FFA gal has ICMfemi (nan Pip I| Sharon haa taken bcr work •erioualy and has gained recognition for It Tba young lady haa served aa president of the State Junior Ayrshire jotuL Economical round-the-clock heating with one of Jfftul's cast iron woodburning stoves! No. lit is a big. dependable woodburning stove with high heating capacity and a really attractive appearance Can be fired with 24" logs • Chore* of models • Practical and efficient • Needs wood only twice a day * Lasts a Kfefime • Simple draft and temp, control STILLWATER POND Follow the Signs - Off Rt. 501 between Brickerville and Schaefferstown Daily 12 til dusk (closed Wed.) Ph. 717-949-3002 j PLEASE TEAR OFF AND MAIL TO ! FARMILL Construction j Soudersburg, PA 17577 Please send me more information about □ the Butler Farmsted Buildini □ the Butler Grain Bins j NAME ADDRESS I TOWN ZIP. I STATE COUNTY I [Please Include Area Code] Club and has pot much effort into rebuilding the organisation and en couraging young people to Join. "We’ve been trying to WHY PAY HIGH HEAT BILLS? “THE COMI-FHT The Free-Standing Fireplace That Converts To A Stove' Showroom at exhibited many leadership roles promote the Ayrshire breed end hope to get others in* vohrsd." “It hunt been easy but we arc hoping for a better year in 117*." The Octerora High School senior, is also a member of the National Junior Ayrshire Association and has had one All American Ayrshire recorded already. Sharon has two animals registered for All Americans in the breed this year and is still waiting for the final judgement. Sharon has had numerous champions at area shows and in 1974 exhibited the All BUTLER AORI-BUILDER American three-year-old Ayrshire in Harrisburg. FFA President While the cattle business keeps Sharon busy, the young lady is also president of the Octerora FFA and one of the few women in the state to have won the coveted Keystone Farming Degree. Although an academic student, preparing for college, Sharon has taken FFA for four years and has served as vice president, chapter reporter and vice president and secretary for the Chester County Being one of the first FFA BUTLER KAN-SUH BATCH DRYER SSSSff' BATCH DRYER NOW! *4BO0 FOB SOUDERSBURG, PA PHONE (717) 687-7659 FARMALL CONSTRUCTION & REPAIR Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Fab. 14.1976 members in her school, Sharon noted that aha wasn’t readily accepted by her male counterparts. “I had to really work much harder than anyone to prove myself,” she explained. “It took awhile but they (male FFA members) did finally accept me." Receiving her Keystone degree was a goal readied for the FFA’er as she had been looking forward to the honor since beginning her projects. “Receiving my Keystone was certainly very exciting, I wouldn’t believe that I finally made it that far.” Sharon woo the award for her outstanding dairy projects along with her leadership roles. Sharon firmly believes that there is definitely a place for women in the FFA program. “Today there are so many new projects that girls are finding more of an FISHER SPRAY PAINTERS (Henry K. Fisher) SANDBLASTING and SPRAY PAINTING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Aerial Ladder Equipment Office fc Shop - 667 Hartman Station Rd. Residence ■ 2322 Old Philadelphia Pike Lancaster, Penna.' For FREE Estimates Call 717-393-6530 WAS *7400 F. 0.8. FACTORY CASH PRICE *4BOO F. 0.8. FACTORY (2 ONLY) open door to work In agriculture," abe atated. “Horticulture and agribualneaa work have really given us more op portunities." A member of the Manor 4- H Dairy Club in Cheater County, Sharon baa been active in 4-H work also. An excellent dairy Judge and sbowperson, the young lady has sharpened her skills through the many dairy competitions. An outstanding student, Sharon will begin nursing school at St. Joseph's Hospital in Lancaster following her graduation. And while her main activity will be studying, Sharon says shell be ready to bit the show circuit during the summer months. “Some people think all that work is a hardship, but for me - well, I’ve enjoyed growing up with dairying.” • . the farmer whose daily harvest rate is under 2.100 bushels • the farmer who is drying gram for the first tune, and wants to make a minimum dryer investment • the feeder who raises limited amounts of gram, and doesn't want to haul his gram to town for drying and haul it back for feed. • . the farmer with separate field and storage locations; the portable Kan-Sun Batch Dryer can be moved to the gram, and to the storage ,f I • . the farmer who owns an m-bm system, such as Butler Stor-N-Dry®, and wants to increase his daily drying rale, he will use the Kan-Sun for drying, and the bins as cooling and storage tanks (dryerahon) The Butler Kan-Sun Batch Dryer can remove 10 points of moisture from 90 bushels of corn an hour In a 24-hour drying day. the total dried and cooled will be 2.100 bushels Using dryeration can increase drying capacity to 2.700 bushels 15
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