Ladies Have Lancaster Home Economist About Fair Credit Credit Billing Act. the 35 Bffliog Know Your million American families New Right* now using credit cards may Thanks to the new Fair We will Pick Up Your Old Furniture And Sell It For You When You Buy New Furniture At Harry's. GREAT SELECTION OF FURNITURE ON DISPIAY! 50 Living Room Suites 30 Dining Room Suites 25 Hide-A-Beds 30 Bedroom Suites 70 Recliners 40 Desks Fine Selection of Gun Cabinets FURNITURE FOR EVERY ROOM IN YOUR HOUSE You Heard? By Doris Thomas shortly find better and more understandable service. The stated purpose of the act is “to protect the con sumer against inaccurate and unfair billing and credit card practices." To ensure that fair practices are enpolyed across the board, all credit card issuers are now required to: 1. Credit any payment to your account the day it is received, so that you won’t run up finance charges after the bill has been paid. 2. Mail your last bill at least 14 days before payment is due, if your account in cludes a free period before finance charges are added. 3. Provide you with a two page notice of your new rights under the law twice a year and on request. 4. Follow specific procedures in resolving your complaints about billing errors. 5. Provide you with an “inquiry address” on every bill. To resolve a complaint, you should write to the company (at the “inquiry address”) within 60 days of the postmarked bill. The creditor than has 30 days to acknowledge receiving your complaint and 90 days to NOW THRU FEBRUARY 15TH NG SPECIAL OFF LOW PRICES MITURE HARRY’S NEW FURNITURE resolve It. During this tune, you do not have to pay the amount in dispute, but the creditor may continue to include the amount in your bills and indicate the finance charges. It may not report you a credit bureau as deliquent until the complaint is resolved. If it turns out that a mistake has been made, the error must be corrected, and any finance charges ad justed to the correction. If the creditor is right, you pay the disputed amount plus the finance charges added. A separate item included in the new regulations pertains to payment for “shoddy” merchandise. If you use your credit card to buy an item you later find to be defective, and if the merchant refuses to replace or repair it, you may withold payment born the credit card issuer - after due notification - provided that the purchase price was more than 50 dollars, that you made the purchase in your home state or within 100 miles of your home, and that you have made a good faith attempt to resolve the problem with the merchant. And, finally, in response to complaints of cash customers that they were being asked to subsidize the financial costs of a credit system that didn’t use, discounts for cash purchases of goods and services may now be granted be mer chants - up to 5 per cent of the tag, posted or advertised price. This is not to say, of course, that all merchants will offer the allowed discount. To find out if the cash discount is available, look for a sign which must be posted prominently in the merchant’s establishment. To Brownstown Rt. 23 // / V / k°/ 16 GRAYBILL ROAD BAREVILLE, PA. PHONE 656-2181 OPEN 9 TO 9 DAILY SATURDAY 9 TO 5 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 31,1976 Tips on Collecting Bicentennial Souvenirs Bicentennial souvenirs are found everywhere - along with historical and political memorabilia. But may collectors have trouble knowing exactly what they are buying. Ac cording to Extension specialists at The Penn sylvania State University, a Federal Trade Commission law can help protect con sumers from being deceived. According to the Hobby Society 1 Mrs. Karal O’Neal en tertained Society 1 of York County recently. Mrs. Lloyd Rishel presided at the business meeting. Fourteen members and one guest were present at the meeting with delegates to the state convention giving their reports. Mrs. Clara Butcher gave two readings which were followed by a discussion on the topics. Society 1 plans a quilting meeting at the home of Mrs. James Craft for the future. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ethel Baker with Mrs. Elizabeth Shenberger in charge of the program. Society 21 Farm Women Society 21 met recently at the home of Mrs. Parke Ressel, with eleven members and one guest present. The roll call was answered by members giving an old fashioned remedy. On the Sunshine com mittee for 1976 are Arlene VOUR \ PLACE BareviUeJ^ Leola 'v jj* grand SPENING Protection Act, all Imitation coins, paper money and medals manufactured after 1973 have to carry the word “Copy” in the ad. When buying political buttons or stickers, the date of their manufacture must be marked. If you buy misrepresented Bicentennial mementos you can report your problems to: “Hobby” Division of Special Statues, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D. C. 20580. Kreider, Ann Brown and Virginia Rineer. On Ways and Means - Joan Rohrer, Lois Aument, Labertha Tindall, Mim Delong and Jerry Arrowsmith will be serving. Kenneth Derr from Quarryville gave an in teresting history on the Amish with Mrs. Ressel giving a demonstration on rug braiding. The next meeting will be held February 12,1976 at the home of Mrs. Thomas Bradley. FOOD BASKET Buying Poultry When buying poultry, look for the official USDA grade mark on poultry—it is your assurance of quality U S grade A poultry is the finest poultry available, but all in spected poultry is nutritious and wholesome food The in spection mark of the U S Department of Agriculture in the form of a circle is required on all poultry sold across state lines TRY A CLASSIFIED R t. 23 2 To New Ho" \l[x] V- 1 — 1 HARRY’S NEW FURNITURE STORE PRIZES: EACH WEEK • Sofa Bed • Reefinct , 2 Platform Rockers • Wooden Rocker STORE 47
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