62—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Feb. 7. 1976 DER committee briefed on environmental plans HARRISBURG . - The agricultural aoiia, a sub- -The need for any lm- 3. Conservation Districts a Work Group on Manure That Work Group also bm Department of En- committee was formed to plementing regulations on would set priorities on their Management is preparing an been in contact with the ITS? vlronmental Resources’ review the document in agriculture to go through the moat serious problems. environmental protection Environmental Protection Agricultural Advisory depth and provide input to Agricultural Advisory 4. An owner or operator manure management Agency seeking to achieve Committee was briefed on the Environmental Quality Committee for con- would be legally liable for guidelines manual and hopes acceptance of a ‘‘beat the Commonwealth’s En- Board, which will consider alteration; prosecution if he falls to act to have a draft available for management practicea" vironroental Master Plan at ®e Master Plan’s critical -A concern that having to implement a plan after the Advisory Committee in approach to manure its January meeting and >re * policies for adoption policies which relate only to being offered cost-sharing either March or May. management, moved forward on recoin- this spring. Class I and Gass n soils will funds. mendetlons for changes in Among the issues raised force development pressure 5. Coat-sharing funds must —__ erosion and sedimentation were: onto other mil classes; and be made available before control implementation -How any policies which -The sometimes differing prosecution could be coo- .. ftu. strategy and manure adopted would be im- concerns of agricultural sldered. EVERY management. piemen ted; economics and en- |q addition, Rep. Kent IUCnUCCftAV 1C 'WffP -The potential in- vlronmental protection. Sbelhamer, D-Columbia, a Pfit* Iftl/IIEJUII 119 In response to many consistency between some The Advisory Committee mwnhw of the Advisory ” questions raised about current DER positions and also decided to ask DER Committee, said his House M I proposed Master Plan policies recommended in the Secretary Maurice K. Agriculture Committee will I 111 ll# W policies on prime document; Goddard to delay En- be considering the DER 11% I vlronmental Quality Board response to questions raised 1 mm Mm m •■74 11 11 • consideration of the Master by the Committee and will T/\ If a\ P nnn IITIO* Plan document another submit its recommendations I lAA V month to allow adequate to the Work Group. mmM 1 I time for Committee review Work Group Chairman __ IM | lln ... r « PTADI tC IUP • _1 1 and comment. Aaron Stauffer said he hoped AT HEW HULLAmJ oAIIO OIAoLtO, Hiu. fiPilTllfiar SIaICCI The Committee’s Work a final set of recom- New Holland, PA Group on Erosion and mendaUons would be ready | fyounee d 1 cow or a truck load, we have from '4 Sedimentation Control is for Advisory Committee pvprvweekat vour once ‘ The Food and Drug Ad- Mast, and Mr. Sidney considering a resolution consideration and voting at cnrmmno HnktPins ministration plans to publish Barnard, specialists from adopted by the Pennsylvania either the March or May Mostly fresh and close sp g g . a new regulation in March, the Pennsylvania State Association of Conservation meeting. Cows from local farmers an ou 8 1976, requiring at least one University. District‘Directors on im- shippers including Marvin Eshleman, Glenn rite, person in each food service For further information plementation of the DER ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Gordon Fritz, Blame Hoffer, Dale Hostetter, n u operation to be trained and cont*. f the Schulykill erosion and sedimentation CDTII DITC Matz, and Jerry Miller, certified for safe handling of County Extension Office, control regulations. til I n“l\l 11. CRIB CTADTC 19. QA Clift DP foods. P.O. Box 404, Schuylkill That resolution suggests SOIL CONDITIONER 9Alt 91 All 19 lx*4w JfiMlir In order to meet the needs Haven, Pennsylvania 17972. that: _ _ ...... Also Every Wednesday, Hay, Straw & of anyone serving or selling Telephone - 717-385-3431. 1. Farmers who have MAaICROP Ear Corn Sale 12:00 Noon, food to the public, the The deadline for applied for assistance In LIQUID PLANT « - /» • k. Schuylkill County registration is March 15th. developing an erosion and FPPniwr . Dairy Cows*Heifers™st be _ Cooperative Extension sedimentation control plan eligible for Pennsylvania Health Charts. Service has planned a one xxx from a Conservation District FEED-RITE F arrangements for special sales or herd day workshop, Tuesday, Lord, when we are wrong, be exempt from the July 1, Vitamin & Mineral for livestock Hicnpralcat our barn or on your farm contact March 30 at Boscov’s make us willing to change. 1977 required date for plan and poultry dispersals at y Auditorium, Fairlane And when we are right, development. /(MW * Abram D.Henbach. Mgr. Village Mall from 9:30 a.m. mako us easy to live with. 2. The land owner should ® 717-354-4341 to 4:45 pjn. jxx be considered responsible RANCK INC On hand to conduct this fuU a man is about as big as for the plan but a lessee iin.w.i, Norman Kolb day’s meeting will be Dr. the things that make him would be responsible for RDI, Gap, PA 17527 '0 717-397-5538 v Gerald Kuhn, Dr. Morris anerv. carrying out the practices Phone 717-442-4171 -- involved. AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR OF CHORE-TIME AND SHENANDOAH POULTRY EQUIPMENT Poultry and Livestock Systems I ass, SO®, -r ' Advanced Ai,-Systems F«d Storage & Hex Auger Cage layer Systems * p yfrpz ' . . Components Featunng 11 Featuring The Deliveiy System for POCKMAN JUe-tl. __ Automatic Air Inlet Confinement Feeding "Galv-AWeld” Cages fSr f Dependable poultry equipment is manu- L—factured only by people who take your 1 " ' '*" J problems, needs, and suggestions seri- ■■ . » ■ _*cJL °^”=^- An f ,sll0 ™ s J" O^' pr M du ? te - MWiiu t.l!.!.W.|i.ia BROODERS —Special Air-Gas Mixing wiHlMtiNw® '■•■■■■w® :\ Jmw i Chamber provides clean, economical ..... ..„ _ . . .. , , ■ml ] combustion sturdy construction Controlled Feeder System Adult Turkey Completely Automatic I mi | 100% safety —economical price. . . SI waterers - Easy to assemble, easy to for Breeder Confinement Feeding System Featunng ml! clean, long life porcelain or stainless steel mi s, troughs. Available m hanging or floor Pullets and Hens Production Systems The CHORE-MATIC models. WATER VALVES Combination of Brass, Ceicon and Stainless Steel provides strength, durability and corrosion resist ance. Accurate water control, few working parts, easy to clean. Double Action or Float style. * $ INCINERATORS Dual burner provides smoke and odor control, refractory lined for extra long life, burns from under long lasting ceramic grate to save fuel. Gas or oil fired. Ask about our Nests, Hanging Feeders— Turkey Nest Traps, Feeders and Waterers. Equip., Agri • SALES RD2 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Farmersville) offers complete Inc. • INSTALLATION • SERVICE Phone Bus. 717-354-4271
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