*a. Auction Summary Week Ending January 11, 1971 CATTI£ 7800. Compared with 6768 head last week, and 6041 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market, slaughter steers Sc bullocks 50 cents to 1 lower, spots $2 lower. Slaughter cows mostly steady. Slaughter bulls about steady. STEERS: Few High Choice St Prune 45.75-47.50, Choice 42 75-46.50, Good 39.00-43.25, Standard 31.00-39.25, Utility 26.00-32.00. HEIFERS 1 Super Calf-Tone Introduction SPECIAL Agri-King wants to be sure you try it, if you do you’ll like it. Every calf will do better with Super Calf-Tone! Buy 10-Lbs. Super Calf-Tone (’16.15 Cash Price) and Get 10-Lbs. FREE! Offer Good now till Jan. 31,1976. Limit of 10-Lbs. FREE Super Calf-Tone Per Customer. In Accord With Our Dedication To Helping Our Customers Do An Even Better Job And Therefore Make More Profit, We Are Promoting This Fine Product To Help You Start The Year Off Right For Your Future Herd mtheastern Penna North Western Lancaster Co George F. Delong Earl B Cinder Regional Manager RD2 Manheim PA 17545 225 West Woods Drive Phone 717 665 3126 I; 1 *!* 2 ,, n 3 Southern Lancaster Call Collect 717 626 0261 Eastern Lancaster Co Melvin Herr RR2 New Holland Pa 17557 Ph 717-354-5977 Leo Elliott 313 Wynwood Dr Willow Street PA 17584 p hone 717 464 4235 Choice 39 00-42.90, Good 31.75-38 85, Standard 27.00- 34.00, Utility 23.85-29.50. COWS; Utility St High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 24.50-28.00, Cutters 22.50- Canners 20.00- 23.50, Shells down to 16.50. Few Choice slaughter bullocks 39.25-44.50, Good 32.50- Standard 27.50- 32.50, Utility 25.75-31.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1000-2000 lbs. 28.00-34.35; yield grade No. 2 1000-1600 lbs. 25.30-31.30. FEEDER Henry Delong, Jr RDI Box 106 Quarryville, PA 17566 Phone 717-284 2683, Southwestern Lancaster Co Ben Greenawait RD2 Conestoga PA 17516 Pnone 717 872 5686 Chester Co William Wmdle RDI Atglen PA-19310 Phone 215 593 6143 CATTIiC: Few Choice 300- 850 lbs. 35.25-38.00, Good & Choice 27.00-38.00, Medium 22.00-29 GO; Good & Choice 300-800 lbs. feeder heifers 22.0031.25, Medium 17.00- 24.00, Medium & Good 300- 800 lbs f»*cdcr bulla 18.00- 27.75. CALVES 4502. Compared with 4241 head last week, and 3611 head a year ago. Vealers strong to $3 higher. VEALERS: Prime 69.00- 80.00, Choice 58.00-73.00, Good 46.0063.00, Standard 33.00-50.00, Utility 110-130 lbs. 26.00-38.00, 90-110 lbs. 20.0030.00, 7035 lbs. 15.00- 23.00, Farm calves, holsteln bulls 90-115 lbs. 24.5040.00. BARROWS & GILTS US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 50.8033.00, KEY TO PROFIT What is Super Calf Tone? It is high potency levels of all vitamins including all water soluble B-vitamins and all trace minerals, plus full spectrum of chelated trace minerals. All these are incorporated in a base of the best combination of water soluble milks we can buy so it goes into suspension along with your milk replacer. It therefore not only supplies the high levels of all vitamins and trace minerals, (sometimes referred to as electrolytes) but also supplies high nutritive elements from the high quality milk products. There are NO drugs of any kind in Super Calf Tone. What is Super Calf Tone for? To furnish the high levels of nutrition needed to get the calf off to a good start at the most critical time of his life. Remember the calf is your future herd and if it has problems in the first two weeks of life its chances of becoming a good strong high producing animal have been seriously impaired. Too big a per centage of calves die during this critical period from a multitude of reasons, most of them complicated by poor nutrition and managements. Super Calf Tone is also for use on any size and age calf that is doing poorly from any cause It is a highly palatable product and will be eaten readily when sprinkled on gram rations. HOW TO USE SUPER CALF TONE: First I want to stress that the calf should always receive colostrom milk for the first 72 hours. This is where it gets the anti-bodies necessary to build the immunities to all the things floating around that it is born into. Then starting with the first milk replacer or whole milk feeding, add one ounce per feeding (two ounces per day) to your regular feeding. If you wish you may reduce your milk replacer being used by an equal amount (one ounce per feeding) but it is not necessary. Continue for 16 days or longer if conditions warrant it. When using on a calf that already has problems double the amount (two ounces per feeding or four ounces per day) for 7 to 10 days. When using on calves that are already off milk and getting only gram, just sprinkle Super Calf Tone on top of the gram. Just for general toning up, feed two ounces per head per day and, again, for a calf in trouble, double to four ounces per head per day. If a calf is not eating his grain and therefore not eating the Super Calf Tone, do not hesitate to mix in a pop bottle of warm water and drench them. This is a very simple task on a calf and I’m sure two to three days of drenching will help restore their ap petities, then go back to sprinkling on top of grain. The necessity for this product is brought about from the fact that it is almost im possible for you dairymen to purchase a milk replacer with enough vitamin umtages to take care of today’s conditions. When they do have vitamins they are usually only A and D and low at that. Very seldom do