HUSKEE-BILT MAN! If It s A Farm Building We Build Them With More Options Than Anyone' Want Gutters’’ We Got Em Want Overhang? We Got 'Em Want Big Doors? We Got Em Also Ask About Our... CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT BUILDING A Thrive Center control!*! environment buHding means heavier healthier annuls, reduced labor and feed costs and ataost no manure handing or odor. They pay for themselves In no ume! FEED STORAGE AND FLEX AUGER DELIVERY SYSTEM The Original Flex Auger Delivering Up To 2400 lbs. Per Hr. OR The NEW "Hi-C" Flex Auger Delivering Up To 6000 lbs. Per Hr. Agri Equip., Inc. offers complete • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR ON ALL CHORE-TIME EQUIPMENT RD2 Ephrata. PA 17522 (Farmersville) "'.Lv , YOUR HUSKEE-BIU MEN MERVIN MILLER Lititz, PA Phone 626-5204 LESTER MILLER TURBOTVILLE, PA PHONE 649-5250 k V %.'5 V ' -rw Herbicide booklet GREENSBORO. N.C. - A new publication entitled “Herbicides in Your Com munity’’ produced by the Agricultural Division of Ciba-Geigy Corporation explains wtiat happens to the firm’s herbicides in the environment and the rationale behind chemical weed control in urban areas. The booklet is available to -all persons wiw need~to-havc a ready piece of information to distribute on the subject “The booklet points out the benefits of using herbicides, such as eliminating fire hazards caused by dense weed growth,” says Pete Nicas, industrial herbicide sales manager for Ciba- Geigy. “It also states that chemical weed control is much more economical and effective than mechanical means.” EPA safety requirements, how weeds are killed, and how triazine herbicides TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! Phone Bus. 717 354-4271 printed break down in the soil are outlined. A profile of each Ciba-Geigy herbicide is given stating where each may be used, at what rates, the length of weed control and toxicology information. For copies of the brochure request CGA 500-001 from Ms. Betsy Wood, Ciba-Geigy Corporation, Agricultural Division, P, O. Box 11422, Greensboro, NC 27409. Techniques for diagnosing fetal defects can help save lives, reports The National Foundation - March of Dimes. In a 1974 MOD survey of some 2,000 women who sought prenatal diagnosis, more than 97 per cent were assured that their children would be born without the defect tested for. xxx- What do cat feces and raw meat have in common? Both can pass an organism called toxoplasmosis to the pregnant mother, says The National Foundation • March of Dimes. The result may be birth defects. Expectant mothers should avoid handling litter boxes or eating undercooked meat. [2et. -. I NEE,, F F/...M ULK MILK C . LE..S, s ra [f] Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Jan. 31,1976 Making Soybean milk Editor's note; The following article was authored by Motes Chu of Paradise, Pa. Chu is quite familiar with the use of soybeans and has offered his advice on making soybean milk and curd for a protein source. Many people believe that over eating red meats and dairy products can lead to the-fisk-of -high-level*, of cholesterol This excessive cholesterol has often been linked to increasing the incidence of heart disease, especially for those people over 50 and for younger people who are overweight. Improving the diet seems to be an urgent matter but what other sources of protein are to be considered? The an swer for some has been soybeans. Soybeans are hard to digest in their native state but the milk and curd from them have been used for a protein source. Making the curd and milk is relatively simple if you follow in structions suggested. Objects needed include a dish and food grinder along with two pieces of doth one R m a w 18 x 18 inches and the other 28 x 28 Inches. Take two pounds of soybeans (free from stones and gravel) and soak the beans in water for at least eight hours. Drain the water. The beans should now weigh about five pounds. Grind the beans and repeat to get them very fine. Place Vz gallon of water in a pot. Mix well and .squeeze, the. milk out of. the. beans using the larger cloth as a strainer. Bring milk to boiling point. Serve the milk following boiling or cooled. For soybean curd put four - five tablespoonsful of vinegar into the milk and stir gently. Put the smaller cloth over a dish and pour milk into it Drain water which contains vinegar, wrap up the curd and press. Curd will be ready in a few minutes. The whole process takes about 1 hour. From two pounds of beans you can easily get one pound of curd. Do not throw any of the residue away as it can be used for soil conditioning and fertilizer. Further in formation can be obtained by calling 717-687-8751. Health clinics announced The Feb. schedule of free blood pressure clinics sponsored by the American Heart Association, Lan caster, Pennsylvania Chapter was announced recently. These Jree blood pressure testings are provided by your HEART FUND dollars and will be provided at the following locations and 'times: Lung Association, 630 Janet Avenue, Lancaster -10 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. - The first Tuesday of the month. Willow Pharmacy, Willow Street -1 p.m. to 3 p.m. die first Tuesday of the month; 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. the third Tuesday of the month. Sloan’s Pharmacy, 61 E. Main Street, Mt. Joy - Tuesday and Wednesday of each week from 2 to 4 p.m. American Heart Association, Lancaster, Pennsylvania Chapter - 246 W. Orange Street, Every Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. Pharmacy Labs, 335 W. King Street, Lancaster - Every Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 4:30 McElroy’s Pharmacy, 100 E. King Street, Lancaster - Every Wednesday from 1 to 4 p.m. and every Friday evening from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Lancaster Community Health Center, 545 Pershing Avenue, Lancaster • Every Monday from 1 to 4 p.m. and every third Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. Strasburg Pharmacy, IW. Main Street, Strasburg • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Wednesday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. All testing at these centers are FREE of charge and are supported by your HEART FUND dollars. M a H 59
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