—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Jan. 31, 1976 60 Pesticide applicator exams scheduled Luke Antonelli, Regional Director of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, announced today that examinations will be ad ministered for prospective commercial applicators of restricted-use pesticides. He explained that under the new Pesticide Act it will be illegal after October 1978 for anyone not licensed by the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania to sell, purchase, or apply certain pesticides. All commercial applicators STOLTZFUS MEAT MARKET d Our Own Beef Right From The Farm —FRESH BEEF AND PORK— jf \ I OUR OWN HOME MADE SCRAPPLE & FRESH SAUSAGE JfJM Bacon and Country Cured Hams Orders taken for freezer Meats—Custom Butchering PH. 768-3941 Directions: 1 block east of Intercourse on Rt 772 - Newport Road Reg. Hours: Thurs. 9-5; Fri. 9-8; Sat 9-5 SPECIAL OF THE WEEK - There is a MUELLER Bulk Milk Cooler to fit any herd size and budget!! ★ Available in several models gallon size range ★ 100% Type 304 stainless steel construction ★ Exclusive direct expansion MUELLER Temp-Plate® evaporator (cooling plate) All MUELLER Coolers are designed to be cleaned with the MUELLER-MATlC®Automatic Washing System “Simply fill the detergent bowl and flip the switch , , , the rest is automatic". - USED BULK TANKS - New 18 can {Can Coolers) 1000 gal Dan-Kool 300 gal Jamesway 425 gal Esco 300 gal Sunset 650 gal Esco QUEEN Box 67, Intercourse, Pa. 17534 OR Answering Service 354-4374 kHf ' r ? r '- supplies, Check Our Prices on Animal Medications ‘.Vp S' must pass a certification examination to become licensed. Mr. Antonelli further explained that under the new law, a commercial applicator is anyone who applies or supervises the application of a restricted use pesticide for any purpose to property other than his own. A person applying a restricted-use pesticide where it can come in contact with the public (such as a golf course or cemetery) or where food is involved (such ROAD REPAIR After 5 P.M. JOHN D WEAVER 656-9982 - KENNETH M. GROFF 354-0473 GIDOIENNER 76M521 as a warehouse or feed mill) is considered to be a com mercial applicator, whether he or she owns the property or not. Frank Steams, Regional Supervisor of the Bureau of Plant Industry, which will enforce the Pesticide Act, stated that examinations are offered in ten categories of pesticide application. He said half of the exam con cerns a general knowledge of pests, pest control, and labeling. The remainder involves the specific categories in which the applicant desires to be certified as a commercial applicator. Mr. Stearns urged those intending to take the examination to obtain study materials provided by The Pennsylvania State University. Application forms for acquiring these materials are available from the county agent at the Penn State Agricultural Extension office in each county. These are usually listed in the telephone directory under “Penna. State University - Agricultural and Home Economics Extension.” Anyone wishing to take the examination is asked to contact by phone or writing the Pennsylvania Depart ment of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, 402 Century Plaza Building, 650 CAL. 70 thru 5000 - USED DIESELS - Ruston SRI Lister Phone 717-768-7111 24 Hour Service Lansdale, PA 19446, telephone number 215-368- 3000, for registration and information concerning the exam location. Dairy bill NEW CUMBERLAND - Dr. Weldon Barton, aide to Congressman Joe Vigorito (D. 24th District, Pa.) told a meeting of the Pennsylvania Farmers Union, here, last Tuesday that the dairy bill proposing an 85 per cent parity rate with quarterly adjustments is very likely to be vetoed by President Ford before the end of the week. He must do something with it by midnight, Friday, he said. However, the veto has at least a “50-50” chance of being over-ridden, Barton added. Assuming Ford does veto the bill (by the time this is off the press, he will have taken action on it), then it will go back to the Senate for reconsideration. According to Barton, who is firmly involved in the House Committee on Agriculture, and considers his superior, congressman Vigorito, to be in a “position of leadership” in agricultural committed s, the bill stands a “real chance” of being confirmed again in the Senate, where it was introduced. “The Senate must override the President’s veto first,” he explained, “and this is good because we have a better chance there and if passed it would increase chances for an override in the House.” He noted that urban votes must be picked up in the House to meet the required two-thirds majority for an override of a Presidential veto. In other comments made at the two-day convention of the Pennsylvania Farmers Union, Barton said he ex pects to see no major farm legislation during 1976. Present agricultural acts are still in effect and won’t be up for renewal until next year. YOUR DEALE JAY M. HORST dairy equi RDI LEBANON, PA PHONE (717) 274-1242 BILL GUHL PHONE (717) 529-2569 SALES REP. IN UNO. CO. • Comfort Stalls and Stanchions • Barn Cleaners • Bull Pens • Gates • Water Bowls • Calf Starting Stalls • Silo Unloaders • Mechanical Feeders • Conveyor; • Electric Feed Carts • Manure Handlmi Systems • Ventilation Systems • protein Meters • Shuttle Feeders Ayrshire herd classified The registered Ayrshire score of .837 and consists of dairy herd of Milton M. 21 Very Good, 20 Good Plus, 4 Brubaker, Spruce Villa 000(1 2 Fair cows. Farm, Litltz, Penn, was One of the advantages of recently classified for type *W* prognun is that it serves by Donalds. Benson, official to infonn 0,8 dairyman of inspector of the Ayrshire th « faults and desirable Breeders’ Association. traits in body conformation. The herd has an average over-ride What is on the agenda, however, is a review of current policies regarding food stamps and grain in spections. • PEN WORK • WATER BOWLS • Au*er Feeders • CIRCULATING WATERERS • Conveyors—Au*er, Belt or Chem • CONTROLLED FEEDERS • FARROWING STALLS • SOW FEEDING STALLS • VENTILATION SYSTEMS • HONEY WAGON INJECTION SYSTEM Geese Geese are generally marketed young because weight gained after the first 11 weeks is mostly fat Chilled or frozen ready-to cook geese usually weigh from 6 to 12 pounds • Silo Unloaders • Belt Feeders • Shuttle Feeders • Protein Meters • Circuletrni Weterln* Systems • Ventilation Systems • Heavy Duty Stock Dates • Slurry Surrey Liquid Manure Systems
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