Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 24, 1976, Image 39
[oil to* Market Moll Bo* Markat AmMTIOM ALL PHONE NUMBERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY YOUR AREA COOL Sale - 1855 tractor, low rs, extras; «B II” plow . reset; 180 bu. Gehl ture spreader 12 z 10; or Disk, like new. 215- Sale • Warm Morning and wood stove $225. B. King, Jr. Hooey *, HD2, Pa. Sale - 5 Surge milkers, )0 each or will sell 5 for .00 717-529-6223. Sale • 2 row Allis Imers No-Til corn iter, dry fertilizer and cticide attachment, el K. Esh, May Post ce Road, RD3, For Sale - Steam Jenny steam cleaner, good con dition. 717-442420*. For Sale - New Ala dein Mantle Lamp with shade, never used $lB.OO, regular $40.00; Also collar Harness 5 yrs. old with all chrome fixtures $75.00.. 717454-5960 For Sale - Combination wood and gas stove. 717467-2567 Wanted-20.8 x 34 duals, also flail spreader 180 bushel or larger. For Sale - Archway 420 grinder-mixer. 717-529- 2512 For Sale - 8 Reg. Yorkshire Gilts due in Feb., 1 Reg. boar; also 10 farrowing crates complete. 717-469- 0532. Moil Box Moffcot Wanted* 1 set of scraper* (or J.D. TWA 11' 7" disk. Leroy Harizler, EDI Mt. Wolf. Pa. 717-286-1365. For Rent • Farm house with modem .kitchen, IVfc baths, hot water beat, rent In ex change for feeding cattle, experience necessary, Mennonlte or Amish preferred. 7174664784 For Sale - 1973 Chevy % ton pickup, VB, Auto, PS, PB, excellent shape. 717-735-4884. For Sale • Service age bulls by Astronaut A.I.C. and Aristocrat, Dams classified VG, records to over 23,000 lbs. milk, 1000 lbs. fat. John Stump. 215-408-1065 For Sale - *B5 Chrysler Newport, new inspection, good mechanical cood. |22S. or best offer. 717-656-6756 For Sale - McCormick manure spreader for bone or tractor $l5O. Also cast iron log burning store $B5. 215- 777-7349 For Sale - 1975 White 2-105 tractor, less than 600 hrs. 609-451-0904 Moil Box Market For Sale - 214" Ford wheels IS each. Also 2 TV's blade and white, need work $lO each. 717426-6187 For Sale • 50 Crossbred feeder pigs between 40 and 60 lbs. Roman Seller, 717*442- 8104 For Sale - No. 140 J.D. riding mower. 14 H.P. with hydraulic. Also Fannall 560 Diesel fast hitch TA overhauled, like new. Also Int. plow, 4 bottom 16" semi mtd. 215-032-3025 Wanted - Steel wheels for Oliver 770. For Sale - Steel wheels for MF tractor, 215- 267-3106 For Sale - J.D. 1240 plateless com planter, dry fertilizer and insecticide attachment, clean 717496-0675 Wanted to Buy - Used 12 or 14 ft. dia. Picket Silo. Heavy duty loader suitable for 100 h.p. tractor. PH: 717-548-2877 Wanted - 620 or 630 John Deere tractor, All replies please state the price, James Ruhland, Route 1, Spring Grove, Pa. Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Jan. 24,1976 Moil Box Market For Sale • 2 small incubators 100 egg size. 717-733-7800 Wanted - Mounting brackets for J.D. No. 48 Loader for J.D. 252(13020 series trac tors. Also for sale - N 1 8 row pull type picker with grinder attach. Cab 2164624878 McCormick No. 4 baler with No. 10 thrower, PTO. Also 8 x 16 hay wagon with aides. Ail solidoakTuke new. PH: 717- 3674875 For Sale - McCormick Deering manure spreader, No. 20 H horse drawn. Write 181 Forest Hill Road, Lcola, PA 17510 or PH: 7174584961 For Sale - Jamesway hydraulic barn cleaner. Snavely bam cleaner. 7 h.p. McDade hay fan, silo unloaders & 20 ft. silo unloaders. 717498-750? For Sale - Scales. Sash weights, push truck, shut ters, fans, 28’ elevator, budget hoist, extinguishers, belts, bag wagon, mufflers, sheller, tanks, insulators, IVi” cotton hose. 717-653-4264 Wanted - Female Chihuahua pup. 6 wks. to 1 yr. old. Does not nave to be purebred. 717- 665-6765 Wanted - Used 400 or 500 gallon field sprayer, also 8-10 month old angus bull from certified herd. Call 717-432- 9046 Wanted • One or two used plow - bottoms for Oliver 546 Auto-reset plow; also 16’ elevator. Call Donald Stofflet - 215-367-9060 Wanted - Rear steel tractor wheel 60" to 52" high 10” or 12" wide. Call 717-656^916 Lancaster Farming SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 2 weeks advance notice. Attach the label for your old address, write in your new address below. ENTERING A NEW SUBSCRIPTION? Check the box and fill in your name and address below. (To order gift subscriptions please attach a separate sheet.) | When writing us subscription j I please attach your Lancaster Farming | I mailing label here and mail the whole form | \ lO LANCASTER FARMING, | I P.O. 266, LITITZ, PA 17543 | 1 r\ 1 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING I YEAR ENCLOSED IS A □ CHECK, □ CASH □ MONEY ORDER. $3.00 ( )NEW SUBSCRIPTION ( )RENEWAL NAME (please print) ADDRESS CITY COUNTY STATE ZIP CODE For even faster service, phone 717-394-3047 or 626-2191. Wanted - 1650 Oliver D top injection system. PH; 717- 944-6028 For Sale - Straw, $5O a ton at the ham. PH: 215-932-9500 Circular saw fits front end H; 4 Surge units, small bore shells. Jas. W. Heaps, Street, MD 21154. 1-301-452-5589 New Holland PTO spreader, good condition. Firewood for sale. PH: 717-862-3970 For Sale - Registered Guernsey cows and bull Many springing heifers. Vaccinated and tested. Call 717-359-4383 Mervin K. Myers, R 2, Littlestown, Pa. For Sale - 850 Ford Tractor w-manure loader & grass mower. Price $lB5O. PH; 717- 733-1048 39