Lancaster DHIA Report | Continued from fif* 61] Bennie L. Filher Lady RH 74 Luke Ray Zimmerman 32 GrH ft-1 Dr. Paul S. Schantz Pansy GrH Ray P. Bollinger Sheila RH J. Scott Wolff Dot RG Paul N. Brubacher 139 RH 80 RH Ben K. Stoltzfus Ester GrH Jacob R. Houser Jr. Gladys RH Sun Crest Farms JudTwn RH M Shoemaker Bros. Farm 1 Jo GrH 5-3 Twin Oak Farms 111 GrH Glen D. Herahey Polly GrH Thomas W. Aaron Enid RJ Cedar Fringed Farm Heidi RG ATTENTION FARMERS WE HAVE SALES * SERVICE FDR THE FOLLOWING Cobey wagons - forage boxes - spreaders Full line of New Idea Farm Equipment Full line of Badger Barn & Farm Equipment Dion Forage Equipment Taylorway Tillage Tools, Chisel Plows, Disc Harrows, Field Cultivators & Sub Soilers GT Grain Dryers & Cleaners Leyland Diesel Tractors 25 to 100 h.p. Also Large Parts Inventory To Draw From Call Us or Stop in to See Us & You Will Save DOLLARS We have no salesman on the road. A. C. HEISET FARM EQUIPMENT INC. RDI, iomstown, Pa. 17031 Phone 717-165-4526 Located Vt mile South of Fredericksburg off Route 343 Pumps, Spreads, Injects See Your Local .Badger Dealer SHOW-EASE STALL CO. 523 Willow Rd. Lancaster, Pa. Ph. 299-2536 RALPH KETTERER ISSAC W. HURST LLOYD E. KREIDER Perkasie, RO2 Deep Run Road Ph. (215] 766-8531 18,831 17,381 17,085 15,841 5-10 13,641 306 305 17,722 17,589 17,512 14,477 16,280 12,896 13,469 15,039 11-9 11,255 14,613 One Tank Does It All The Badger Vacuum Spreader Tank is both pump and spreader in one convenient, low cost unit. Designed for slurry manure, Badger tanks come in 1,000, 1,500 and 2,300 gallon models. Rugged PTO driven pump forms a vacuum for filling or pressure for spreading. Tanks fill in 3 to 5 minutes - empty in 5 to 6 minutes in the field. Choose from adjustable spreader plate or manure injector. Heavy duty construction, in cluding full length tank support skids, makes badger the most dependable vacuum spreader you can buy. See your nearest Badger dealer. A. C. HEiSEY FARM EQUIPMENT INC. GRUMELLI’S FARM SERVICE Mechanics Grove Quarryville, Pa. Ph. 786-7318 RD2 East Earl, PA Ph. (215] 445-5767 Reuben L. Stoltzfus Bell GrH Henry & Paul Martin Laura RH Christian M. Hess Connie GrH Nathan G. Stoltzfua Homes td RH Van RH James A. Hess Joanne RH Roy & Kennet Stoner 140 RH J. Robert Kindig Milly RH Elvln H. Hess 632 631 826 Gall GrH Adin Oberholtzer Jamie RH 631 631 0W Mfrn JSL % COW DAYS * IL * MEED Oh TEST COWS IN MILK LBS. Curtis E. Akers R&GrH 30 Henry B. Leaman R&GrH 31 Dan S. Stoltzfus R&GrH 32 J. Z. Nolt R&GrH 28 Aaron E. Beiler R&GrH 27 Harold G. Shelly R&GrH 30 Earl N. Landis R&GrH 30 Samuel K. Stoltzfus R&GrH 29 Rohrer Brothers R&GrH 32 Abraham Shelly Jr. R&GrH 30 Rufus G. Martin R&GrH 21 Ralph Myer & Sons R&GrH 29 Donald B. Trimble Mix 30 James Hackman R&GrH 34 Clyde W. Martin R&GrH 28 Ben S. Stoltzfus R&GrH 28 Furry H. Frey RH 28 Paul H. Rohrer GrH _ 27 John H. Hershey R&GrH 28 Lloyd H. Ranck 629 629 628 manure RH 31 47.9 84.3 Lancaster Mennonite Hospital R&GrH 35 92.5 91.0 RDI Jonestown, Pa. (717(865-4526 CARL L. SHIRK RPS Lebanon, Pa. Ph. 274-1436 RDI Cochranville, PA Ph. [2ls] 932-2934 16,456 4-1 306 18,824 2-6 306 16,778 5-4 297 4-10 306 7-2 288 16,811 13,151 6-4 306 15,506 24 306 16,047 15,525 3-7 305 14,966 6-1 282 5-7 