— fuming. Saturday, -Jan. 31. 1976 32 Form Equlpmmf to Massey MF. 165 Diesel High Clearance Tractor. ■Massey Ferguson 1130 Diesel Tractor M.M. WEAVER &SONS North Groffdale Road Leola, PA Phone: 71745«321 TRACTORS 641 Ford Diesel w/Hyd Loader Case 970 Case 530 Tractor w/ hyd loader Case 580 Tractor Loader & 3 Pt Ford Major Tractor Loader & Backhoe $2BOO Wise VG 4D Power Unit w/starter. generators and hydraulics like new David Brown 990 AC Dl7 AC Modelßw/l-b mtd plow A C WD A C 6040 Diesel Tractor AC 185 Diesel Tractor AC 170 Tractor 3 pt MF Model _4OD Tractor Loaders pt & PTO (very clean) 54,995 Ford Jubilee Case 1816 Urn Loader $2,000 FORAGE WAGONS Used Kasten Box w/gear Used Badger Box w/gear Farmhand Forage Wagon AC Forage Wagon, rear unload HARVESTERS Used A C 780 w/2 row corn head and pickup Used N H 818 w/pickup & corn attach MISC. EQUIPMENT Oliver 3B Pull Plow Lillislon 90" rotary mower AC 416” Semimtd Plow Ford 4 row Corn Planter J D 494 Corn Planter N H 269 Baler & Thrower N H 68 Baler & Thrower A C 390 Haybme J D 1300 4-row Plateless Planter A C 5B Plow AC 4row 500 Corn Planter A C 480 PTO Blower A C 140 Spreader N H 469 Haybme (nice) A C 44 Bale Thrower for late A C Balers 302 Int 430 Baler w/thrower J D 32 ft field cult Used Elevators New Gravity Boxes Used Tank Spreaders New Chisel Plows m stock Used 16 Disk Int Gram Drill NEW EQUIPMENT Special Prices Hawk Bill 157 Tank Spreader $1495 Bearcat 13 ft cultimulcher J 2500 NH 1012 Bale Wagon $4500 AC 19ft fold up Disk Harrow 2300 Series for $3350 AC 15ft Disk Harrows22oo NEW EQUIPMENT INSTOCK 13 ft 9 Disc 14 ft Cultipacker NEW HOLLAND INSTOCK Form Equipment m New Idea Dunham Tillage Tools NEW EQUIPMENT INSTOCK Gchl Round Baler, Demo. N I. Parallel Bar Rakes 5 & 6 ft. Rotary Cutters Gchl 880 Mower Con ditioner Plows 2, 3 ic 4 Bottom 1737 Uniloaders David Brown Tractors Models -885 N - 990 Satoh Tractor & Loaders New Idea Spreaders Gehl Grinder Mixers COMPACT TRACTORS Case and New Idea all sizes Massey Ferguson Ford 100 Wheel Horse - 8 H.P. Elec. Start TRU-Test No. 32” Cut Wagner Garden Tractor USED EQUIPMENT Gehl 120 Grinder-Mixer Farmall 460 Gas J.D. 40 w-cultivators J.D. KBA Disc M. 160 Spreader N. 212 Flail Spreader w-end gate J.D. 15 Flail Chopper 24 ft. Elevator w-motor Case VC w-cultivators Satoh Tractor & Loader A.L.HERR&BRO. QnarryvOle, PA Phone 786-3521 Poultry & Supplies Used Poultry Equipment 450 ft. 4r 4 slats; 600 ft. track with egg cart; Kitson feeder with chain & 200 feeders; 1100 feed stainless steel V*.” cable; 2 Drive units & scraper; Cross cleaners & drive unit & Egg cooler unit. PH: 717-665-6220 Form Equipment TRACTORS Fonts 8000. 8000 8c 4000. Allis Chalmers Dl9 It Dl7, Case «0 & 1200. David Brown 1200, 990, 880. Farmall 808 8c 708. JD 4010,4020, 3010, 2510. Massey Ferguson 150, 165, 178. Oliver 1800, 1600. 1850. Tractor with loaders 8c backhoes. Skid Steer Loaders. Pay Loaders. Ford lift. Trenchers, Brush Chipper, Brick Bugsy, Road Graters. Win dham log loader, Crawler Tractors with loaders 8c blades. Feed Grinder-Mixer, Roller Mills, Corn Shelters, 2 8c 4 row Corn Planters, 2,3 8c 4 bottom rollover plows, Cultimulchers, disc harrows, cultipackers 8c cultipackers with seed attachment, mowers, disc plows 8e pull type plows, fertilizer spreaders, rototillers, haybines, bales, har vesters, blurt mills, tank spreaders, grain drills, crop dryers, lots of 3 pt. equipment, auxiliary electric plant 100’s of Tractors, wheel <c crawler type. Lots of equipment not listed. Case Gchl CLYDE E. KEENER 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 Intersection of Rte. 72 *283 Phone 717-569-9861 Poultry & Supplies LONGENECKER’S HATCHERY, INC. 80x307, Elizabethtown,PA PH: (717)367-1545 I Hubbard Leghorn I DeKalb Warren Sex-Link i CHICKS & STARTER PULLETS 20 WEEKS APRIL 5 20 WEEKS FEB. 13 Sex-Link Hubbard Lethom 2,000 8,000 Poultry ti Supplies •WAVI jpm LAYERS GRBDER LE6HORN FARMS, INC. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY RDI.PA MOYER'S CHICKS, INC. Quakertown, PA Ph 215 536 3155 handling the Dekalb lines Dekalb-Kimber K-137 Dekalb 231 Dekalb-Warren S. S, TRY A CLASSIFIED Miscellaneous Cash For Pnpt 1 need Purebred and cute mixed litter lots, 7 to 10 week old. Clean and healthy. Contact “Jo Jo the Dogman” at Root’s Farmers Market, RDI Manheim, PA. Every Tuesday 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. No Phone Calls. Wanted - Raw furs. Henry Weacbter, 20 Melvin Drive, Leola, PA 17540 PH: 656-9355 Wanted - Good big tobacco shed. Write R 1 Box 289, Willow Street, Pa. For Sale - Rabbit Hutches. 