Mlscallonaous WOOD HEATERS UK 75% m Hufc« Nh Cot Iran Pl«rM(i<n b«i tlom. FraakU *«<»>«■ Huramiil cMtrslad cjbind lwVNiai Modtta, sir l|M construction. An si ttaMm sM chimnty pip* and accstsorits. Call 215-536-1336 1104 Wssi Broad SI. Quakrrtown, PA 11951 TOBACCO MUSLIN We save you money from last season’s price on genuine Chix cotton Tobacco Muslin in 2 and 3 yard widths. Also have the new nylon covers for less cost and they bring on the plants sooner. Orders taken for MICHIGAN PEAT with extra discount for quantity lots. LP-Gas Service TOBACCO PAPER in Large and Small Rolls W. L Zimmerman & Sons Phone: 70M5591 INTERCOURSE, PA. ill-4-HI + *+ A + ■f MESSICK FARM HI JL 574 TRACTOR WITH DUNHAM LOADER JL. nr B HI JL nr a HI + WINTER, BUYERS DIVIDEND PAYS TWO WAYS Get-the machine you need plus cash. DIYIDEHT PAYWHff Feb. Rakes, mowers, blowers $l5. 707 Forage Harvester crop choppers, crop carriers 35. Balers, Haybmes, 718 & 770 Harvester 60. 890 Forage Harvester 95, Self-propelled Haybmes Self-propelled Wmdrowers 160, Self-propelled Forage Harvesters 11l Massey-Harris 81 Tractoi N.H. 461 Haybtne I.H. 300 Ufifity N.H. 479 Haybine JL W 350 N.H. 790 Spreader Hydra. Endgate Fort tN - Real Nice N.H. 1469 Haybine ■ Excellent ,r N.H. 261 Baler N.H. 717 Harvester 9 knife lor 2 row head *H.H. 256 Rake - Rubber Teeth - Perfect I.H. 650 Harvester w/screen - 2 row & pickup I.H. 15 Rake hud N.H. 469 Haybine N.I. 200 Bu. Spreader - Hire pan HI + Ik MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT INC. HI + l§H 2750 N. MARKET STREET RHONE 3671319; JOHN KREIDER HOME 367-6039 WARREN SPItKLER HOME 653-4560 ill JL, Miscellaneous For Sale • Black Walnut Boards -1”. 2”, 3”, 4”. any quantity, will deliver. PH: 409*296-1917 New WARM MORNING and CAMERON Coal Heaters and ASHLEY Wood Heaters at 1975 Prices. Also good used coal and wood ranges. Good hand operated and electric meat slicers. Large variety of new and used furniture. Spring Air box springs and Mattresses. An t i q u e s and Miscellaneous. FISHER FURNITURE Bart, PA 17503 Lancaster Co. (Rt. 890 In Georgetown) Bus. Hr*. Mon. thru Fri. 8 to 7 Sat.Btos For Sale - Sundial (cast) with Zodiac. Excellent condition. Use indoors outdoors. $15.00 prepaid. George Plitt, R 3 Addison, New York 14801 Made to order Fore Carts with auto turn & spring & brake, also middle size vacuum morning stove. John I. Beiler, Rl Box 283, Gap, Pa. 17527 USED EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous Wolverine Shoes v. - Durability and Comfort. Shoes and Boots for the entire family. SHOES NO SADDLERY Kutztown Rl. Berks Co., Pa. 215-682-7926 Doiry Equipment For Sale - Dairy Equipment; water bowls, pipe line with compressor, stanchions, 9” silo pipes. Call after 5 845- 2542 or 845-2098. 8 Surge Milk Meters; like new, DHIA Approved. % Price of new. PH: 201-859- 2616 m + Hi + iii + * + EQUIPMENT INC. WATCH FOR OPEN HOUSE I FEB. 18-19-20 | GREAT SPECIALS Dairy Equipment Uaed DeLaval pipeline milker for SO cowa, 4 units, IV dais. Used Surge SP 22 milk pump LANDIS BROS., INC. 1305 Mantaelm Pflte Lancaster, PA 717-393-3900 1800 gallon Girton 7% compressor, automatic washer $5575.00. 600 DeLaval 4 H.P. com pressor $1500.00 1973 Case Uniloader $3175.00. CURRYSUPPLY Cnrryvflle,Peiina. 