Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 24, 1976, Image 68
i —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Jan. 24, 1976 68 Public Sales Register TUES FEB 17 ■ Jl AM Public Sole of Form Machinery and Jersey Dairy Cattle located IS miles South of Lancaster, 1 mile west of Route 272 from Valley View Restaurant, adjacent to Chestnut Level Pres Church Terms by Elmer L Fisher, J. Everett Kreider and Carl Diller, Auctioneers WED. FEB. 11l - 12 Noon Public Sale of Horse Drawn Farm Machinery, Livestock and Corn located 3 miles southeast of Strasburg, Just off Route 896, along Iva Road, Lancaster County, Pa. Terms by Gideon B. Lapp; Leroy Zook and Leon Hum, Auctioneers. WED. FEB. 18 - 9:30 a.ra. Consignment Sale by David H. Good located hi mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave. in Leola, Pa. Lancaster County. Farm Equipment, Tractors, Horse drawn implements, new tools, hardware, building materials, etc. F. Snyder, R. Martin, C. H. Wolgemuth, C. Diller and J. Fray, Auc tioneers. WED. FEB. 18 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment by Lebanon Valley implement Co., Richland, Pa. John E. and Paul E. Martin, Auc tioneers. THURS. FEB. 19 - Public Sale of a lot of Farm Machinery and Tools located 3 miles North of Churchtown, 10 miles East of New Holland and 2 miles West of PUBLIC SALE OF FARM MACHINERY AND HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE Off Route 272 “The Buck," west 1 mile on Route 372. FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1976 40 head Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle. 25 cows, 8 fresh last 60 days, milking up to 70 lb. per day. Mainly a fall herd. 15 heifers, 6 bred for fall. Balance open and small calves. 1 service age bull. T.B. & Bangs Cert. Charts sale day. 1 pr. black horses, 1 sorrell work horse, 1 standard bred 7 year old. John Deere No. 5 mower w-engine, J.D. 14T baler, 2 wheel bale chute, J.D. 4 bar rake, 2 elevators, (Ruth 28 ft., Sam Mulky 24 ft.) 2 good flat wagons 16 ft. long, Cunningham Crimper w-Contmental engine, Oliver radex 2 bottom 14 in., 2 wiard walking 106 plows, J.D. - KBA 24 disc harrow, 2IHC 2 way plows (1 with steel bottoms), 2 cultipackers (1 small). New Idea Husker Shredder, 2-No, 7 IHC silo fillers (1 with shredder bars) Cutter knives & pulley for 16 in. Denlinger, IHC corn planter, 3 IHC 2 horse cultivators, 1 Me. Cornbinder w-loader and carrier (Al) Holland transplanter, IHC 8 ft. grain binder, IHC 10 ft. lime drill, 2 IHC harrows (9ft. & 12 ft.) water tank on wheels, 16 ft. 2 wheel trailer (steel or rubber.) 10 disc Van Brunt gram drill, 2 New Idea No. 10 manure spreaders, 3 fore carts 1 with turning wheels and brake, spike harrow. 50 & 100 ft. lengths of Acetylene hose, 50 & 100 ft. 7 in. endless belt, 15 bale baler twine, platform scales, veal pens, 2 chain saws, 1 Homelite, market wagon, roll of barb wire, 2 bale boxes, 7 sets harness & bridles, Check lines etc. 2 3 4 5 & 6 horse hitches. DeLaval milkers, 2 S. S. strainers & bucket. 2 milk cans, 2 new style vacuum pulsators. Old broom maker (good), blue jars and a few other items TERMS BY AUCTS KREIDER, DILLER, MUMMAU Lunch furnished by the family. Morgantown, Pa. Sale by Ivan N. Hoover; Ralph W. Hunt, Auctioneer. THURS.FEB. 19 -10:30 a.m. Outstanding Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Truck, etc. located In York County, Pa. midway between Hanover and Spring Gove on Route 118 at Iron Ridge Road, turning North 1 mile or off Route 30 D 4 mile East of Abbottstown, turning South at Milestown Road for approx. 