Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 31, 1976, Image 65

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    Public Sales Register
SAT. FEB. 14 - 10:30 A.M.
. ’anvllle Livestock Market
Horse Sale. Located at
Danville livestock Market
on Rte. 11, Danville, Pa.
Owners - Charles C. Myers &
Melvin M. Lehman.
MON FEB. 16 - 10:30 A.M
Public Auction of Farm
ffVVWS Equipment, Ear Corn,
■ II VI Affl Holstein Heifers &
■ 1 V Household Good?. Location:
111 HjbV Take Route 501 north from
|pH|, Myerstown toward Bethel,
where 501 turns north toward
Bethel, go straight towards
Rehrersburg, then first road
right, first farm on right
Tulpehocken Township,
Berks County. Pa. Sale by
SAT. FEB. 14 - 10:00 a.m.
Sharp. Public Sale of Farm
Machinery, Antiques, &
Household Goods. Sale to be
held in the Wlnterstown Fire
Hall, along Rt. 24 in Wln
terstown Boro, York Co., Pa.
Sale by Donald W. Keesey,
owner. Robert L. Sechrlst,
SAT. FEB. 14 & 21 - 10:00
a.m. Two Day Public Sale of
Farm Equipment, Shop &
Hand Tools. Second Day -
Real Estate, Antiques,
Household Goods & Auto.
Located in village of West
Willow, along Millwood
Road, Pequea Twp., Lane.
Co., Pa, Sale by National
Central Bank Executor for
Edgar C. Siegler and Ruth I.
Siegler Estates. Howard
Shaub & Roy C. Probst,
* auctioneers.
MON. FEB. 16 - Public Sale
of Farm Equipment and ear
corn located at RDI,
Richland, Pa. Sale by Elam
M. Burkholder; John E. and
PaulE. Martin, Auctioneers.
MON. FEB. 16 - 10 a.m.
Public Sale of Farm
Equipment and Tools
located a. Silver Springs, Pa.
along Rt. 23 between Lan
caster and Marietta, Pa.
Sale by Moses Shirk, Harold
“Abe’ r Shaffner and Wilbur
Holler, Auctioneers.
• Hybrid Corn - high yielding single
and special crosses.
• Alfalfa Seed - for any rotation or
• Forage Mixes - A mix for every
need (pasture, hay, haylage,
- greenchop or green manure
• Hybrid Sorghum - grain, forage,
and sorghum - sudangrass
Don't Delay.
See Your Pioneer PIONEER.
Salesman To-Dav!
*uie9iiiun iv wuy. Corrli Sorghum, Alfalfa
® Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International,
Inc., Des Moines. lowa, U S.A
Elam M Burkholder John
E and Paul E Martin.
TUBS. FEB. 17 - 1 P.M.
Special Graded Feeder Pig
Sale at the Lancaster
Stockyards, Inc,, Lancaster,
TUBS FEB 17 - 11 AM
Public Sale of Farm
Machinery and Jersey Dairy
Cattle located 15 miles South
of Lancaster, 1 mile west of
Route 272 from Valley View
Restaurant, adjacent to
Chestnut Level Pres
Church Terms by Elmer L
Fisher, J. Everett Kreider
and Carl Diller, Auctioneers.
TUES. FEB. 17 - 6 p.m. Big
Antique Sale at the Far
mersville Auction located at
Farmersville, 3 miles East
of Brownstown, Lancaster
Co. Sale by John J. Rutt;
Richard Murray, Auc
WED. FEB. 18 - 9:30 a.m.
Consignment Sale by David
H. Good located % mile
North of Route 23 on North
Maple Ave. in Leola, Pa.
Lancaster County. Farm
Equipment, Tractors, Horse
drawn implements, new
tools, hardware, building
materials, etc. F. Snyder, R.
Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth, C.
DUler and J. Fray, Auc
WED. FEB. 18 - 12 Noon
Public Sale of Horse Drawn
Farm Machinery, Livestock
and Corn located 3 miles
southeast of Strasburg, just
off Route 896, along Iva
Road, Lancaster County, Pa.
