—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Jan. 31, 1976 34 Livestock For Sola Wanted - Entire herd or part of henJ of dairy cows or INCOME TAX SSSUttf* *■ SERVICE by Appointment Top Duroc and Yorkshire Breeding EARL C. SNYDER Stock For Sale at all limes. For breeding or 128 Manor Ave. feeding, growing or MillcravOle, Pa. 17551 showing. Large or small groups. Delivery Over2syears available. Experience See entries at coming 717-872-5090 Spring Sales. CALVIN LAZARUS a———————« StSONS 4MO Ridge Street Dili! Whitehall,PA BUILDER Lehigh Co. 18052 „ 215-799-3375 Houses, Bams & Pole . Barns. Remodeling, Holstein herd consisting of 25 ™.°™n iL * 8 ’ to 30 head of young well masonary &. concrete. uddered cows. In good flow Amwering service of milk and in various stages (717)354-7739 of lactation. Reasonably JohnM.Esh priced. You must see them to Rl, Box 298 believe it. Please call after 6 Narvon, PA p.m. PH: 717-866-4208 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmd For Sale - CHAROLAIS Purebred Bulb For Sale. Gentle disposition. Please call after 6 p.m. 717-724-3809 For Sale - 1 Guernsey cow 3% years old milking 30 lbs. $200.00. Call 215-445-5725 Reg. Holstein bull, 13 mos. old, sired by Hl6l Educator, out of a high producing dau. of Rockdale President. Isaac S. Fisher, Gordonville, Pa. 1 mi. west on N. Soudersburg Rd. Wanted - Male Baby Lambs. 30-40 lbs. Phone 717-833-2462 Have two Reg. Angus Herd Sires for sale 1. Marshall Pride 3542, “Atomic Mar shall”, a 4 yr. old son of Marshall Pride 4.2. Quacker of Wye, “Mr. Quacker”, a 6 yr. old, from the Wye Plantation in MD. Contact Don Willis after 7:00 pjn. 201-872-1941 3 black Angus heifers 10 mos. 700 lbs. Also 1 Charolais heifer; 4 butchering kettles and rings, scaulding trough, lard press and sausage grinder, 5 scrapers and hangers, blacksmith forge blower ‘and large anvil. Simon Willits, Rt. 1, Jersey Shore, Penna. 17740. 717-398- 2319 15 Charolais cows bred to Charolais bull. To calve within the next 3 mos. Also Charolais bull. $350 a piece. PH: 215-273-3079 Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm R 2, Strasburg, Pa. 717- 786-2562 For Sale - Purebred Chester White Gilts and Spotted Gilts, bred, due to farrow in March and April. Also Service Age Boars. Phone after 6 p.m. 717-624-8421 For Sale - Ten year old Chestnut Mare. 14.2 hands. Thoroughbred-Welsh pony. Will make nice hunting and pleasure horse. 717-933-8843 For Sale - 4 year old Nor weigan Fjord Mare. Great working and driving horse. Worked in fields as single and pair. Well broken to drive. 717-933-8843 Duroc Boars For Sale from Tested & Show winning bloodlines. Dutch Valley Farm, R 5, Manheim, Pa. Mark Nestleroth, PH: 717- 665-6220 Sale - Chianina heifers bred and open. Also Purebred Charolais cows and heifers. Lawson Burgert, P 2, Fleetwood, Pa. PH: 215-944-9669 Services Offered ........... .t SILO REPAIRS ; « Tear Down Rebuild Replaster Roofs Installed Extensions Distributors and Pipes White Coating : DAVE DETWEILER • _ - • * # * 9 * • « • * RD#2, Newvilie, PA 717-776-7533 • - • . Feed & Seed Hay Wanted Top quality Hay, Straw & Ear Corn Call Tonyßudinski Rumnskißoad Pine Island, NY 10969 Area Code 914-2584459 For Sale - Barley delivered direct from farmer. Also straw and Timothy hay delivered in 5 to 6 ton loads. 