Winter driving tips Keep Room For and plenty of following Stopping eo distance in traffic. Slow Wintry Roads Remember, you need lots tersections, reminds the of room to stop on wintry National Safety Council, roads, so keep speed down They may be extra slick “IMPROVE YOUR LOT” Ford Lawn and Garden Sale! Add-an-A ttachment and save up to $299! Here's your chance to start out this spnnf with the mower or other attach ment you want, to |o alonf with your new tractor. It’s simple... make the tractor or nder mower choice, then select the attachment you want to let started with your lawn care. We'll apply the bonus saving toward that attachment In some cases, your savings can bring you that attach ment at no additional cost See us soon and let us help you “improve your lot” with Ford lawn and garden equipment Kj KELLER BROS. M TRACTOR CO. —* Buffalo Springs 949*6502 Route 419 Between Sctuefferstown & Cornwall 1 1 Lebanon County Parade of the Profit-Makers These Plus-Proven Sires Are Available Daily For Your Daily Herd: 15H100 MOOKOWN Optimist Very Good & Production Qualified [Sept./75] USDA (Sept./75) - 2,841 Daus. in 1,040 Herds Ave. 15.062 M Predicted Difference (99% rpt.) 4-698 M Type; 362 Classified Daus. Ave. 78.9; 249 Pr. -.68 POT Sire: Lakefield Fond Hope - EX (93) & GM Dam: Glenafton Symbol N Bonheur - VG (89). 135 DAIRY SIRES ARE NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH OUR PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN .^Htlantlc % BREEDERS COOPERATIVE LIVESTOCK SERVICES down well ahead of in- Technicians still have tickets for the remaining membership meetings; get yours today! Member NAL Affiliated Breeders because of th« potlahlng effect of stopping and starting traffic. Careful While Driving During Warming Trtnda Warming trends can lead to trouble while driving. Ice is twice as slippery at 30 degrees as it is at 0 degrees, says the National Safety Council. When moat of the road is clear, watch for ice patches in shady spots, such as wooded spots and un derpasses. If you hit one, hold the wheel steady and roll through. Jamming on the brakes will send you into a skid. Don’t Panic or Brake InaSUd If you go into a skid while driving don’t panic and don’t brake. Steer in the direction the rear of the car is skid ding. Don’t oversteer. When you feel the car straighten out, turn wheels straight and keep rolling, suggested the National Safety Council. STOLTZFUS MEAT MARKET Our Own Beef Right From The Farm I fry -FRESH BEEF AND PORK- I|l OUR OWN HOME MADE fo SCRAPPLE & FRESH SAUSAGE JfJSM Bacon and Country Cured Hams Orders taken for freezer Meats—Custom Butchering PH. 768-3941 Directions: 1 block east of Intercourse on Rt 772 - Newport Road Reg. Hours: Thurs. 9-5; Fri. 9-8; Sat 9-5 3.57% +s43 E-town Young Farmer officers Elizabethtown Young Farmers recently elected a new slate of of ficers for the bicentennial year. • Good Plus & Gold Medal; PQ [9/75] USDA (Sept./75) - 381 Daus. in 211 Herds Ave. 14.910 M Predicted Difference (94% rpt.) + 269 M Type: 95 Classified Daus. Ave. 77.1; 80 Pr. -.68 PDT Sire; Lockway Sovereign Lucifer Lad - Vfi & GM Dam: Round Oak Ivanhoe Enid - EX 537 F +7F Lancaster area 569-0411 throughout Pennsylvania 800-732-0391 Delaware & Maryland 800-233-0216 15H140 Round Oak ELECTRON 24-Hour Toll-Free Phone Service Lancaatar Farming. Saturday. Fab. 14,1976 Seated from left are Dick Garber, vice-president; Kenneth Myer, treasurer; Larry Garber, president and Clair Hoover, secretary. 4.00% 597 F +ss6 +46F SERVICE! V “V- Know^V Your \ I Semi n I \ SuppUt r § 21
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