—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 31, 1976 70 Public Sales Register FRI. MAR. 19 - Lam bertcrest Farms Complete Milking Herd & Open Heifer Dispersal. Located at Ulysses, PA, Potter Co. Kenneth & Jean Lambert, owners. Sale managers, D. 0. Rockwell & Associates, Troy PA. SAT MAR 20 - 10:30 A.M Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Household Goods & Antiques. Located approx 4 mile off Rt. 74 at the Jack (Kyleville) along McCalls Ferry Rd. in Lower Chanceford Twp.. York Co., Pa. Dale & Robert L. Kilgore, owners. Auctioneer - Robert L. Sechrist. SAT. MAR. 20 - 1:00 p.m. Selling Yorkshire boars, bred guts, & open gilts, about 60 bead. Sale at Lebanon area fairgrounds. Sale by Pennsylvania Yorkshire Club. SAT. MAR. 20 - 10:30 Public Sale of Real Estate & Farm Machinery. Approx. 73 acres of land in Stnsburg Two. 8 mi. S. of Lancaster off 252 S. of Refton. 1% mi. of road frontage. Sale by John A. McCullough Sr. Auctioneers: Lloyd Kreider & Randal Kline. - SAT. MAR. 20 - 9:30 A.M. -Public Sale of Real Estate, Wood Land. Household SPRING MACHINERY SALE FEBRUARY 14,1976 Consignments solicited. Come bring a load and-or buy a load. Please furnish me with a consignment list by February 2 for advertising. ALL TYPES MACHINERY, FARM, TOOLS, ETC. CALL OR WRITE FRANK L MOORE SALE MANAGER & AUCTIONEER Warbarton Rd. Elkton, MD 301-287-8937 BERKS - LEHIGH COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION WINTER SALE At the Kutztown Fair Grounds Kutztown, PA SATURDAY, FEB. 21, 1976 l:OOP.M. 50 HEAD Meat type breeding stock. All Breeds. Bred Gilts, Open Gilts, Service Boars. Consigned by the Eastern PA Top Breeders. Available for shipment anywhere. For Catalogs Write Earl H. Rabenold RD2, Kutztown. PA 19530 Phone; 215-683-3603 Ralph Zettlemoyer, Auctioneer Goods and Antiques Located along Maple Grove Road leading from Bowmansville to Maple Grove close to Coolcrcek Campgrounds, Lancaster County, Pa Sale by Alvin. Harvey E Jr.. James A Schlough and Mary Schaeffer, executors of the Harvey E Schlough estate H. H. Leid Auction Service SAT. MAR. 20 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Household Goods & An tiques. Located 1 mi. South of Five Pointsville Just off Route 897, Vi mi. East of Harold Good’s Feed Mill in Lancaster County, PA. Sale by Joseph M. Zimmerman. Auctioneers, Leroy S. Horst & Paul W. Horst. SAT. MARCH 20 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Dairy Cattle for Sylvester B. Pierce located at RDI, CoatesviDe. Pa. Nevin Z. Martin and Lewis B. Groff, Auctioneers. SAT. MAR. 20 - 11:00 ajn. Public Sale of Household Goods. Location 15 mi. East of Lancaster, 2 mi. West of Gap, 1 Mock North of Rt. 30 in Kinzer. Next to Kinzer Mennonite Church. Terms by Anna K. Hoover. Robert E. Martin 656-7770 & Frank L. Steller 656-9055. SAT. MARCH 20 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment for J. Harold Heagy, located North of Fontana in S. Ann ville Twp. Harry Bachman, Auctioneer. TOURS. NfGHTMAR. 23-6 6m. Public Sale of ousehold goods and An tiques, Kempton Community Center, 10 Auctioneers. FRI MARCH 26 - sth Penn- PUBLIC AUCTION MODERN FARM EQUIP., SILOS ANTIQUE TITAN TRACTOR FRI., MARCH 5,1976 At 10 A.M. Located 7 mi. north of Hazeiton, turn west off Rt 93 at Sybertsville, in Luzerne Co., PA. Farmall 806 diesel w-wide front, f-h; Farmall 504 diesel w-wide front, 3 pt.; Fannall M; J.D. B w-2 row cult.; MC 303 combine w-13’ grain bead, (hume reel) & 2 row No. 228 corn head, cab; MC No. 201-10’ self propelled windrower - conditioner; MC 6 btm. 16” semi mtd. plow w-fast hitch; MC No. 480-20’ transport disc; MC No. 15 carrier w-401 five sec. harrow; Brillion 8’ seeder - cultipacker; Howard 80” rotovator; MC No. 463-3 pt 4 row colt.; MC 455-4 row com planter; Woods 9’ rotary cutter; Smoker 72’ mow elev.; (2) 16’ x 40’ steel grain silos; B&H 100 gal.