they have B vitamins, which are very essential to the calf as it is a single stomach animal in the beginning and does not have a rumen to manufacture B vitamins. You will very seldom find a milk replacer with the full spectrum of electrolytes or, if so, not enough, and almost never will they have chelated trace minerals. Super Calf Tone carries them all and in very generous amounts. Most of you fellows are using Super Micro Conditioner on your milking herd and know what an outstanding job it is doing. Super Calf Tone will do every bit as much for your calves. It will do exactly what the name implies - Tone Them Up. Again remember, that calf is your future herd. If any questions regarding Super Calf Tone or anything else, please give us a call. Yours for Stronger and Healthier and Better Looking Calves Lebanon Co Marvin Meyer RD2 Box 157 Annville PA 17003 Phone 717 867 1445 Northeast Berks Co Roger Heller RDI, Robe sonia, PA Phone 215 693 6160 & Northampton Co Thomas Heist Mam Street Alburhs PA 18101 Phone 215 965 5124 No 13 200-240 lbs. 49,90- 52 50, No. 23 190-245 lbs. 47.80-52.00, No. 24 250300 lbs. 48.75-50.60, No. 24 120- 180 lbs 43.75-50.00. SOWS: US No. 13 300-550 lbs 40.00- 50 00, No. 23 300600 lbs. 35 5041.00. Boars 28.5041.00. FEEDER PIGS 1275. Compared with 1025 head last week, and 1140 head a year ago. US No. 13 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 18 00-37.00 per head, No. 13 35-50 lbs. 30.0045.00, No. 13 50-100 lbs. 41.00-53.50 per head. SHEEP 670. Compared with 564 head last week, and 405 head a year ago. Choice wooled slaughter lambs 60- 100 lbs. 46.0034.25, Good 60- 90 lbs. 39.5048.00. Slaughter ewes 5 00-17.00. SUPER CALF TONE CECIL MELTON Vice-President in Charge of Nutrition, Consulting and Products South Central Penna James I Yoder Regional Manager RRI Box 81 KSStIIV 932I !!!!e§!?DL Wsshm: Adams Co. Area Charlie Campbell n sr-s — , Newville PA Menno N Rissler Phone 717 776 7573 RR4 Gettysburg PA 17325 Phone 717 528 4849 Eastern Washington Co . MD iastern Franklin Co Earl H Moyer Eldon Martin* ® ox RDS Waynesboro PA 17268 |^ ersto "" Phone 717 762-3576 Phone 301 739 5199 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 24.1976 Middleburg Middleburg, PA January 20,1171 CATTLE 308. Compared with last Tuesday's market, slaughter steers grading Utility to Good steady to |1 lower. Slaughter cows steady to 25 cents lower. Few I/)w Good slaughter steers 41.2542.50, Good 37 5041.25, Standard 33.5036.50, Utility 29.0033.50. Good slaughter heifers 32.00-36.75, few Standard 28.5030.50. Utility & High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 24.75-27.25, Cutters 22.75-24.85, Canners 20.50-23.00, Sheila down to 18.00. Few Good slaughter bullocks 36.50-37.35, few Utility 28.00-30.75. Yield Cumberland Co Marlin E. Ebersole R 5 Carlisle PA 17013 Phone 717-776 7324 Grade No. 1 1200-2200 lbs. (daughter bulli 28 5052.60. Few Choice 250-800 lbs. feeder steers 28 50-34.50, few Good 400-500 lbs. 28.75-29.50; few Choice 300650 lbs. feeder heifers 24.50-30.50, Good 275- 500 lbs 21.00-28.50; Good 300 500 lbs feeder bulls 25.00 28.50. CALVES 179. Vealers grading Standard to Choice about steady; Utility (2 to $3 higher. One Prime vealer at 75.00, Choice 58.00-72.50, Good 43.00-56.00, Standard 33.0040.00, Utility 90-110 lbs. 27.00-30.00, 70-85 lbs. 20.00 25.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 26.00-37.50. HOGS 450. Barrows L Gilts steady to 25 cents higher. US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 51.1052.50, No. 15 190 240 lbs. 50.5051.00, No. 25 240-280 lbs. 49.0050.50. US No. 15 275-475 lbs. sows 43.0047.75. Few Boars 32.00 45.00. FEEDER PIGS 78. US No. 1-3 2545 lbs. feeder pigs 31.0048.00 per head, one lot Utility 40 lbs. 29.00, one lot Utility 100 lbs. at 57.50 per head. SHEEP 5. Few Choice 85- 100 lbs. wooled slaughter lambs 51.00-55.00. Cow slaughter DENVER, Colo - Cow slaughter in the U.S is now estimated to have totaled 11 6 million head in 1975, the American National Cat tlemen’s Association said today This represents an in crease of 54 percent over the 1974 total of 7.5 million head. Also, it is 16 percent greater than the previously projected total of 10 million head for 1975. As a result of the record large cow slaughter in recent months, it now appears that the nation’s cow herd (in cluding both beef and dairy cows) on Jan. 1, 1976, was between 53 8 and 54.3 million head or three to five percent less than a year earlier This will be the first decline in the size of the cow herd since 1967. The total cattle inventory as of Jan. 1 is now estimated to be approximately one percent lower than the 131.8 million head on farms and ranches a year ago. Thus, there appears to have been a reversal in the cyclical build-up m the total cattle herd. Cow slaughter in November totaled 1.2 million head, up 18 percent from the previously projected total of 1.02 million head for the month December cow slaughter is estimated at 1.3 million head. This figure, up 23 percent from previous projections, is considerably greater than expected by most observers. The projections referred to in the ANCA report are monthly and annual cow slaughter rates previously estimated as being needed in 1975 and on into 1976 in order to put cow numbers in better balance with beef demand. The projections and recent estimates were made by economists with Cattle-Fax, the market analysis service lon Co. Md 9 up