5 miles (Watch for Sale Signs). Sale by Robert E. Rebert, Ruthanna R. Rebert, owners, R 3, Hanover. Pa. Clair R. Slaybaugn, Auctioneer. FRI. FEB. 20 - 8 P.M. Nite Cow Sale at the Black St White Holstein Farm, Lancaster, Pa. across from the Comet Drive-in Theatre or Vi mile West of breeding unit. Charles C. Myers, owner; Abe Diffenbach, auctioneer; Henry Ket tering, Pedigrees; Park Myers, Sales Manager. FRI. FEB. 20 - 10:00 A.M. Public Sale of Full Line of Horse Drawn Farm Equipment, Livestock, Few Antiques & Furniture. Located 6 miles South of Strasburg on Rt. 896 in the center of the village of Georgetown, Bart, PA. Sale by Abner Fisher. Auc tioneers; Lloyd Kreider & Stephen Petersheim SAT. FEB. 21 - 12 Noon Public Sale of Farm Im plements located 3 miles South of Quarryville Rt. 222, 10 A.M. LEVI S. ZOOK take Blackburn road, Ist. road left South of Solanco High School to St. Catherine Drive, Ist place on left, East Drumore Townshio. Lan caster Co. Sale by V. Mcrril Carter. Kersey A. Bradley, Auctioneer. SAT. FEB. 21 - 9 A.M. Public Auction Consignment Sale of Farm Tractors, Trucks, Implements, industrial Equipment Discs. Mowers, Balers, Rakes, Plows, Etc. Location - Don Scheese Farm, approximately 15 miles southeast of Delaware- Memorial Bridge; 3 miles west of Deerfield, N. J.; 6 miles south of Pittsgrove Circle (U.S. Route 40 and N.J. Rt. 77). From there take the road between diner and green Municipal Building. Sale is directly across from the Friesburg Lutheran PUBLIC SALE OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO POULTRY, HORSE OR CATTLE FARMERS. VALUABLE 43 ACRE EAST HEMPFIELD TWP. FARM. « LOCATED ON GREYSTONE RD. JUST WEST OF EAST PETERSBURG BORO. FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1976 AT 2 P.M. Parcel No. 1 - Property includes large frame dwelling having 2 large apartments, oil heat, modern kitchens, shingle siding. Frame garage, macadam drive, well of water, nice lawn and grounds. Parcel No. 2 - Apr. 42 Acres of very fertile level land having large frame bam and other outbuildings. 2 wells. Good location. The real estate will be offered in separate parcels and as a whole. The property has great potential as a chicken, horse or cattle farm. Also future development opportunity. ~ Terms 10 percent down, Balance by April Ist, 1976. To inspect Call 898-6882. Sale By HESS REALTY ENTERPRISES George Morgan, Attorney Conducted By J. Omar Landis Real Estate Auctions 717-733-7917 DAIRY DISPERSAL PIKE TWP., BRADFORD CO. Having decided to discontinue the dairy operation, we have been commissioned to sell on SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1976 At 11:30 AJA. At the Farm on PA Rle. 467, 2 miles South of Laßaysville. 34 High-Grade Holstein Cattle 30 Milch, 5 strictly fresh, 6 springing & handling; one springing Kingpin daughter; 15 bred for fall, balance in all stages. A few of these cows are registered. A top dairy here; cows have size & are milking really good. Four started calves & a Jersey bull. Farm Equipment J.D. 50 tractor, in A-l condition, J.D. loader to fit this tractor or other J.D, models; Ferguson with new motor; Massey Ferguson 110 bu. manure spreader; J.D. 14 T baler with No. 2 picker; New Holland crusher; Allis Chalmers combine, plus other items. Milking Equipment Mueller 320 gal. Bulk tank, like new, 4 DeLaval milkers & other utensils. Terms - Cash or 1-way check. Owners, KENDALL & JEAN STRAWN Howard W. Visscher Sales Manager & Auctioneer Nichols, NY 607-699-7250 Church on Friesburg-Aldine Rd. William Bragdon, Auctioneer. SAT. FEB. 21 - 1:30 pjn. Feeder Pig Sale located between Womelsdorf and Myerstown along Route 422, at Stouchsburg take Scharff Road South 1 mile, third farm on left, Vt mile North of Sheridan Furnaces, Marion Tyro., Berks County, Pa. Sale by Walter M. Horst, Newmanstown RDI. John E. & Paul E. Martin, Auc tioneers. SAT. FEB. 21 - 11 A.M. Public Sale of Modem Farm Machinery located along White Oak Road Vi mile west of 896, 4Vi miles south of Strasburg, 2 miles north of Georgetown, Bart Twp., Penna. Terms by A. Landis & Mary Jane Stauffer: J. Everett Kreider and Car) Ollier, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 21 - 10:90 a.ra. Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Truck, Feeds, Household, Antiques, etc. on the premises located in York County, Pa. 1 mils North of York on Route 74 turning East at Locks Road, one tenth mile thence South two tenth mile. Sale by Clark I. Ruppert, owner, 1470 HavDand Road, York, Pa. Clair R. Slaybaugh, Auct. Idaville, Pa. SAT. FEB. 21-1:00 P.M. Public Auction of Real Estate & Farm Implements. Located off Brubaker Valley CONSIGNMENT SALE Located 5 miles Southwest of Lewisburg, Pa. on Salem Church Road. SATURDAY, JAN. 31, 1976 Call Days 717-524-2410 Nights 717-524-5892 STARTING AT 9 A.M. Bring all types of Farm Equipment, Tractors, and Small Items. GLENN ERDLEY RDI Lewisburg, PA 17837 PUBLIC SALE OF FARM MACHINERY AND JERSEY DAIRY CATTLE 15 MILES SOUTH OF LANCASTER, 1 MILE WEST OF ROUTE 272 FROM VALLEY VIEW RESTAURANT. ADJACENT TO CHESTNUT LEVEL PRES. CHURCH. IDES., FEB. 17,1976 25 Head of Reg. & Grade Jersey dairy cattle. 4 cows 1 reg. Advancer Sleeping Milestone. 4 grade heifers due sale time. 15 open heifers, 5 reg. & 10 grade, some Generation daus. 1 Maine Anjou service age bull. T. 6. & Bangs Cert, charts sale day. Zero 400 gal. vac. tank, milk porter, Surge Alamo pump & motor, DeLaval No. 73 pump, 2 DeLaval units with new vac. pulsators, 1 Surge unit, 80 gal. elec, heater, 2 S.S. tubs, 4 unit milker washer (Bender) 40 cow trainers. Ford 5000 diesel wf select-o-speed, Allis Chalmers WD, Case 555 haybine (used 2 seasons), David Bradley side rake, 24 ft. Skeleton elevator on wheels, 4 flat bed wagons, 1 gravity bin, dump box on frame, New Holland 68 baler P.T.0., Ford 3 bottom 16 in. plow high clearance No. 130, John Deere 2 bottom. 16 in. rollover plow, offset disc, 8 ft. spring harrow, 9 ft. cultipacker, New Holland 5 ft. flail chopper, New Holland forage chopper, Allis Chalmers chuck wagon. App. 20 ton Alfalfa hay, 18 ton corn, 10 ton straw. IHC 2 row corn planter, IHC manure spreader, Acom flail spreader, New Holland 10 ft. fert. drill, field sprayer on wheels, 400 gal. milk tank on wheels (water), liquid mineral tank, 7 x 12 tool shed, 40 ft. 9 in. outside silo pipe w-Level-flo distributor, 36 ft. extension ladder, Conklin supplies, large pole corncrib (22 poles), saw buck & 2 blades. Jamesway bam cleaner for 2 row 84 ft. each (2 units) Bray breeding calender, Semen tank w-SS tank, 3 outside hay racks (2 on wheels), 2 feed carts, 3 elec, fencers, Stewart clippers, brooms, forks, shovels, chains, and other articles. J. Everett Kreider Carl Oilier, Aucts. Rd. leading from Clay off Rt. 323 to lU. HI. Sale by Isaac teaman. Frank A Paul Snyder, Auctioneers. SAT. FEB. 21-1:30 p.ra. - Public Salt of Choice Feeder Pigs located at RD’ Newmanstown, Pa. Sale b, Walter M. Hont; John Ef. and Paul E. Martin, Auc tioneer. SAT. FEB. 21 • Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Feeder hogs and sow located 2 miles North of Manhelm on Rt. 72 to Elisabethtown Road turn left travel Vh mile*. Sale bv Titus Lefever; Wilbur H. Hosier and C. H. Wolgemuth Auctioneers. 11A.M. Terms by: ELMER L FISHER Lunch furnished.