—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Feb. 7. 1976 56 Ida’s Notebook Winter is usually my time to catch-up with the men ding. This year it seems that I’m only keeping up with the torn-pieces in each week’s wash. The overall pile is as high as it was in September. The number of patches put on overalls by farm wives over the years are countless and the hours spent are innumerable, especially if put on by hand. Many years ago my eye caught an ad vertisement for an electric sewing machine for a nominal price. But when the salesman brought it to my house, 1 was sure it was the one Howe invented in the 1800’s. Of course the idea was to sell me another one for three times the price stated and he just happened to have one in the car. I was desperate for a machine, with small children to sew for andmend for and all by hand, so I got out my check book. Women’s Saturday, Feb. 7 Society 1 meeting at 1:30 pjn. at the Brunnerville Fire Hall. Tuesday, Feb. 10 Society 22 meeting 1:00 p.m. Jack Matthews speaking on exotic plants. Wednesday, Feb. 11 Society 12 meeting 1:00 p.m. for sewing. ' Society 14 meeting at 1:30 p.m. for a tour of the Mennonite Historical Society. Society 6 of York County meeting at the home of Mrs. Marion Hewitt. Thursday, Feb. 12 Society 21 meeting at 7:30 READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS ELMER M. SHREINER GOOD'S PENNFIELD FEEDS —MOPRO-LIQUID W PROTEIN AND A COMPLETE LINE OF ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS AND < SUPPLIES P CALL TODAY —786-2500 | | pennfldd NOW HANDLING pennfleld feeds “OUR GREATEST ASSET” Ida Risser More recently my teen-age girls persuaded me to buy a new sewing machine with attachments (which never get used) and now I put big and little patches on overall in 5-10 minutes. With all of our cold weather there has been ample time for everyone to get their share of ice skating. Philip and Cindy have ice skates laying in our utility room ready for use on the ponds in that meadow. Well, I wasn’t about to be left out of the fun so I went along one evening. Philip very nobly helped me get started. But then I fell and hurt my knee. It got red then black and blue and finally yellow and green almost to my ankle. Allen couldn’t sympathize with someone who should have acted her age and stayed in the kitchen. Calendar p.m. - program on the president’s women. Society 8 meeting at 2:00 p.m. - “Dolls” by Ruth Eby. Friday, Feb. 13 Society 13 meeting at 7:30 pjn. at the East Town Mall for Hobby night. Saturday, Feb. 14 Society 19 meeting at 1:30 p.m. for a program on Japan. Society 25 meeting at 1:30 p.m. for a safety program. Society 2 meeting at 1:30 p.ra. for a valentine party at the Danner Home. Society 7 meeting at 2:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Carlton Homsher. RD2 NEW PROVIDENCE, PA “20 YEARS OF OUTSTANDING SERVICE” Crown gall If any of your plants do have the hard knots on them, discard both the plant and the soil, advises Dr. Davis. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before working with soil in other flower pots to avoid spreading the disease. T/fl FEED MILL SERVICE Sewing contest underway HARRISBURG - The annual Pennsylvania State Grange tewing contest • for both men and women and for contestants ten yean old and older - opened this week and continues through April 30. A record number of par ticipants, including mem bers and non-mem ben of the Grange is anticipated this year, according to Mrs. Leroy Hoover of Roaring Spring, Blair County, director of women’s ac tivities for the state Grange. Last year more than 2,800 garments were entered in the contest and one - a three piece suit made by Mary Schuler, 17, Fleetwood RD3 - won first place in Class B of attacks plants Once ip a while you may notice that one of your house plants has a gall, or enlargement, in the stem at the soil line. If you dig aroung with your fingernail you will find a hard, nut-like object growing on the stem. This is the result of Crown Gall disease, says Spencer H. Davis, Jr., extension specialist in plant pathology at Cook College, Rutgers University. A bacterium causes Crown Gall. Once it is in the soil other plants placed in the same soil may get the disease. O give thanks to the Lord, call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him, tell of all his wonderful works! Chronicles 16:8-11 the National Grange com petition. Mrs. Hoover said the contest is divided into four categories. They are: Class A, women’s gar ments. Any type dress, suit or pantsuit made by a contestant 18 years of age and over for self or another person of the same age group. Class B, women’s gar ments. Any type dress, suit, pantsuit, Jumper or skirt and blouse made by a contestant 10 to 17 years of age for self or another in the same age group. Class C, any type dress, suit or pantsuit made by a contestant 18 years of age and over for a female under 18 or a male under 13. NEW 111 I nrll HARROW speeds stubble mulching, seedbed preparation. • Heavy-duty wheeled type, designed for open field work • Leaves fields smooth and level, without furrows • Sealed 6" x 10" box-steel gang frames which can be filled for extra weight • Dual wheels and hubs. IOV2" or 9" blade spacings o Adjustable, self-leveling linkage • Hydraulic lift raises disc for easy transport YOU CAN BUY, LEASE OR RENT A NEW MF TRACTOR KELLER BROS. Rich Road Perkasie, PA Ph: 215-257-5698 or 257-5864 LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO. 700 E Linden St, Richland. Pa Phone: [7l7] 866-2544 HEITZMAN EQUIPMENT, INC. Rts 100 & 401 Glenmoore. Pa. Phone [2ls] 458-5777 or [2ls] 458-8525 Class D, men's garments. Any type sport coat, pants or suit nude by any contestant (or self or another person 13 years of age or over. Following the April 30 deadline, garments will be judged at the subordinate, or local Grange level. Winners then will be judged in Pomona (county) Granges and those winners then will be judged in the statewide competition. The state winner in each of the four categories will be sent to New York for judging in the National Grange finals. In addition to Grange members, Mrs. Hoover pointed out, non-members who are sponsored by Grangers may compete in the contest. N. H. FLICKER & SONS INC. Maxatawny Phone [2ls] 683-7252 M. M. WEAVER S. G. LEWIS & SONS AND SON North Grofftown Road Leola. Pa 17540 Phone: [7l7] 656-2321 HERR A. &BRO. 312 Park Ave Quarryville, Pa. Phone |7l7] 716-3521 Tips On Bad Weather Drivin When bad weather bio in, emergency low tru driver* get ready. They Vn< that within vsntchboards will hr ligiiti up with emergency calls Yet it is astonishingly ea not to have trouble in im I ✓ or rain Here arc some usef tips Turn on lights In rai cars tend to disappear U: parking lights at least, I make vour car more visibl West Grove, Pa [2ls] 869-9440 869-2214 NISSLEY FARM SERVICE - Q/ 1 Charlestown Rd - Prospectßd Washington Boro, PA Phone 1717 J 215-4844