Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 31, 1976, Image 7
Livestock market and auction news * Peoria January 29,1071 Weekly Summary Cattle Receipts This Week 5100 Last Week 5700 Year Ago 5300 Compared with last week’s close, slaughter steers 1.00 1.50. instances 2.00 lower. Slaughter heifers 1.50-2.50 lower. Cows 1.00-2.50 higher. Bulls firm to 1.00 higher. Receipts about 70 percent slaughter steers 25 percent slaughter heifers, balance mainly cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice and Prime 1200-1275 lbs. yield grade 3-4 40.00 40.50; Choice 975-1200 lbs. yield grade 24 38.00-39.50, late 38.50-39.50; Mixed Good Choice 900-1300 lbs. Good 34.51W7.00; Standard and Good 32.00 34.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice and Prime 900-1060 lbs. yield grade 24 37,25- 38.50. At mid week 37.25- 37.75, load 38.25; Choice 850 1025 lbs. yield grade 24 35.00 37.25, some carrying moderate amount mud 34.50. 750-850 lbs. 33.50-35.00; Mixed Good and Choice 750 1000 lbs. 31.00-35.00; Good 26.00-31.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 25.00-27.50; high-dressing Utility 28.00- 28.50; Cutter 22.50-26.50; Canner 21.50-23.00, few 20.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1-2 1100-1800 lbs. 24.00-30.00; few yield grade 1 31.00-33.00. YOU,AND OTHER INFLUENTIAL FARMERS IN YOUR AREA ARE IN VITED TO ATTEND A PRODUCTION AND RESEARCH CONFERENCE DESIGNED TO DISCUSS CRITICAL MANAGEMENT ISSUES WITH EX PERTS IN THE FIELDS OF CORN RESEARCH, PRODUCTION AND MARKETING. THURSDAY, FEB. 12, 1976 10 A,M. TO 3 P.M. VALLEY INN, COCKEYSVILLE, MARYLAND Speakers are selected for their knowledge and national recognition in each topic area. TROJAN DIVISION AGRONOMIST PROGRAM COORDINATOR St. Louis Auction Jan. 29 Weekly Cattle Review: Receipts this week 7,200; week ago 8,900; year ago 6,100 as compared to the previous weeks close, slaughter steers mostly 3.00 lower. Slaughter heifers unevenly 4.00-6.00 lower. Cows 1.00 to mostly 2.00 higher. Bulls strong to mostly 1.00 higher. Supply mainly mixed Good and Choice 950-1150 lb. Slaughter Steers, around 25 percent heifers and 10 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 1150-1250 lbs. YG 24 39.50, part load 1215 lbs. at 40.50 on Monday. Load high Choice and Prime 1375 lbs. YG 4-5 37.00. Choice 950-1225 lbs. YG 24 37.00-39.00. Mixed Good and Choice 950-1175 lbs. 34.50-38.00. Good 32.0035.50. Standard to Good Holsteins 30.00- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 800-1050 lbs. YG 24 33.0037.00. late week sales 33.00- several 34.00, few 35.00. Mixed Good and Choice 750-950 lbs. 30.00 35.50. Good 28.0032.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 24.00-28.00. YG 1-2 1100-1800 lbs. 27.50-28.50, late week sales 28.50. Cutter 21.00-25.00. Canner to low Cutter 17.00-21.50. BULLS: YG 1-2 1100-1700 lbs. 24.00-29.00, mostly 25.00- 29.00. YG 1 1600-2000 lbs. 30.00. CORN RESEARCH CONFERENCE TOPICS: What’s New in Hybrid Corn Research Marketing for the Highest Profit More Efficient Fertilizer Usage Grain Storage and Handling Farm Credit and Money Management FOR PURCHASE OF TICKETS CONTACT YOUR LOCAL TROJAN SEED DEALER. TIMOTHY HUMAN, Greencastle Greencaatle, PA January 2C, 1976 CATTLE 132. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows $1 to $2 higher. Few Good slaughter steers 36.00*36.25, few Standard 29.50-34.50, few Utility 25.00-31.25. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 28.00-28.50, Cutters 23.60-25 50, Canners 20.85-23.75, Shells down to 19.00. One Good slaughter bullock at 33.75, one Stan dard at 29.50. Couple Yield Grade No. 1 1325 and 23.20 lbs. slaughter bulls 31.25 and 33.75. CALVES 185. Vealers grading Utility 86 to $8 higher. Couple Prime vealers at 76.00, couple Choice 68.00 and 70.00, few Good 50.00-63.00, Standard 43.00- few Utility 120- 150 lbs. 35.00-45.00,90-110 lbs. 30.50-33.00, 70-85 lbs. 28.00- 33.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 33.00-45.50. HOGS 106. US No. 1-3 205- 215 lbs. barrows & gilts 51.75- 52.00. No. 1-3 210-240 lbs. 51.00- No. 2-3 190-220 lbs. 50.35-51.00, Lot No. 2-4 270 lbs. 48.00. US No. 2-3 330- 625 lbs. sows 36.00-41.00. One Boar at 34.85. FEEDER PIGS 28. US No. 1-3 30-35 lbs. feeder pigs 15.00- per head, lot No. 1-3 45 lbs. 30.00, lot No. 1-3 65 lbs. 44.00 per head. SHEEP 2. Couple Good 95 and 110 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 35.00 and 37.00. Dewart Auction Dewart, PA January 26,1976 CATTLE 159. Compared with last Monday's market, slaughter steers grading Standard & Good $1 to $3 lower. Slaughter cows $1 to $1.50 higher. Few Choice slaughter steers 37.35-39.10, Good 36.0038.00, Standard 32.25-35.00, Few Standard slaughter heifers 31.5034.10, few Utility 27.00-28.60. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 26.0028.50, one at 29.00, Cutters 24.00 26.50, Canners 21.5023.75, few Shells down to 18.75. Few Yield Grade No. 1 1075-1250 lbs. slaughter bulls 28.25- 30.00, CALVES 167. Vealers grading Utility $3 to $6 higher. Few Choice vealers 64.0071.50, few Good 45.00 55.00, few Standard 39.00 49.00, Utility 90110 lbs. 31.00 34.00, 7085 lbs. 25.0030.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90115 lbs. 31.0036.00.' HOGS 223. Barrows & Gilts 75 cents to $1 higher. US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 52.40-52.80, lot 53.10, No. 1-3 200-240 lbs. 51.70-42,40, lot No. 2-4 275 lbs. 54.75. US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. sows 44.00- 52.00. Few Boars 30.00-32.00. FEEDER PIGS 89. US No. 1-3 20-45 lbs. feeder pigs 25.00-47.00 per bead, lot No. 1-3 8 lbs. 14.00, few Utility 70- 85 lbs. 42.00-44.00 per head. SHEEP 0. No sales on offer. We’re Here to Help You Now Buying Diy Ear Corn $72 Per Ton Certified Soybean Seed $B.OO per ou. SPECIAL TRAILER LOAD LOT PRICES SLIGHT CHANGES SUBJECT TO MARKET FLUCTUATION Chemicals for Weed & Insect Control $l3 50 gal (Seal can) CHLORDAN Liquid $12.00 gal $l4 45 gal dial jue) COUNTER 84 lb lb FURADAN Granular 55 lb $3lOO gal FURADAN Liquid $28,50 gal $l4OO gal. LASSO $1350 SZ9S lb LOROX $3.25 lb $1750 gal ORTHO X 77 s9Sogal 45 1b PROWL $25 50 gal AATREX 4L PRINCEP SOW BANUEL D BANUEL K BLADEX Power BLADEX Liquid CHLORDAN Power Just as near as your pinna is a Fuß Qrcie Farm Service an too tenatafians of fecal harhforkmf safer Una tuners Kke yourself whaVe pul thur yean ef eipenence taiethar with the sonncae the* business* proud el lo after yeu cenpiele cansuMahOA and sennet ffe re Hestttter Farm Supply Tauve known us far years wo buy grew and we re known far lasi talabfe service far pricing and feed aW fashaned county courtesy Hosteiar means help the Und.a( help every farmer needs near OMotfc to ht a real aerate Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 31.1976 — Martinsburg Martlnsborg, PA January 26,1976 ** CATTLE 232. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter steers $2 to $3 lower. Slaughter cows ac tive, firm to $2 higher. Good slaughter steers 35.0036.25, Standard 28.9035.50, Utility 24.20-28.75. One Choice slaughter heifer at 33.25, Standard and Good 28.00 31.60, few to 34.50, few Utility 22.0026.75. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 26.0028.00, few to 30.50, few Commercial 24.0029.00, Cutters 24.0026.40, Canners 21.0023.50, Shells down to 16.00. One Good slaughter bullock at 34.25, few Stan dard 26.75-33.25, one Utility at 23.50. Two Yield Grade No. 1, 1635 and 2550 lbs. slaughter bulls 29.00 and 32.10, individual Yield Grade No. 2, 1250 lbs. at 27.75. CALVES 242. Vealers grading Utility $5 to $8 higher. Individual Prime vealer at 72.50, Choice 70.00- 73.00, Good 50.00-59.50, few to 69.50, Standard 40.00-49.00, few Utility 110-120 lbs. 40.00- 42.50, 90-115 lbs. 30.0038.50, 65-90 lbs. 24.50-29.00, few 50- 60 lbs. 17.00-23.50. Farm Calves; Holstein bulls 90-115 lbs. 40.50-46.50. Slaughter Calves: Standard and Good 240-550 lbs. slaughter steers 24.0034.50, HOGS 250. Barrows and gilts fully 50 cents lower. Few US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. barrows and gilts 51.85-53.00, NO. 13 200-240 lbs. 51.40- 52.10, No. 23 185-250 lbs. AATREX SOW *2.® lb. Other therm cak naJahte >\ suwbr pnces uwn request • '* 1 i" ' 10 OCX) gallon steel storage tank (or liquid liyyYgyygy solution and fertilizer $l5OO (ARM surm IK RO4 HANOVER, PA 17331 ,ncts FOI « 0 4 Haimti Pa art ukitcl (• than* >htn cuntnl supply n tihausled Ph. (717) (32-0402 « 632-57*0 50.00-51.20, few No. 2-4 245- 270 lbs. 48.00-49.40. US No. 1-3 340440 lbs. sows 44.00-46.75, few No. 2-3 380-530 lbs. 37.50- 42.00. Boars 30.25-32.00, individual light weight at 42.00. FEEDER PIGS 35. US No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. feeder pigs 36.50-39.00 per head, lot No. 1-3 65 lbs. 41.50 per head. Oklahoma Jan. 29 Thursday Feeder Cattle Auction Estimated Receipts 4,500 Same day last week 6,352 Trade active, feeder steers and heifers 1.00-2.00 higher, with most upturn noted on feeder steers over 600 lb. and heifers under 600 lb. Bulk of receipts Choice 300-800 lb. feeder steers and 300-700 lb. feeder heifers off wheat pasture. Moderate at tendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-400 lb. 38.0041.75, 400-500 lb. 35.50-38.75, couple part loads 440520 lb. 39.85- 40.80, 500-700 lb. 36.25-39.00, 700-800 lb. 36.75-39.00, few 800-950 lb. 36.0038.75; Mixed Good and Choice 300500 lb. 32.0036.25, bulk 33.00-36.00, 500-700 lb. 32.50-37.00, majority 33.50-36.50, few Good 660-975 lb. including Holsteins 25.75-31.90, bulk 25.75-28.75. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 300400 lb. 27.75-31.00, 400500 lb. 28.0032.00, 500800 lb. 29.50-32.75; mixed Good and Choice 300-500 lb. 24.50 28.50, few 500775 lb. 26.50 29.00, scattered sales good 380605 lb. 24.0026.50. PARAQUAT $3400 gal sl<o lb $1475 gal 551 b (201 b bag) 54 (501 b bag) TREFLAN $28.90 gal 2 4-D AMINE $7OO gal (5 gal cam 240 ESTER $8.60 gal RAMROD SUTAN THIMED 7