305 14,313 54.5 91.8 60.2 32.4 48.2 88.7 44.2 49.3 88.4 37.8 54.1 84.3 24.1 45.0 83.4 26.0 49.0 86.2 50.7 50.5 89.2 38.0 50.2 87.0 46.6 89.7 47.4 40.5 86.9 52.4 26.0 83.7 48.3 61.9 90.0 47.0 43.2 89.1 49.3 35.6 92.7 46.3 95.8 47.7 90.1 39.0 85.6 43.2 39.2 43.4 87.3 68.4 48.9 91.3 96.5 44.8 27.9 45.8 45.2 The desperate economic condition of agriculture endangers the whole social and economic fabric of our rural fanning communities. It raises serious dangers to our entire national economy. These economic dangers must be met and conquered boldly, constructively, and effectively. The time to repair the rdof is when the sun is shining and the time to build a sound, long-range farm program is now. IT'S THE TOPS! Wolgemuth Bros., Inc., is ready to serve your individual with modern manufacturing facilities and excellent p 628 Jay C. Garber RH 23 Henry E. Kettering RH 28 Paul S. Homing R&GrH 28 Amos F. Miller 625 625 624 624 R&GrH 31 Harold G. Shelly RA 30 Harry S. Aungst RH 30 Jacob S. Dienner RH 33 Allen Lee Stoltzfus 624 620 620 RH 30 32.0 Ronald & Kathryn Kline Mix 32 48.4 John M. Weaver Mix 30 83.0 Henry & Paul Marlin RH 27 36.0 Parke H. Ranch RH 33 Calvin D. Seller 620 FAT LBS. % FAT 2.15 2.07 R&GrH 28 Earl L. Hershey 1.99+ R&GrH 30 Maurice F. Welk 1.96 R&GrH 32 Harry H. Ranch Jr, 1.95 R&GrH 32 42.6 Abram & John Barley 1.92 R&GrH 28 366.0 Raymond K. Wise Mix 27 29.1 Homer G. Hess 1.91 1.88 R&GrH 29 35.0 John N. Shirk 1.88 Mix 26 37.4 John B. Stoltzfus Jr. 1.86 R&GrH 31 29.0 Emanuel S. Smucker RH 33 38.3 Irene H. Sauder 1.85 1.84+ R&GrH 32 Melvin L. Beiler RH 29 Carl L. Martin 1.84 1.82 RH 31 74.0 J. Kenneth Hershey 1.81 R&GrH 29 J. Nelson San grey 1.79+ R&GrH 26 Marvin K. Witmer 1.79 R&GrH 31 J. Floyd Kreider 1.79 R&GrH 34 .49.6 Allan R. Shoemaker 1.78 R&GrH 30 Moses L. Lapp RH 30 J, Mowery Frey RH 28 Leon S. Musser 1.77 1.76 R&GrH 34 Robert L. Shelly R&GrH 30 Ezra M. Martin RH 29 Ivan M. Hursh R&GrH 29 Harvey E. Heller Mix 30 40.7 Conewago View Farms E&GrH 29 John L. Landis J. F. Kennedy R&GrH 30 R. Edwin Hamish R&GrH John S. Beiler R&GrH J. F. Kennedy QUALITY FEEDS AT LOW COST FLORIN FEEDS PHONE 653-141 WOLGEMUTH BROS., INC. 230 South Market Avenue Ml ioy, Pennsylvania Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 24.1976 — 108.7 55.2 47.7 30.0 16.0 57.3 38.4 56.8 54.0 50.3 82.1 39.6 49.3 79.0 33.2 33.1 44.0 35.0 39.2 49.0 32.9 46.0 42.4 56.9 120.6 41.5 31 39.0 [Continued on Page 65] 43.8 893 47.3 83.2 42 3 78 3 44.5 74.9 42.4 87.3 448 90.3 48.6 83.0 46.5 89.9 44.4 82.1 46.2 88.7 42.0 87.4 42.4 85.1 44.3 85.1 43.2 87.9 43.9 90.6 45.6 88.8 44.3 86.4 40.7 84.9 44.3 80.9 42.6 91.2 43.3 83.0 40.8 80.1 43.1 85.3 40.1 90.5 42.0 81.8 42.8 86.8 46.8 91.0 49.3 93.0 44.8 95.6 43.8 86.0 42.5 81.0 41.2 80.0 45.3 93.8 41.7 77,0 41.8 89.1 41.1 94.6 45.8 83.2 37.8 83.5 44.3 86.8 39.0 82.7 40.0 80.4 ''eds ice. 63 1.75 1.75 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72+ 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70+ 1.70 1.69 1.69 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1,68+ 1,67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.57 1.67 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.65 1.65+ 1.65 1.65+
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