istar Farming. Saturday, Jan. 31, 1976 t Even TARPON SPRINGS, Fl*. • More crop acres, more grain exports and higher farm cash receipts will help in crease 1976 U.S, retail sales dollar volume of farm equipment by seven per cent, manufacturers said in response to the Farm and Industrial Equipment In stitute (FIEI) State of the Industry survey presented here last week. In delivering the report, Don L. Douglass, vice president, marketing, Massey-Ferguson Inc., told the FIEI Marketing and Management Conference of 200 top industry executives that makers of agri equipment (grain bins, portable farm augers, and farmstead equipment) expect U.S. retail sales to increase by eight per cent in 1976. Internationally, farm equipment manufacturers estimate an increase in 1975 sales of three major product areas: tractors will be up 2C percent over 1974, combines up 15 percent and hay equipment up 10 percent. “Roughly 70 percent of all companies polled are more optimistic about 1976 business prospects than they were last May,” Douglass said (The FIEI State of the Industry survey is presented each January and May.) Some other reasons for their buoyed outlook; in creased livestock feeding, unproved financial position of customers, and strong demand for larger, more efficient equipment. Manufacturers anticipate unit sales of four wheel drive Guernsey recognized PETERBOROUGH, N.H. - Two registered Guernsey cows in the herd of Penn-Del Farm, Raymond F. & Louise A. Witmer have recently completed top official DHIR actual production records, according to The American Guernsey Cattle Club. All cows were milked two times a day. The testing was supervised by Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Guernsey milk is world famous for its high protein, delicious flavor and golden yellow color. Penn Del Charming Machinery manufacturers reveal survey bigger equipment expected tractors will Increase to 11.000 units in 1076. up 10 percent from 10,000 units sold in 1975 (estimated). Two wheel drive tractor unit sales will decrease to 144,500 units, down 3.0 percent from 148.000 sold in 1975 (estimated). Self-propelled combine unit sales will decrease to 32,000, down I.S percent from 32,000 sdld in 1975 (estimated). Big package hay handling equipment unit sales will rise 12.5 percent in 1976. Hay stacker sales will be up seven percent and stack mover sales will increase by eight percent. The trend toward larger equipment will continue, manufacturers say. One-half of all farm tractors sold in 1970 were 70 horsepower and in 1975, 85 h.p., In 1980, manufacturers expect the median horsepower to be 101 h.p. and by 1985,117 h.p., the report says. By 1985, manufacturers expect the largest two wheel drive tractor commercially available to offer 219 h.p.; the largest four wheel drive tractor will offer 565 h.p.- Currently, the top com mercial two wheel drive tractor offers 182 h.p.; the most powerful four wheel drive tractor offers 290 h.p., according to FIEI. Harvesting capacity will also increase dramatically, manufacturers say. In self propelled combines, it will be up 20 percent by 1980 and 25 percent by 1985. Manufacturers said that the harvesting capacity of their largest combine increased 20 percent since 1970. Nettie, a Sr.,three year old, produced 13,000 pounds of milk and 629 pounds of fat, in 305 days, and Penn Del Fayvors Beatrice, a Jr. two year old, produced 12,540 pounds of milk and 564 pounds of fat, in 305 days. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! "We also note « trend toward conaervation Ullage," Mr. Douglass said. "Respondents said mold board plow sales would decrease by five per cent, while chisel plow sales would be up five per cent." Energy shortages will increase manufacturing costs in 1976, 84 percent of the respondents said. But overall, 63 percent expect inflaUon to run about the same level as in 1975. Material and component supplies appear adequate for 68 percent of the respon dents, but the remainder said certain tires, forgings, castings and gears were in short supply. ‘‘Except for combines and large tractors, inventories on November 1, 1975, were higher than manufacturers had previously reported as acceptable,” Mr. Douglass said. "However, most reported that inventory on January 1, 1976, or some time during this year would be acceptable. Manufac turers do not feel they have an inventory problem.” Manufacturers believe no radiator no water pump no water hoses no anti-freeze Deutz AIR-COOLED iSAY OOYTZ) DIESEL-POWERED TRACTORS Direct air cooling eliminates , '-wa~ major causes of costly down time And ,l P erm| f s higher wgaw ,nterna ' cylinder temperatures TSSy for more complete combustion less carbon build-up and smoke—more hours per gallon We II be glad to arrange for a demonstration m STAUFFER A DIESEL, INC. JgFyyyJ 312 W. Main St. Tractors New Holland. Pa. Ph.7l7-354-4181 For Further Information On Our STEBL BUILDINGS And GRAIN STORAGE ....Feel Free To Mail Attached Coupon 0 ill that the five year Russian grain agreement will have a stabilizing effect on price*, but of itself would create no significant upside pressure on commodity prices. Farm machinery sales would be supported somewhat by the agreement, some companies said, because fanners will gear up to produce for a larger ex port market. j Retail sale dollar volume of the following agri equipment product lines is expected to increase 10 percent: portable farm augers and elevators, crop dryers, dairy, beef and hog mechanization equipment, and grain bins. Milking machine retail sale dollar volume will in crease by nine per cent, manufacturers say. Broiler production equipment sales will increase by five per cent while egg production equipment sales will remain flat. Consumer chemical ap plication equipment (sprayers, dusters, foggers, etc.) sales will be up six percent the report said. Some positive factors VERNON E. MYER STEEL BUILDINGS AND GRAIN STORAGE R. D. #4 LEBANON, PA. 17042 PHONE (717)867-4139 include strong commodity markets, world food demand and Improved return on investment for farmer*. Dollar volume of U.S. lawn and garden equipment soles will increase 10 percent, respondents said. De Laval's Shows You How Well it Milks COMMERCIAL and AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS WE OFFER COMPLETE ERECTION ON ANY SIZE OR STYLE BUILDING. j lf€ai£ Coupon Today! I □ SEND STEEL BUILDINGS LITERATURE □ SEND GRAIN STORAGE LITERATURE lAME ADDRESS lITY. ELEPHONE, They cited the following positive factors as reasons: general economic recovery, housing recovery, higher consumer incomes, more leisure time, and the otQI growing interest in vegetable gardening. STATE ZIP, l<fj
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