Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 31, 1976, Image 21
Directors elected to F Doing the UUi Annual I .—raster County Farm and Boom Foundation dinner meeting, one new director £jVaedectedto the board with six present directors rejected to ttra year posts. lira. Raymond Witmer, WIDOW Street, Joined the board ae a new member with tin. Join Bess. Columbia RS; Aimer Honseknecbt, IflDenviDe Rl; J. Everett £ PROTEIN Don't buy it grow your own Good alfalfa hayiage may be 20% to 25% crude protein. 90% of the digestible protein is in the leaves. Losing the leaves costs you money. With a Harvestore feed processing system, you can harvest your alfalfa in the bud stage, when it’s most nutritious. Cut and windrow one day, blow it into your Harvestore the next. Bal ing and hard labor are elimi nated. The valuable leaves are saved. Supplement purchases may be drastically reduced. Your feed is more palatable, more nutritious. Check it out. Fjjjlimith HARVESTORE Products, Inc PENN JERSEY HARVESTORE P.0.80x 91 Kreider, Qnarryville RS; Jay E. Landis, l—caster Rl; Kirs. Rtttb PhOUppi, Lancaster and Larry Sknxnme, Lancaster, being renamed to the Foundation's board. The directors were elected during the business portion of the meeting which was conducted by the president Jay E. Landis. In his yearly report. New Holland, PA 17557 (717)354-4051 & H Foundation board Landis told the audience that the Farm and Home Center bad aeen a busy year with a number of meetings having been conducted in the building. He alao noted that the farm women of the county had donated over |3OOO. toward the center for a piano. The inatrament had been purchased and la now in the baaement meeting room. ICaa Gloria Longcnecker, kiiaa Lancaster County, provided musical en tertainment for the evening’s event The music major at Lebanon Valley College, sang a number of selections from broadway musicals along with selec tions for two operas. Darrin Boyd, associate legislative research analyst for the minority caucus of the Pa. House of Representatives, was the ERTH-RITE SOfL CONDITIONER MAXICROP LIQUID PLANT FEEDING FEED-RITE Vitamin & Mineral for livestock and pouttry ZOOK & RfINCK, INC. ROl, Gap, PA 17527 Phone 717-442-4171 CAIfCASTU Now you can get AGSTAR quality in a complete, ready to-use, factory-built nursery building. Sizes are available with stalls for up to 32 calves —delivered complete with slotted flooring, water heater, sink, ventilation system, heat er and just about everything else you need to make your good calf management pay off. Clip this ad and mail in for information, or contact the distributor named below who serves your area. BANK FINANCING t LEASING AVAILABLE j ■ ■ l±7 AGSTAR featured apaakor for the dinner meeting. A former ITYE to Korea and 4-H director in the tame county, Boyd espreaaed the need for Americana to grasp the challenge of com mitment in this country and abroad. Boyd noted that while the United States should be willing to give aid in the form of food, other countries rirould also be willing to work toward sell anfßdency. •Technical help is im portant,” Boyd explained, “countries should accept the responsibility of learning to feed their own.” Citing Korea as an example, Boyd told the group that agricultural technology from the United States had helped the country develop a new strain of rice that has increased production of that crop by SO percent “Tins is the kind of help we should be giving," he related. Bojd explained that America is looked oo as the “miimmcn of good and honesty” and that even though our country has been plagued with problems, “itls time tested and will prevail to weather the storm.” A former Lancaster County 4-Her, Boyd ex pressed ins gratitude to the organization for the ex periences he had gained and also thanked the farm STAR AGRI PRODUCTS Lancaster Finnini, Srturdiy, im. 31.1976 — Tsraftew the Market I bear considerable discussinn recently about the new grading system for beef cattle. At this point bow do we know exactly what effect this will have for the prodncer or the consumer. However, I’d suggest that women for their con tributions to the Farm and Home Center as well as their role in agriculture. “Farm women are the real heroines of the bicen tennial,” be remarked. ‘They represent i real iwHiiitmut to our history.” Try A Classified Ad Ik Pays! Before you buy any farm loader, see a Bobcat in action! 4 - MODELS To Choose From, ail with 4- Wheel Drive. BOBCAT Handies small Jobs, big jobs, indoors, and outdoors. Ideal for working in HORSE BARNS, HOG BARNS, FEEDLOTS, ETC. Almost anyone can learn to operate a BOBCAT in 15 minutes. LET US DEMONSTRATE and Show you how easy it is to own a BOBCAT. SALESMAN RAY SHOWALTER PH.665-7174 producers follow the onartcet price* and treads alter this goes into sclloa, and determine hoar cad) feeding program Bis take the new grading system. With the general public so strong against excess fat on red meat in recent years, I can’t foresee how the new grading system is going to hurt the consumer; most house wires dont want the fatty meat anyway. Under the proposed grading system cattle should reach the desired mart** grade of Choice earlier and with leas grain, as compared to the former grading system. Let's see how It worts out before yon start yeQJng that yon are "hart". MELROE BOBCAT IDS MOST POPULAR SKD STEER LOADER 21