22 —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Fat). 14,1976 Cattle decline recorded U_S. cattle numbers as of Jan. 1 are at 128 million. That’s down three per cent from a year ago and the first decline in the Jan. 1 cattle inventory since 1967, USDA reported last week. Reason for the decline: That record cattle and calf «i«nght*r last year. The cattle slaughter total, at 40.9 million, was up 11 pet. from a year earlier; the calf slaughter, at 5.2 million, was up 75 pet. from 1974. The combined total, at 46.1 million bead, was 16 pet. above a year earlier. Beef cows on farms on Jan. 1, at 43.7 million head, The Voice hi The Wilderness In those days came John the Baptist, preachmg m the wilderness of Judaea, And saymg. Repent ye for the kmgdom of heaven is at hand For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esatas, saying, the voice of one crymg m the wilderness. Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make hts paths straight was down 4 pet. Cram a year earlier. Milk cows, at 11.1 million head down only 1 pet. Cram a year earlier. But, it’s still the lowest total since 1877. Value per head of all cattle and calves averaged out at |l9O. That’s up from the $159 of a year ago, but well below the record |293 average of Jan. 1. 1974. Total value of aD cattle and calves is seen at $24.3 billion. That’s up 16 pet. from last year’s $21.0 billion total, but down 35 pet. from the record $37.4 billion total of two years ago. And, except for last year, it was the lowest over-all total since 1971, St Matthew 3 1-3 fl/l /hat's A/ewj Rouadapßerbidda ST. LOUIS - Monsanto Company’s Roundup her bicide has received En vironmental Protection Agency registration ac ceptance for use in cropping systems prior to emergence of com, soybean, wheat, barley, oat and sorghum (milo) crops in the United States. At the same time, the company announced that the Canadian government also has approved a registration covering the use of this herbicide in cropping systems prior to seeding of com, soybean, wheat, barley and oat crops. Roundup is a foliar applied, nonselective weed control agent According to Monsanto, more than 2,500 field tests in the last seven years indicate effective control of a broad spectrum of annual and perennial weeds of both grass and broadleaf species, including problem perennials with well established root systems such as Johnson grass, quackgrass, Canada thistle and bindweed. Roundup is a water soluble formulation of the isopropylamine salt of glypbosata. R is spray ap plied when the weeda have reached a vigorous stage of growth, before the crop has emerged or after it has been harvested in the fall. When applied to the foliage of undendrable vegetation, the herbicide translocates through the plant tissue to the underground repor ductlve roots, resulting in total destruction of the weed. Roundup is classified as a non-persistent herbicide and is inactivated when it comes in contact with the soil. A gentleman today is a man who bolds the door open for bis wife while she carries in the grocery bags. DEDUCTIBLE An important word when doing your taxes Is your Insurance arranged so you get maximum tax deductions 7 If you aren't sure. Call RAY D. BAIR. CLU 202 Butler Ave. Lancaster, PA 17601 397-4258 Ask about our Tax-Oeducfable Rehrement Plan which pays im interest W How to make more milk from the same The “balanced bite” is one key The Schwartz Mixer Wagon is the other Cows vary greatly in their individ ual preferences for one forage over another. So while some of your cows may be getting the diet they need to maintain peak pro duction, others may be short changing themselves .. getting plenty of protein perhaps, but not enough energy to balance it What can you do about it? The Agway Total Mixed Ration TMR is the best way yet devised for feeding a ration that’s perfect ly balanced for nutrient content. It eliminates cows’ preferences. But TMR feeding can be no better than the equipment used to mix the ration. Accurate measur ing and thorough mixing are musts. Farm Systems f AGWAYj Service AVONDALE SUPPLY CENTER Junction US U 41 Avondale, PA 215-268-1238 CHAPMAN STORE TEMPLE SUPPLY YORK WEST STORE m.mvsa'.n ' L %2K m ? a 215-395-3381 717-H2-M74 mr~~ Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. amount of feed Most versatile way to feed TMR ...the Schwartz Mixer Wagon It accurately proportions, thor oughly mixes, then transports and distributes nutrients in any pre scribed amount and formulation. So it’s easy to feed the right ration any place on your farm. Triple augers tumble and turn feed end to end to perfectly blend liquid, granular or pelleted sup plements into silage, chopped hay or ground grain. Five to seven minutes does the job. Controls are convenient—and positive. Solid „ construction assures trouble-free operation. Three sizes to choose from. An Agway salesman will be happy to discuss TMR with you. He can also arrange a demon stration of the Schwartz Mixer Wagon. Call Agway today. LANCASTER SUPPLY 1027DilanMeRd. Lancaster, PA 717-397-4761
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