■ ■■■••■••■■■■■■■■■■■■l****** l ** ll **** »•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*** üblic Sales Register of Mlddleburg, 5 miles of Selinsgrove. Art Auct MAR. 27 - 9 ajn. til light. Annual Spring R ipton Community rerything sold on , Northern Berks Auctioneers. Hay, , Small items, old and trn equipment, 50 cars, trucks. For nation write “Sale”, 42, Kempton, Pa. 19529 call 215-756-6511 MAR. 27 • 10:00 ajn. Estate 2:00 pjn. Public of Valuable Real ite, Antiques & ild Goods. Located The Pennsylvania Yorkshire Club WINTER SHOW & SALE SATURDAY, FEB. 7,1976 'f' l ''•cA' 20 BRED GUIS 12 BOARS 30 OPEN GILTS TO BE HELD ATTHE LEBANON AREA FAIRGROUNDS. LEBANON, PA ABE DIFFENBACH, Auctioneer For catalogue write or call LEON L ARNOLD, SEC’Y-TREAS. Rl, 80x54 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-273-5880 40 TO 70 HEAD IN EACH HERD PLUS - FRESH & SPR. COWS P.B. STOCK BULLS r FIRST CALF HEIFERS - FRESH & DUE ] j_ INN«TJWM n JHS J FEBRUARY COW SALE FRI. NITE, FEB. 20 Livestock is our full time Business. CHARLES C. MYERS PARK MYERS. Sales Manager along Rt. 23 midway between New Holland St Leola at Groff dale. Lane. Co., Pa. Terms by Kenneth E. Ludwig, executor of the Estate of Paul M. Spriggle. Robert E. Martin 656-7770 & Frank L. Seller 656-9055, SAT. MARCH 27 - Public Sale of Farm Machinery located along Bell Road, 4 miles North of Oxford. Sale by Leigh Walton. Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers. SAT MAR 27 - 10:00 A M. Public Sale of Livestock, Farm Machinery & Household Goods. Located off Rt. 283 Mt. Joy Exit, first road left beyond light in Mt. Show 10; OOA.M. Sale 1:00 P.M. OWNER: Joy. Rt. 141 between Ml. Joy & Marietta. Second road on left after Donegal High School. Along Long Lane Road. Sale by Benjamin J. & Emma Fisher Jr. Auc tioneers; Lloyd Kreider & Stephen Petersheim. MON. MARCH 29 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment and 100 Grade Holstein Heifers located along Rt. 23 just West of Morgantown, Pa. Sale by Le Roy Hoover. Kreider and Diller, Auc tioneers. FRI. APR. 2 - 12:00 Noon. Pennsylvania's 3rd Per formance Bull Sale. Located at the Pennsylvania Meat Sales Report SECHRIST SALES COMPANY, INC. LIVESTOCK AUCTION StwearUtown, Pa. Monday Jan. 26 CATTLE 88 STEERS - High Choice and Prime, none; Good Choice 40.00- 42.50; Good 37.00-40.00; Standard Good 33.00-37.50; Holsteins Good none; Standard to Good 25.00-29.50. HEIFERS - High Choice and Prime 38.00-40.50; Good to Choice 33.00-37.85; Good 30.00- Standard Good 28.00- Holsteins Good 25.00- Standard Good 22.00- FEEDER STEERS - Good and Choice 32.00- Standard Good 28.00- Utility 25.00- 30.00. BULLS - Good and Choice Commercial 29.50- 34.25; Standard to Good 27.00- Utility to Standard 25.00-28.85. COWS - High Yearling Commercial 25.00- Cutters 23.00- 25.25; Canners Low Cutters 21.00- Shells 17.00-21.85. - ON HAND - 3 HERDS OF COWS IN ALL STAGES PHONE 717-569-2106 or 717-569-6800 Private Sales Daily Animal Evaluation Center, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802. Auctioneer - Charles Behm, Wind Ridge, Pa. SAT. APRIL 3 - 9:30 ajn, Wayland New York. Annual Consignment Auction of New and Used equipment and produce. A gigantic sale which serves as marketplace for buyers and sellers in a 4 state area. All inquiries welcome. Contract James Pimmg, Victor Pirrung and Son, Auctioneers, Wayland, New York 716-728-2520 or Gerald Pirrung, Ulysses, Pa. 814-848-7421 or Robert M. Shaylor, Troy, Pa. 717-297- 3278 CALVES 148 CALVES - Choice and Prime 65.00- 75.50; Good and Choice 55.00- 66.00; Standard and Good 40.00-55.00; Utility to Good 110-140 lbs. 30.00-52.50; Utility 90-110 lbs. 25.00-35.00; Culls 15.00-24.50. HOGS 146 HOGS-U.S. No. 1 and 2, 190-220 lbs. 51.50- 52.75; U.S. No. 1 and 3,190- 230 lbs. 51.00-51.60; U.S. No. 1 and 3,230-250 lbs. 50.00-51.10. SOWS - 250-375 lbs. 43.00- 48.75; 400-500 lbs. 40.0045.50. BOARS • 300500 lbs. 33.00- 36.50. SHEEP 12 LAMBS - Good to Choice 38.0044.50; Medium and Good 30.00- 36.50. EWES - 10.00-14.50. Private Treaty Fat Hogs, Select No. 1 and 2, 190-215 lbs. 51.50-52.00; Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 2, 190-220 lbs. 51.00-51.25; Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 2 and 3,230-260 lbs. 50.00- 50.75. Danville Auction Jan. 26.1976 STEERS: Standard to Good, 