717-776-3389 For Sale - Approximately 100 ton good clean wheat, rye, and barley straw. Can be delivered in trailer loads, Kreamer, (Snyder Co.) Penna., G. W. Robinson, 717- 374-8148 For Sale - Hay, Straw, Oats, Ear com. (17 miles East of Easton, Pa, Phone 201-735- 4408 after 7 p.m.) • MULCH HAY s WANTED j HAULING CAN BE ARRANGED CALL 215*268*8258 • • Services Offered Carpenter work. Will build houses, pole barns, cow bams, chicken houses. Will do Block and Concrete work. Write Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box in, 17509. Call driver 717-629-2992 or 215-932-2978, INSULATION - LOAFING SHEDS - DAIRY BARN SPRAYED ON URETHANE FOAM. Ideal for elminiating condensation. Perfect for irregular surfaces. For Free estimate call Conestoga Chemicals & Plastics, Inc. 397-3724. After 5:00 pjn., call 872-2233. \ COW CUPPER REPAIRS 1 | AND SHARPENING SERVICE | | Also Used Clippers For Sale I . Don Lotir I . RD6. Lancaster PA j 717-172-5503 • J Masonry work, lay brick, fireplace, blocks and stone work on houses and barns. Stucco and white coats and concrete work. Contact Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, PA Box 388, 17509, Call driver 717-529-2992 or 717-687- 6178 Looking for work, Willing to paint farm buildings at a reasonable rate. Phone 717- 859-2350 J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. Termite Pest, Rodent and Smoke control. Lawn and Shrubbery spraying, Free Estimates, 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, PA Phone 717- 397-3722. Feed & Seed FOR SALE SOYBEAN MEAL i SHELL CORN ELMER W. MARTIN 717-354-9422 RDI New Holland, PA FOR SALE 49% SOYBEAN MEAL BULK OR BAG PICKED UP OR DELIVERED ELAM HQOVER 717-3544)432 Insurance BEST CAR INSURANCE BUY i.MbwSolanbwi* f 303 Mjble Avenue J/L Smokelown. PA !1", Bui 717-397-3579 J Res. 717 392-1900 /»»# 0 fnnrf Slot§ farm l$ (Awv# Custom Work Livestock and Custom Hauling • Hay, Straw & corn. Also for sale 500 gal. milk tank. Oliver 550.1965 House Trailer for Sale. PH: 626-6904 Custom round Baling Com fodder; Custom bedding for loafing & free stall bams. Jim Hoopes, (215) 869-3068. CUSTOM HAULING Hay & Straw Ronald Weyer R 2 Hamburf, PA 215-562-3152 HAULING: Tobacco, Grain, Hay, Straw, and other Farm Products. Call Sue for prices and an appointment 717-284- 2857 Feed & Seed BUYING EAR CORN LARGE QUANTITIES ANYWHERE IN PENN Ph: 717-284-4628 MARK RISSER Holtwood RDI Penna. 17532 Feed It Seed For Sale - Red Clover Seed. 139.00 per bushel. E. H. Eppley, Rl,Thomasvllle, PA 17364 PH: 792-1646 Buying Shelled Corn 717-549-3101 Hay For Sale - Clean Mixed Hay, Early Cut. Mow dltloned. Good Bales, Ap proximately 40 Tons, victor W. Decker Sugar Hollow Road, Tunkhannock, Pa. 18657. Phone 717-833-2486 FARM SUPPLIES Potato bags paper sizes 5-10 - 20 - SO’s. Always available. Special prices on volume. PHILLIPS FEED SERVICE, INC. GermansviUe & Route 3 Bath, PA 767-3819 Real Estate Tioga County 316 Acre Dairy Farm & 117 Acre Dairy Farm. Lot of Pasture for cattle. Cat emans’ Paradise. Call for information. Shown by appointments. Call Broker, Charles H. Forrey, 717-392- 6655 or 656-8430 $150,000.00 - RD2 EAST BERLIN - 130 Acres, 28 miles west of Harrisburg, 2Vz story native stone home w-4 bedrooms, 1% baths, 2 fireplaces, new heat w central air, large bank bam, 2,900 F.F., Owner financing BAUGHMAN-LEADER, INC. REALTORS, YORK, PA. 717-741-3805 or 741-0462 (952) Wanted to Rent - Farm land inHellamTwp. Willpay top price for good land. PH: 717- 872-5620 FARMS: 160-300 acres dairy farms equipped or bare in Central Wisconsin SHONG REALTY. Box 636, Mar shfield, Wisconsin 54449 715- 387-1164. 