814-793-2829 For Sale - Used 500 gallon Mueller Bulk Tank, excellent condition. Elam H. Fisher, Ronks RDI, South Ronks Road. WE WILL BUY YOUR FRESH CREAM AND MAKE IT INTO ICE CREAM FOR YOU. ELIZABETHTOWN CREAMERY CO, INC. CUSTOM-PAC ICE CREAM SPECIALISTS 519 & Market St Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-367-1389 NEW HOLLAND N.H. 145 Bu. Tank Spreader Hawk-Bilt 145 Bu. Tank Spreader 5 Ft. Bush-Hog rotary Cutter Geht Forage Wagon Case 9 ft. offset Disc Midwest Lift Harrow Fits 12 ft. disc Spring Harrows 12 ft. and 14 ft. I.H. 40112 ft. Spring Harrow ELIZABETHTOWN, PA Hr HI For Sale - S.P. 22 Surge Milker pump in good shape: Atlas Stainless Steel juicer runs with air motor; Blade -. Standard Bred Mare, stands 17 hands, good carriage horse. Daniel S. Dicnner, RDI, Gap, Pa. 17527 300 gal Girton milk tank, good condition 440 gal. Esco tank, good cond. 500 gal. Girton w-4 h.p. compressor Star 12-Can open front milk cooler, good cond. CLARK ELECTRIC RDI, Kinzer, PA Phone Intercourse 768-8228 m m " Hi f I JL I For Sale - 2 Holstein Bulls - 2 yrs. old. 1 sired by Charm- Dam 602 Fat, other by Transmitter - 508 Fat. (301) 756-6078 Duroc Breeding Stock. LAWRENCE ARNOLD RDI Box 402 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-272-2179 Hampshire and Yorkshire Service Age Boars and Gilts from certified meat type breeding. Contact John Strawbndge, Stewartstown, PA 17363. Phone 301-996-2022. m JL "T" HI JL * " World’s Largest - Cows with calves at - Bred and Open Heifi HI JL nr Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Jan. 31,1976 Dairy Equipment Livestock For Sala Livestock For Sole HEAVY-BONED YORKSHIRE SERVICE AGE BOARS FOR SALE. Raised in group lots for commercial producers. Delivery available. Write or call l£ON L ARNOLD ROIBOIS4 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-273-5880 For Sole CHIAiNA TWIN OAK FARMS Quarryvilie, PA 717-786-2146 717-786-2201 REG. SPOTTED BOARS Bloodlines Related to Windex CMS, Highest indexing Sire of the Nation. WINDOM SPOT FARM DonerviDe Rd. RD2 Lancaster. Pa. 17103 717-872-75*0 Wanted - Herd of young Holstein Dairy cows, in good flow of milk. PH; 717-866- 4208 S. K. Norman, R 1 Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Chester White and Poland China boars and open gilts for sale. James Pariett. Phone 717-862-3610. Airvllle, Pa. For Sale - Reg. Jersey first calf cow. Sired by Vanduse Sleeping Surville. Used as F.F.A, Show heifer. PH: 717- 244-6125 Livestock for Sale • Reg. Holstein Bulls; one year old and younger - out of dam* with records to 24,000 M & 900 lbs. B.F. Stump Acres 717-792-3216 (York Co.) For Sale - Dispersal of Reg. Polled Heretords, Heifer calves, bred Heifers, bred cows. Herd bull is highest S Hereford bull from 5 Pa. State Bull Test Sale, with a daily gain of 3.7 lbs. 717-732-4035 For Sale - Bred & Open Heifers. Several to freshen February thru May with good breeding. John S. Stoltzfus, Bird-in-Hand on Beachdale Rd. Charolais Breeding age Registered Per formance Tested Charolais Bulls that will add |25 to |5O to die value of your calves. Younger bulls and open heifers also available. John W. Stump Clermont Mill Road Street, Maryland 21154 Phone 301-452-8700 DUROC BOARS Top quality, service age, good gaining, heavy frame & sound on feet & legs. All stock is sired by some of the Nation’s leading sires. Delivery Available RickPfautz R 1 Stevens, PA 717-733-6694 or 215-267-3739 33
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