31.40-35.50. HOLSTEIN FEEDER STEERS: Standard to Good, 21.00- BULLS: 27.10-32.80. COWS: High Choice to Prime, 27.00-28.90; Good to Standard 25.00-27.25; Utility 22.00- Canners 15.00- 19.00. HOLSTEIN: HOGS: 51.50-52.50; SOWS: 38.0046.75; BOARS: 33.00- .41.50. LAMBS: 45.0046.50. Estate of The late Earl Welsh Luzerne County - Pa. Jan. 17,1976 Auctioneer, Max Fraley, reported that the sale had about 400 people in spite of chilly weather. Highlights of the sale included: brass bed $450; oak rolltop desk $410; china cupboard $340; oak rocker $180; tiffany type lamp S2OQ; two - five dollar gold pieces $l2O each; watches up to $7O and a draw knife $22.50. SALE EVERY TUESDAY Graded Sale Ist Tuesday each month 2 P.M. Horse Auction 2nd Saturday each month IP.M. FAUQUIER LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE Marshal), Va. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Jan. 31.1976 — SAT. APR. 3-9:30 a.m. C. H. Wolgemuth Si Sons Annual All Day Farm Equip. Sale. Anything Sold On Com mission. Located 4 miles W. of Manheim, just off Hosier Rd. Lancaster Co. SAT. APRIL 3 - Wakefield Lions Club Annual Con signment Sale along Rt. 272, 20 Miles South of Lancaster, Pa. Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers. SAT. APRIL 3 - 11 a.m. Sharp. Registered Holstein Dispersal of 100 head. Location-Take Railroad Street North out of Palmyra, 4 miles, watch for sale arrows, Lebanon County or from 1-81 take the Indian town Gap Exit and follow Rt. 22 West. Watch for Sale arrows. Sale by Russell S. Houser and Sons. Ruber Houser and Lloyd Wilson, Auctioneers. Carl Diller, Pedigrees. TUBS. APR. 6 - Public Sale of Farm Machinery. Located in S. Annville Twp. off route 934. Sale for Ralph Sellers. Auctioneer - Harry H. Bach man. SAT. APRIL 10 - Eighth Annual Public Sale of the Rawlinsville Fire Co. Farm Implements, Building materials, Household Goods and Antiques. Items sold on commission. Food served. Phone 284-4362 or 2844530. vl'Xv * Xv/ I V,V.VAV/.V.V.V/.V4V,W,V.V.V*V* • .V. •% .V.ViV/.V.V.V.V.Vi* & 3=^ ) have a nice weekend... .. .watch a sunrise AUCTIONEERS FRANK & PAUL SNYDER Livestock, Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Antiques No sale too small or too large 717-859-2688 717-733-7052- PUBLIC AUCTION uhU* j4uetio* Srwict RDS MANHEIM, PA PHONE 1717| 665-5735 PROFESSIONAL • LICENSED AUCTIONEERS J. Omar Landis & J. M. Witman “SPECIALISTS" • AUTOMOBILES • ANTIQUES-FURNISHINGS • ESTATES . LIVESTOCK-MACHINERY • REAL ESTATE . MAILING LIST AVAILABLE ' We are now listing Spring Sales. RANDAL V. * LLOYD H. KUNE g KREIDER 717-733-1006 717-786-3394 Auctioneers 8 Sales Managers Spedaizhvln: Dairy A Farm Machinery Sales, Real Estate - Pubk or Private Sale. Complete Professional Auction Service with Tent Available SAT. APRIL 10 - Public Sale of Feeder Pigs located 1 mile South of Richland. Sale by Paul M. Zjmmerman, John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auctioneers. MON. APRIL 19 - The Red and White Dairy Cattle Association will sponsor the 2nd Annual Pennatlonal Sale at the Guernsey Bam at 12:30 pjn. Auctioneers - Mervin Scott and Kenneth Myer. SAT. APRIL 24 - Public Sale of Wood Tools and Miscellaneous Items, Lemoyne, Pa. Sale bj Mrs. Fred Knachstedt. Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 8 - Public Sale by the New Providence Church of God at the Refton Fire Hall. Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers. SAT. MAY 15 - Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Household Goods for Eleanor Garner located 2 Miles Northwest of Cochranville. SAT. MAY 22 - Public Sale by the Lancaster County Home Builders Association selling surplus building items, a lies, and tools. Sale to be at the Guernsey Sales Bam, East of Lancaster along Rt. 30. Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers. Auctioneer’s Directory FOR COMPLETE T SERVICE CALL JOHN E. MARTIN RDI, Rt. 322 Ephrata, PA 717-733-3511 or PAUL E. MARTIN Stevens RDI, Box 561 717-733-3305 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS No Sale Too Small or Large Tents Available Sanger &Sensenig AUCTIONEERS Many years of Sale, Experience will give you a better sale. Prompt courteous service. Can give you most any day you want. Licensed & Bonded Call 717-272-1025 or 717-786-3128 71
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