Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 14, 1976, Image 16
— Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Feb. 14. 1976 16 Four countians honored at Lancaster By MELISSA PIPER LANCASTER - Three members of the county extension service along with a former 4-Her were honored here on Wednesday evening during the annual extension program. GUmiR Iff GAS We’ll make sure that you're always supplied, never caught short. That’s our guarantee . . . no matter where you live ... or what the weather is like. Get with clean, economical fuel! Call for Details AGWAY PETROLEUM CORP. BOX 1197, DILLERVILLE ROAD, UNCASTER, PA PHONE 397 4954 Extension Doris Thomas, extension home economist, M. Max well Smith, county agent and Jay Irwin, associate county agent were the recipients of honors, bestowed on them by the state extension service. Vemon Leininger, a Denver Need If. meeting R 2 farmer, was also recognized as the state 4-H alumnus winner from Lancaster County. Lelninger received a plaque from the Olin Corp., significant of his work in agriculture, following a successful 4-H career. Lelninger and his wife look neighbor JAMESWAY. , ■ g s/* 4* * w.™ SO YOU CAM FARM James way All-Season ® Ventilation helps maintain top production by controlling moisture, drafts, odors. Air changes, circulates automatically for freshness. AGRI-EQUIP. RD2 Farmersville Ephrata, PA 717-354-4271 ROY 0. CHRISTMAN RDI (Shartlesville) Hamburg PA 19526 215 562-7218 or 215-488-1904 ERB & HENRY EQUIP., INC. 22 26 Henry Avenue New Berlmville PA 215-367-2169 GRUMEIiI FARM SERVICE Robert Fulton Highway. Quarryville. PA 717-786-7318 Allcgre, who were both members of the Lancaster County Baby Beef Club, operate the Ko-Ka-Le-Ko Egg Rand) neat Denver having 90,000 layers on their farm. The couple also raise 400 steers and slaughter hogs. Lelninger served as president of the Baby Beef Club in the county and was a delegate to the National 4-H camp in 1947. A prominent member in the local poultry producers association, Lelninger also served as president of the Pa. Poultry Federation and is currently a director of the group. I <r w*? rt % AND $0 DO WE WEAVER STAR SILO INC. RD4, Myerstown, PA 717-866-5709 I. G.’s AG. SALES Rt 113. Box 200. Silverdale. PA 215-257-5135 LANDIS BROTHERS INC. 1305 Manheim Pike Lancaster. PA 717-393-3906 HENRY S. LAPP RDI, Cams, Gap PA 17527 717-442-8134 CARL L SHIRK Receives Roby Award M. Maxwell Smith, Lan caster County agent, was the recipient of the Ruby Award iplem ui uiv >w% 5 Colebrook Road. Lebanon. PA 717-274-1436 WORKS M. E. SNAVELY 455 South Cedar Street, Lititz, PA 717-626-8144 M. S. YEARSLEY & SON 114 E Market St West Chester. PA 19380 215-696-2990 ATLEE REBERT R 2, Littlestown. PA 17340 717-359-5863 HARRY L TROOP Rt 1 Cochranville. PA 19330 215-593-6731 SWOPE & BASHORE. INC. Frystown Rl. Myerstown, PA 17067 717-933-4131 from Epillion Sigma Phi, the Penn State Unlvoralty I Continued on Paco 17| UiS* '