Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 31, 1976, Image 48
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Jan. 31. 1976 48 Ida’s Notebook As income tax deadlines near, does your diningroom table become covered with assorted papers and bills or are you better organized than we are? I’m only too glad to have Allen fill out the complicated forms. It is one of the times that I admit he has the brains in the family. Another time is when he discusses chemistry with the children. After all, he had enough credits in college to teach high school chemistry. I’m glad we only need file once a year for taxes and also that the deadline falls in the winter season. Many people think farmers have no work in winter but all good farmers have plenty to do in the repair lines. And on a dairy farm the work never stops. Last month I purchased a book which gives historical background on the Conestoga River watershed. It is approximately 50 miles Berks Co. Society 6 The Society of Farm Women, 6, met at the home of Mrs. Carl Herbein on January 20. Trooper Albert, of the Reading Barracks, Troop L, showed a film, “Making Homes More Burglary Proof.” Seventeen members answered the rool call question. “Give a Safety Tip!” The group will be serving refreshments at a sale on Saturday, February 21. Five ladies, of our group, attended and reported on the State Convention held in Harrisburg on January 5, 1976. Stanley Products will be sold, and orders given to any member to be brought to the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Merrill Hetrick, Limekiln, on Tuesday, February 17 at 8 p.m. Society 4 Farm Women Society 4 recently met at the home of Mrs. Landis Huber with Mrs. John Gingrich serving as co hostess. Devotions were lead by Mrs. Paul Troop and the roll Ida Risser long and at one time powered 400 forges, grist mills and saw mills. In the past the river was a source of elec trical energy for small communities at Slackwater and Rock Hill. There is a picture in the book of Wolf's Mill at Brownstown (built by my great, great grand father) which supplied electricity at a cost of $l.OO per month. Within two or three miles of our farm, there are three covered bridges and a beautiful arch bridge and a large flour mill. Also, the remains of Henry Lemans Long Rifle Shop which forged guns from 1834-1887. Long ago there were many two or three story stone buildings for storing 300 pounds blocks of ice from the Conestoga. Straw of sawdust was used to prevent blocks from melting into one solid mass. It was then sold for about 10 cents for a 23 pound block. call was answered by naming “how I earned my first spending money.” Program for the meeting was a talk given by Mary Ann Fisher who had espaced from Hungary as a Jew years ago. Edith Musser gave a report on the state con vention and named the state officers as well as relating information discussed at the event. Farm Activities Upcoming Events Saturday, Feb. 7 Society 1 meeting at the Brunnerville Fire Hall at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 11 Society 12 meeting at 1:00 p.m. for sewing. Society 14 meeting at 1:30 p.m. for a tour of the Mennonite Historical Museum. Society 6 of York County meeting at the home of Mrs. Marian Hewitt. Thursday, Feb. 12 Society 21 meeting at 7:30 p.m. for a program on the president’s ladies and valentines of yesteryear. Young child workshop set Dr. James Van Horn, Family life Specialist, The Pennsylvania State University, will be tbe featured speaker in a very special workshop on “Communicating With Young Children” to be held on March 2, 1976, at the St. John’s United Church of Christ Church, 232 East Market Street, Orwigsburg, PA beginning at 9:30 a.m. with another session in the afternoon at the Pottsvllle Mission beginning at 1:00- 3:00 p.m. Dr. Van Horn will explore ways of communicating with children. According to Van Horn, “by yelling, shaming, hurting, and so forth we do nothing to enhance the self esteen or self-concept of the child.” Myers Before you select your water system, get the facts on the complete MYERS line. WATER CONDITIONING Fully Automatic or Manual, Cabinet or Free Standing, Two Tank Models. WATER FILTERS Solves objectionable water prob lems. Fully Automatic or Manual. BEIBLE'S PUMP & SUPPLY, INC. • (Main Office) 419-27 Dalton St. Emmaus, PA 18049 AUTHORIZED EARL F KEGERISE, INC Pncetown Rd Fleetwood, PA 19522 215 944 8532 LONGACRE ELECTRIC, INC. Bally PA 19503 Tel 845 2261 WILLIAM LEWIS & SON 85 Allentown Rd Elroy PA 18964 Tel 723 3157 MAYER WELL DRILLING Box 24 Pennsburg. PA 18073 Tel 679 7817 PETERSHEIM BROS. WELL DRILLING RDI Box 278 Morgantown PA 19543 Tel 286 5850 The workshop is sponsored by the Cooperative Ex tension Service. Babysitting services will be provided. Reservations need to be made for the workshop by calling Mrs. Ruth M. Hand. Schuylkill County Extension Service, P.O. Box 404, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 - Telephone: 717- 385-3431. Any interested persons may participate in this workshop. There is no charge. Reservations must be in by Wednesday, February 25, 1976. —Report any solicitor or salesman without proper credentials to the police Before moving check plant rules If you are the owner of house plants or a home gardener planning to move to another state, check first for plant quarantine regulations that may exist, cautions the U.S. Depart ment of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). The advice also applies to those visiting in other states, who may plan to bring back plants, bulbs and other . . . How Come? °® c *** s point °ut Ever wonc |er why the that the purpose of plant ghost walks at mid £ ight? quarantines is to restrict e ft . s easy _th e last bus usu movement of plants and aj ly i eaves at rmdmght other articles that may J b PUMPS • TANKS • PLASTIC PIPE • • WATER CONDITIONERS • DISTRIBUTED BY: • (Branch) MYERS DEALERS: PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT INC. RD2 Oyesterdale Rd Oley PA 19547 ' Tel 9876277 RICHARD M. SCHAEFFER RDI, Box 88 Lenhartsville, PA 19534 215562 8362 LEROY B SCHANNAUER RD6 Sinking Springs PA 19608 Tel 777 0304 CLARENCE R SEAMAN, INC. Dauberville PA 19517 215 926 2285 harbor destructive peats such sa insect eggs, grubs or nematodes. For a listing of “do’s and don’t’a" when moving plants, write for a free single copy of “Moving? Traveling? Trading Plants.” Address your request for the leaflet to: Information Division, AMS-APHIS, U.S. Dept, of Agriculture, 26 Federal Plaza, Room 1653, New York, NY 10007. Please include your Zip Code. fYEAR> WMMIITY FUM ntIUUTIM Mil SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS (for 4" wells) Capacities to 3400 GPH, well depths to 900 feet, “Exclusive” ' 3 year Warranty fro'm date of installation. “EJECTO” PUMPS (convertible) Shallow well - Capacities to 1800 GPH; Deep Well - Capacities to 1260 GPH with well depths to 180 feet. 1668 Wyoming Ave. Rt. 11 Forty Fort, PA 18704 RICHARD B. SNYDER CO sth St Mountain Drive RD2 Emmaus. PA 18049 Tel 965 9574 SNYDER WELL DRILLING, INC. Pine Blvd Orwigsburg, PA 17961 717-366 2621 STEWART PLUMBING & HEATING CO. 420 State St Hamburg, PA 19526 215-562 7006 WONSIDLER WELL DRILLING, INC. RDI Quakertown, PA 18951 Tel 536 5468