108 Acre Limestone Dairy Farm, near Curryville. Call 814-793-3590 CENTRAL PENNA. Huntingdon County 155 acre dairy farm Double si* milking parlor, milking equipment, 600 gallon milk tank, 4 silos, 2 silo unloaders, conveyors, overhead feeder 100’ bank, 2 drilled wells, approx. 1000 ton com silage and 70 ton mixed hay. 12 room house, 2 baths, 100 free stall building, implement shed, 5 car garage. Send for free brochure. Samuel R; Rishel, Jr. RDI, Alexandrea, Pa. 16611. 814-669-4842 For Sale - Potter Co. Farm 225 acres, 75 tillable, 40 pasture, 2 bams, 2 silos, com cribs, 3 car garage, workshop, 7 room house, 1% baths. All buildings very good cond, $125,000.00. Ray K. Espenshade, RD3, Coudersport, Pa. 16915, 814- 274-9692 92A. Farm For Sale - 49 comfort stall bam, 8 room brick house. T, Gilpin Cooke, RD2, Dillsburg, Pa. For Rent - Mobile Home in country on private lot. Furnished or unfurnished, 2 bedroom, garden available. $125. 717-733-0291 86% acre modem dairy farm, excellent limestone soil, 20 x 70 concrete stave, 20 x 35 Harvestore, 150 foot feed lot, 90 ft. feeder, 4 unit DeLaval pipeline, 600 gal. tank, 4 bedroom house completely remodeled, new hot water heating system. For sale by owner M. Karl Harbaugh, 717-762- 3024. Raol iafota FARM FOR SALE 10 plus Acres, good location Malic Twp. Interested parties write: No. 4 Widow Creek R 1 Conestoga, PA 175 U For Rent or Sale by Owner: 155 acre farm, bam, silos, storage sheds, 2 nice homes along major highway near Manhelm, Pa. Unique op portunity. Write Box 2MZ. c o Lancaster Farming Newspaper, Utitz, Pa. 17543. FOR SALE Near Lebanon - 65 Acre Steer or Horse Farm. North of Myerstown - 154 Acre Steer Farm. For More Information: Call: CurtHeberlingat MAINLINE REALTY in Lebanon PH: 717-274-0433 or 273-3390 837-8061 Wanted to Rent - Young ambitious farmer with almost 7 years experience in broiler farming would like to rent broiler farm with a 45,000 minimum capacity in Spring of 1976. Would like the option to buy. Would desire house or trailer on property. Anyone sincerely interested in renting, please call 717- 684-8524 between 12 and 2 pm. or after 5 p.m. or write Stephen Collier, Locust Grove Road, Columbia, Pa. 17512 226 A. 60 stalls, silos, stone mansion, 3 fireplaces, 3 bates plus 3 br. rancher, large lake. 150 A. with option on additional 100 A., new modern 100 stall barn, double home up for quick sale. 1% A. Horse barn, nice farm house, 2 fireplaces, pond. 15 A. pasture, nice barn, Harvestore. 25 A. Woods, Perry Co. BLUE BALL REALTY Blue Ball, PA 717-354-4536 Farm For Sale -100 A more or less, 2 large houses, new bam and implement shed, Spring of water running in the barnyard, stream through meadow, 3 A mile road frontage. Near Red lion, Pa. For information Call or see Howard Snyder, 563 Oak Hollow Rd., Red lion, Pa. Rl, 17356 near New Bridgeville. 717-244-1444. BERKS COUNTY Sinking Spring 56 acres, 4 bedrooms, stone home, bam, silos and automatic equip ment for large cattle feeder operation, streams, road frontage. $99,500. Near Center Port 134 Acre Dairy Farm Bank Bam with 72 tie stalls and gutter cleaners, silos. 4 bedroom brick home with oil warm air heat and bath. Stream, 125 Acres tillable, highly productive soil. Reduced to $149,000 WERTZ HOFFMAN PARKS REALTORS CALL FARM BROKER HOMER L. STOLT2 FUS (215) ii7B-3491
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