Terms by Gideon B. Lapp;
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 31,1976
Leroy Zook and Ledn Kurtz,
Uke Blackburn road, Ist.
road left South of Solanco
jDrumore Townshio. Lan
ctster Co. Sale by V. Merril
ancf Paul E.’Martin, Auc> a - Bradiey ’
tioneers. Auctioneer.
THURS. FEB. 19 - Public
Sale of a lot of Farm
Machinery and Tools located
3 miles North of Churchtown,
10 miles East of New Holland
and 2 miles West of
Morgantown, Pa. Sale by
Ivan N. Hoover; Ralph W.
Hurst, Auctioneer.
THURS. FEB. 19 -10:30 a.m.
Outstanding Public Sale of
Farm Equipment, Truck,
etc. located m York County,
Pa. midway between
Hanover and Spring Gove on
Route 116 at Iron Ridge
Road, turning North 1 mile
or off Route 30 Wz mile East
of Abbottstown, turning
South at Milestown Road for
approx. 5 miles (Watch for
Sale Signs). Sale by Robert
E. Hebert, Ruthanna R.
Rebert, owners, R 3,
Hanover, Pa. Clair R
Slaybaugn, Auctioneer.
FRI. FEB. 20 - 8 P.M. Nite
Cow Sale at the Black &
White Holstein Farm,
Lancaster, Pa. across from
the Comet Drive-in Theatre
or Vi mile West of breeding
unit. Charles C. Myers,
owner; Abe Diffenbach,
auctioneer; Henry Ket
tering, Pedigrees; Park
Myers, Sales Manager.
FRI. FEB 20 - 10:00 A.M.
Public Sale of Full Line of
Horse Drawn Farm
Equipment, Livestock, Few
Antiques & Furniture.
Located 6 miles South of
Strasburg on Rt. 896 in the
center of the village of
Georgetown, Bart, PA. Sale
by Abner Fisher. Auc
tioneers: Lloyd Kreider &
Stephen Petersheim.
SAT. FEB. 21 - 12 Noon
Public Sale of Farm Im
plements located 3 miles
South of Quarryville Rt. 222,
SAT. FEB 21 - 11 AM.
Public Sale of Modern Farm
Machinery located along
White Oak Road mile west
of 896, miles south of
Strasburg, 2 miles north of
Georgetown, Bart Twp ,
Penna. Terms by A Landis
& Mary Jane Stauffer. J
Everett Kreider and Carl
Oilier, Auctioneers
SAT. FEB. 21 - 9 A.M. Pubhc
Auction Consignment Sale of
Farm Tractors, Trucks.
Implements, Industrial
Equipment, Discs, Mowers,
Balers, Rakes, Plows, Etc.
Location - Don Scheese
Farm, approximately 15
miles southeast of Delaware-
Memorial Bridge; 3 miles
west of Deerfield, N. J.; 6
miles south of Pittsgrove
Circle (U.S. Route 40 and
N. J. Rt. 77). From there take
the road between diner and
green Municipal Building.
Sale is directly across from
the Friesburg Lutheran
Church on Friesburg-Aldine
Rd. William Bragdon,
SAT. FEB. 21 - 1:00 P.M.
Public Auction of Real
Estate & Farm Implements.
Located off Brubaker Valley
Rd. leading from Clay off Rt.
322 to Rt. 501. Sale by Isaac
Leaman. Frank & Paul
Snyder, Auctioneers.
SAT. FEB. 21 - 1:30 p.m.
Feeder Pig Sale located
between Womelsdorf and
Myerstown along Route 422,
at Stouchsburg take Scharff
Road South 1 mile, third
farm on left, % mile North of
Sheridan Furnaces, Marion
Twp., Berks County, Pa.
Sale by Walter M. Horst,
Newmanstown RDI, John E.
& Paul E. Martin, Auc