-min. irrig. pump and lot of 4”&3” alu. pipe & fittings; plus full line of modem farm equip, and shop tools. SPECIAL NOTE: 1914 Titan tractor manufactured by Int. Harvester Co., steel wills.; 20 HP, Ser No. TV -11415. Also lot of seasoned walnut lumber St hand hewn bam beams. For full listing send SASE to Auction Co. Terms Cash or check on sale day. Out of state please bring bank letter of credit. Sale for ALIMAR FARMS Sale conducted by RALPH W. ZETTLEMOYER AUCTION CO. PUBLIC SALE OF DAIRY HERD AND FARM IMPLEMENTS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1976 9:30 A.M. On the Premises along Oaklyn Drive, V/z Mile South of Bowmansville, just off Route 625, in Lancaster County. PA. 40 HEAD OF HOLSTEINS Including 30 Head of Grade Dairy Cows, in all stages of production; 3 Bred Heifers; 1 Bull, 9 months old; 6 Open Heifers. (Health Charts Furnished.) 2 PAIRS OF WORK HORSES, 8 and 9 Years Old McCormick Ground Driven Mower No. 7; New Idea Manure Spreader No. 17 on Steel; John Deere Horse drawn Cultivator; John Deere Crimper; New Holland Super 68 Baler; N.H. Mower No. 45 with P.T.0.; New Idea 101 Fertilizer Drill; 16-inch Papec Cutter with Shredder Bars and 40 feet of Pipe; McCormick Com Binder, P.T.0., on Rubber; Zook Steel Wheeled Wagon; Gruber Rubber Tired Wagon; Oliver Radex 2- bottom 14-inch Plow; Allis Chalmers 24 Disc with new Bearings; McCormick 3-section Harrow; 4-cylinder Wisconsin Motor with Clutch on 2-wheeled Cart; McCormick Horse-drawn Com Planter with Fertilizer Attachments; McCormick Cultipacker Double Roll; 2 McCormick Hay Rakes with 3 Bars; McCormick Harvester; Fox Blower; Dual-wheeled Farm Trailer on Rubber, B’xl6’; John Deere Cast Iron 3-bottom Trailer Plow; New Idea Trailer Mower with P.T.0.; McCormick 9’ Spring Harrow; John Deere 10 Disc Grain Drill, Horse-drawn; 2 Four-hitch Trees;'so-foot EndlessJßelt; Hillside Hitch; Single and DouhJeJEtees; 3 Surge Milkers; Strainers; Carrying Pail; 14 Milk Cans; Silage Cart; Feed Cart; 2 Sets 16-inch Papec Cutter Knives; 4 Work Harnesses; 2 New Harnesses; lot of Shovels, Forks, Hammers, Knapsack Sprayer, and many other small items not mentioned. TERMS BY GIDEON RIEHL Leßoy S. Horst and Paul W. Horst, Auctioneers REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS IF ANY SHOULD OCCUR sylvania Chester White Invitational Show and Sale (Show Time 4.30 P.M. Sale 7 P M ) located at the Lebanon Area Fair Grounds, Ht. 72 to Rockety Road East, Lebanon, Pa Harry Bach man. Auctioneer. For Catalogues write or call Charles E. Griest, RDI, Abbottstown, Pa. 17301, 717- 624-8421 FRI. MAR. 28 - 11 am. Public Sale of Dairy Cows Auction of Farm Inl and Heifers, Purebred! and elements & Household Grades, Stock Bulls all Goods. Located between Rt tested. Kempton Community 222 St Rothsville off Rt 772. Center. Ralph Zettlemoyer, Sale by Albert Martin. Frank Auctioneer. St Pam Snyder, Auctioneers. FRI. NIGHT MAR. 28 - 5:30 6,m. Public Sale of ousehold Goods and An tiques, Kempton Community Center, 10 Auctioneers. COMPLETE DISPERSAL Located just off Route 15 in Covington, PA on Canada Rd, 7 miles from Mansfield, 10 miles from Wellsboro, 45 miles from Williamsport PA Watch for auction arrows. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 At 12:00 Sharp 50 REGISTERED & HIGH GRADE HOLSTEINS 50 35 Reg. —l5 High-grades Herd consists of 33 mature cows, 8 bred hfrs. St 9 head ranging from calves to yearlings. 