20” x 30” with stainless steel trays and waterers. Elam M. Ebersol, 558 Gibbon’s Ed., Bird-in-Hand, Rl, PA. For Sale - 750.20 wheels off NI corn picker, 8 lug hub, like new. 20 Jamesway Free stalls. Hillside hitches for NI corn pickers, can be ad justed to hitch 6 head. Leon F. Ebersol, R 2 Narvon, Pa. 17555 along Red Hill Rd. Ceramic tile, seconds ideal for cow stable, trough and milk house walls. ESCH FLOOR COVERINGS >4 mile North of Bird-in-Hand, onßeechdaleßoad Saturday Sampler Classifieds for the Household Goods Don’t let mending and alterations pile up! Let us do it for you. Zippers, button holes, coat linings, hemming and all general alterations expertly done in our shop JOE’S SEWING CENTER, 45 E. Main St, Ephrata, Pa. or call 717-733-8416 Sewing Machines Demonstration & Showroom models. Portable or Cabinet Used machines also from $25 8c up. Truck load of sayings direct from warehouse. Why pay from $3OO to $BOO when there are savings of $lOO to $3OO for you? Financing available. Local outlet for necessary service. PH: 393- 3460. \ Ortho Pedic : Box Springs : and Mattresses • Double Sets $125.00 : Extra Firm $145.00 : Other Sizes Available : call BARR'S AUCTION ; & EXCHANGE I Rt. 322 just east of • new Rl. 222 • Ephrata, Pa. ; 717-733-4550 ; CAST IRON BUCK COOK STOVES FOR SALE IN EXCELLENT COHDmON Phone 215-593-5754 Atflen, Pa. RFTEWAY HEATERS Burn wood to save on fuel costs. Ther mostatically controlled. With or without cabinets. JONASESH NarvonßDl,PA 215445-4324 Stoltzfus Harness Shop RDI Honey Brook, PA Services Offered : /4«Usue Sfafr All Kinds Of IFURNITURE REFINISHING Leo B. Gibble flfs \ & Son u Interior & Exterior WW®* I Painting & • Paperhanging > RD4 [Oak Tree Road], ■ Manheim, PA 17545 - 717-665-5750 Sewing machines repaired, all makes, home and in dustrial. Work guaranteed 90 days. Machines cleaned and oiled in 48 hours. JOE’S SEWING CENTER. 45 E. Main St., Ephrata, Pa., or call 717-733-8416. NOTICE; Our Factory Outlet Store is now open Mon., Tues., Wed. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sat. from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Un beatable values in apparel for the family. Penn-elm Apparel, Inc. Newport & Elm Roads, Elm, Pa. Farm Woman Printed Pattern •» 9325 8-18 | ' t r ji r' ft a > M W 1 ■ M, Printed Pattern 9325: Misses’ Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 12 (bust 34) top 2% yds. 45-inch fabric, pants 214. ONE DOLLAR for each pa? > tern add 25 cents each fo first-class mail and special handling. Send to 170 News paper Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St.. New York, N. Y. 10011. Crochet with Squares $l.OO Crocheting a Wardrobe ... $l.OO Instant Sewing Book $l.OO Instant Fashion Book .... $l.OO Fashions to Saw (S/S) 75 1976 Naedlecraft Catalog . 75 Designer Collection #3l .. .50 Book oM6 Quilts #1 50 Museum Quilt Book #2 ... 15 Quilts for Today #3 ... Book of 16 Jiffy Bugs 12 Prize Afghans #l2 Complete Afghans #l4 ... $1 Complete Gift Book $1 Instant Crochet Book $1 Easy Art of Flower Crochet $1 Easy Art of Hairpin Crochet $1 Easy Art of Needlepoint .. $1 Easy Art of Ripple Crochet $1 Nifty Fifty Quilts $1 Saw Knit $1 Plaaea add 25 cants for aaeh Book for postage and handling. Miscellaneous Wanted to Buy - Puppies, 7 to 9 weeks old, in Utter lots. Pure breeds and half breeds. Cash money paid. Will pickup every Friday. For resale in my pet shop. Write to Charles Hackett, 3743 N. sth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140 or call before 8 p.m. 215-229-0449. Give breed-age color when writing. Also some kind of direction. Thank you. I RUBBER STAMPS | •:• Make To Order :|; § Ink Pads Available § £ Write or call after 6PM | Gary Hess 451 N. George St. Millersville, PA :j 717-872-6245 For Sale - 3,000 frames - 2Vt ~ x 4” for Addressograph plates. Any reasonable offer accepted. Lancaster Far ming, Call 717-394-3047 or 717-626-2191. .50 .50 .50 .50
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