have plenty of experience in the federal bureaucracy. He was named assistant secretary of labor for labor-management relations in February 1969. In February 1973 he was appointed director of the Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service, and for several years has also served as the President’s chief “labor” troubleshooter - first with President Nixon and now with President Ford. And he's well-liked in official union circles, having been a long-time organizer for the giant Machinists union, and a former grand lodge representative. On the surface he would appear to be not an especially offensive choice, right 9 Wrong l Uscry’s loyalties he strictly with Big Labor and the policies of the bosses of Big Labor. He’s fanatically dedicated to the proposition that what’s good for George Mcany is good for America, he’s equally dedicated to the proposition that workers who refuse to join unwanted unions should be canned from their jobs. It was Usery, for example, who in 1974 engineered a settlement between the Bell System companies and CWA union chieftains which for the first time imposed compulsory unionism on telephone company workers across the country despite vocal rank-and-file objections. It was what the umon bosses wanted, it was their price for averting a long and costly strike against the phone companies; so Usery sold out 60,000 long-time, loyal Bell employees who the company had been protecting against unwanted union membership since the umon came on the scene, against their objections, several years ago. Usery attempted to arrange a similar compulsory unionism deal a few months later when the president of the National Football League Players Association threatened to end the season prematurely with a league-wide strike. At first just a few, and then dozens, and hundreds of players said no and returned - voluntarily to the playing field. If that’s all that stood between playing and not playing, they wanted no part of it. Whenever Usery has had the chance, he has consistently and with unrelenting dedication traded away the rights of working , people in the false name of “labor peace.” Usery feels everyone should be a union member, and if a worker won’t join voluntarily, he should be forced to join. He stands firmly opposed to Right to Work laws. He has said Labor sec. opposes Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Fab. 14.1976 repeatedly that public employee* ~ federal, state, local, at all level* of government - ihould also be required to accept unwanted union representation and pay money to the unwanted unions a* a condition of working for their own government. We really need not look any further than a speech Vtcry made in 1965 at a New York Machinists union seminar (on, what else, destroying Right to Work laws). Wrote the union’s own newspaper, THE MACHINIST, on April 5,1965, “Usery told the New Yorkers that the same group of bigots who deny voting lights to Negroes arc the most vehement defenders 0f... ‘Right to Work’ laws." Public opinion studies have consistently shown that the vast majority of Americans favor the Right to Work principle of voluntary unionism. It’s Usery’s unfortunate opinion that these people arc anti-black “bigots,” including (explain this) the more than 50 percent of the black community and the many black opinion leaders who support Right to Work. Mr. Usery is a rotten choice for an important and sensitive job. The President of the United States has done a disservice to the nation’s 80,000,000 wage-earners. Making Soybean milk Editor’* note: The following article was authored by Mom Chn of Paradise, Pa. dm is quite familiar with the use of soybeans and has offered his advice on making soybean mOk and cord for a protein source. Many people believe that over eating red meats and dairy products can lead to the risk of high levels of cholesterol This excessive cholesterol has often been linked to increasing the incidence of heart disease, especially for those people over 90 and for younger people who are overweight. Improving the diet seems to be an urgent matter but what other sources of protein are to be considered? The an swer for some has been soybeans. Soybeans are hard to digest in their native state but the milk and curd from thwn have been used for a protein source. Making the curd and milk is relatively simple if you follow in structions suggested. . Objects needed include a dish and food grinder along with two pieces of doth one 18 z 18 indies and the other 28 x 28 inches. Take two pounds of soybeans (free from stones and gravel) and soak the beans in water for at least eight boors. Drain the water. The beans should now weigh about five pounds. Grind the beans and repeat to get them very fine. Place % gallon of water in a pot. Mix well and squeeze the milk out of the beans using the larger doth as a strainer. Bring milk to boiling point. Serve the milk following boiling or cooled. For soybean curd put four - five tablespoonsful of vinegar into the milk and stir gently. Put the smaller doth over a dish and pour milk into it Drain water which contains vinegar, wrap up the cord and press. Curd will be ready in a few minutes. The whole process takes about 1 hour. From two pounds of beans you can easily get one pound of curd. Do not throw any of the residue away as it can be used for soil conditioning and fertilizer. Further in formation can be obtained by calling 717-687-8751. 27
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