5 of these cows have freshened in the last 60 days, 5 due Feb., Mar., St April Several fall cows balance in all stages of lac tation. Pregnancy examined, charts day of sale, in terstate tested on request. Mr. Weiskopff has used artificial breeding for many years some of toe sires represented. 5 Whirlhill Kingpins; 2 Simpson Farm Tidy Gents; 2U.NJL Grenadier Guardsmans; Willmil Ivanboe Bellringer; Ravenglen Reflection Adonis, Pubget Sound Statesman; Peters Farm Marksman Ivanboe; Big Rock Ormshy Triune; Knob- Lick Elevation Bob, and other good sires. Ford 960 tractor; Ford 911 select speed tractor; 8N Ford tractor; Owatonna No. 100 portable feed grinder; Owatonna No. 29 self-propelled hay machine; 3 bay wagons w-kicker rads; Ford No. 605 chopper w-3 heads; New Idea flail chopper; Ford baler w-thrower; Ford 6 ft. combine w-motor; 38 ft. elevator; 6 ton Grove wagon-w-dump box; Ford 10 ft. disk; Ford 3 pt. barrows; Ford 3 pt cultivators; Ford 4 bottom triple head plows; Ford No. 101 three bottom 3 pt. bitch plows; Ford 2 row 3 pt. hitch com planter; New Idea No. 19 spreader; New Idea crimper; N.H. No. 455 trail type mower; rotary mower; J.D. 17 disk drill; N.H. mower; LH.C. No. 15 side rake; trail type weed sprayer; 2 wheel turner; approx. 76 ft. mow conveyor, like new; I.H.C. 45 ft. belt blower; 16 ft. grain dev.; New Idea fertilizer sower; flat bottom wagon w running gear; old wagon; farm trailer; 3 pt. blade; 3 pt. lift; old 4 section harrow; Com picker; Papec en silage cutter; tractor weights; steel gate; 2 elec, fencers; 4 gas heaters; cattle spray; 4 wheel egg cart; G.E. drinking fountain; bam lime spreader; old compressors; cow clippers; Surge 4 unit milker pump; Surge 2 unit milker pump; 3 Surge milker units & other small items. Approx. 40 ton ear com; approx. 2 ton wheat; ap prox. 60 ton bay to be sold in 5 lots. 200 plus acre daily farm, 6 bedroom house, 2 baths, fireplace, garage, shop, 4 bams, 34 stanchion in main barn, 45-50 head capacity, 50 acres of prime river bottom land, over 100 tillable in total, another 60 acres improved pasture, over one mile of road frontage on paved roads, 2 streams running through property. Farm will be offered for sale at approx. 1:30 as a complete unit of approx. 200 acres & buildings as listed on approx. 80 acres & buildings as listed. All bids ac cepted or rejected within 5 days. Assumable mortgage at 8% percent interest, 20 yr. term. 5 percent down day of sale. Brookers protected. For information call The Real Estators at Mansfield, 717-662-2138. Sales Mgr. Note: Mr. Weiskopff is discontinuing his farming operation & going into another business. You will find a good uddered herd of cattle here that have never been fed for high production. We think this herd has the potential to go home and produce well for you. An outstanding daughter of W.N.H. Grenadier Guard sman that snould score well if classified. A large line of farm machinery, don’t miss this good sale. Selling order small items at 12:00 sharp, machinery at 12:30, cattle at approx. 1:30. Be on time see you Feb. 7. ~ - Terms: Cash or Good Cbeck. — - Sale under cover Lunch available OWNERS JAMES & GRACE WEISKOPFF Auctioneer - Arlow Kiehl SALES MANAGER Gordon Wood - Mansfield, PA Phone 717-549-4901 For the most in advertising coverage & preparing your sale call Woods Auction Service. SAT. MAR. 27 - Public SAT. MAR. 27 - 12:00 Noon Sharp. Keister’s Mlddleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Horse Sale. Draft & Driving Horses. Located at Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Route 522, three Miles WEISKOPFF MACHINERY PRODUCE REAL ESTATE
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