—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Jan. 24. 1976 32 Dairy Equipment For Sale - 1000 gal. Mllkceper tank w-auto. washer, 2 yrs. old. Plus 160 ft. of Jamesway heavy duty bam cleaner chain used 8 mos. 717-529-6350. 300 gal Glrton milk tank, good condition 440 gal. Esco tank, good cond. 500 gal. oirton vr-4 h.p. compressor Star 12-Can open front milk cooler, good cond. CLARK ELECTRIC RDI, Klmcr, PA Phone Intercourse 768-9228 8 Surge Milk Meters; like new, DHIA Approved. Vi Price of new. PH: 201-859- 2616 WE WILL BUY YOUR FRESH CREAM AND MAKE IT INTO ICE CREAM FOR YOU. ELIZABETHTOWN CREAMERY CO., INC. CUSTOM-PAC ICE CREAM SPECIALISTS 519 S. Market St Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-367-1389 For Sale - Used 500 gallon Mueller Bulk Tank, excellent condition. Elam H. Fisher, Rooks RDI, South Ronks Road. Poultry & Supplies SNA VCR jjl 1 LAms GREIDER LEGHORN FARMS, INC. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY RDI, PA LONGENECKER’S HATCHERY, INC. Box 307, Elizabethtown. PA PH: (717)367^1545 Hubbard Leghorn I DeKalb Warren Sex-Link I CHICKS & STARTER PULLETS 20 WEEKS APRIL 5 20 WEEKS FEB. 13 Sex-Link Hubbard Leghorn 2,000 8,000 Used Poultry Equipment 450 ft. 4 x 4 slals; 600 ft. track with egg cart; Kitson feeder with chain & 200 feeders; 1100 feed stainless steel V*" cable; 2 Drive units & scraper; Cross cleaners & drive unit & Egg cooler unit. PH: 717-665-6220 TRY A CLASSIFIED Dairy Equipment For Sale - S.P. 22 Surge Milker pump In good shape; Atlas Stainless Steel Juicer runs with air motor; Black Standard Bred Marc, stands 17 hands, good carriage horse. Daniel S. Dienner, RDI, Gap, Pa. 17527 5 Surge milkers for sale. PH 717-5&6223 1600 gallon Girton 7% compressor, automatic washer $5575.00. 600 DeLaval 4 H.P. com pressor $1500.00 1973 Case Uniloader $3175.00. CURRYSUPPLY Curryvflle, Penoa. 814-793-2829 Universal pipeline milker 4 units, auto washing system and vacuum pump. 2 yr. old. Phone 717-535-5711. Poultry & Supplies (•p vfy dobdssib MOYER'S CHICKS, INC. Quakerlown, PA Ph 215 536 3155 Now handling the Dekalb lines Dekalb-Kimber K-137 Dekalb 231 Dekalb-Warren S. S. Livestock For Sale For Sale - All purpose white horse. About seven years old. Mary Stoltzfus, R 3, Quarryville, Pa. 17566 Wanted - Herd of young Holstein Dairy cows, in good flow of milk. PH- 717-866- 4208 S. K. Norman, R 1 Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Wanted - Entire herd or part of herd of dairy cows or springing heifers. Call 301- 358-0412 after 8 p.m. Livestock For Sole Charolais Breeding age Registered Per formance Tested Chsrolals Bulls that will add S2S to |SO to the value of your calves. Younger bulls and open heifers also availaole. John W. Stump Clermont Mill Road Street, Maryland 21154 Phone 301-4528700 REG. SPOTTED BOARS Bloodlines Related to Windez CMS, Highest indexing Sire of the Nation. WINDOM SPOT FARM Doncrville Rd. RD2 Lancaster, Pa. 17603 717-872-7560 For Sale - Dispersal of Reg. Polled Herefords, Heifer calves, bred Heifers, bred cows. Herd bull is highest testing Hereford bull from the 1975 Pa. State Bull Test Sale, with a daily gain of 3.7 lbs. 717-732-4035 For Sale - Bred & Open Heifers. Several to freshen February thru May with food breeding. John S. toltzfus. Bird-in-Hand on Beacbdale Rd. HEAVY-BONED YORKSHIRE SERVICE AGE BOARS FOR SALE. Raised in group lots for commercial producers Delivery available Write or call LEON L ARNOLD RDI Box 54 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-273-5880 For Sale - Reg. Jersey first calf cow. Sired by Vancluse Sleeping Surville. Used as F.F.A. Slow heifer. PH: 717- 244-6123 Livestock for Sale - Reg. Holstein Bulls; one year old and younger - out of dams with records to 24,000 M & 900 lbs. B.F. Stump Acres 717-792-3216 (York Co.) For Sale CHIAMNA World’s Largest Ci - Cows with calves at s - Bred and Open Heife TWIN OAK FARMS Quarryville, PA 717-/86-2146 Chester White and Poland China boars and open gilts for sale. James Parlett. Phone 717-862-3610. AirvUle, Pa. Yr. Black Face Ewes due to Lamb Feb. 15-1976. Call 412- 627-3741 before 8 a.m. Top Duroc and Yorkshire Breeding Stock For Sale at all times. For breeding or feeding, growing or showing. Large or small groups. Delivery available. See entries at coming Spring Sales. CALVIN LAZARUS &SONS 4290 Ridge Street Whitehall, PA Lehigh Co. 18052 215-799-3375 Livestock For Sole Holstein herd consisting of 25 to 30 head of young wcU uddered cows. In good flow of milk and in various stages of lactation. Reasonably priced. You must see them to believe it. Please caU after 6 p.m. PH: 717-866-4208 For Sale - 9 Head Angus- Charolals cows bred to calve early spring to Angus bull. Good-Big-Young cows. Edward E. Rishel, York, PA PH; 717-704-4500 Duroc Boars breeding age & younger. Also bred gilts. Good background. PH: 215- 267-3739 after 5:00 For Sale - 2 Holstein Bulls • 2 S-s. old. 1 sired by Charm sin 602 Fat, other by Transmitter - 508 Fat. (310) 7508078 Ten Extra nice young mules mostly sorrels. Coming 1 and 2 years old. Several mat ching pairs, including - pair brown mules, full brother and sister, who will mature at 17 hands or more. All sired by the same Jack out of big mares. Henry B. Kent, Jr., RDI, Penn Yan, N.Y. 14527 Phone Evenings: 1-315-536- 4540 For Sale - Purebred Chester White Gilts and Spotted Gilts, bred, due to farrow in March and April. Also Service Age Boars. Phone after 6 p.m. 717-624-8421 For Sale - Ten year old Chestnut Mare. 14.2 hands. Thoroughbred-Welsh pony. Will make nice hunting and pleasure horse. 717-933-8843 For Sale - 4 year old Nor weigan Fjord Mare. Great working and driving horse. Worked in fields as single and pair. Well broken to drive. 717-933-8843 Duroc Breeding Stock. LAWRENCE ARNOLD RDI Box 402 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-272-2179 Hampshire and Yorkshire Service Age Boars and Gilts from certified meat type breeding. Contact John Strawbridge, Stewartstown, PA 17363. Phone 301-996-2022. Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm R 2, Strasburg, Pa. 717- 786-2562 717-786-2201 Feed & Seed Livestock For Sol* Duroc Boars For Sale from Tested & Show winning bloodlines. Dutch Valley Farm, R 5, Manhelm, Pa. Mark Ncstlcroth, PH: 717- 6858220 For Sale - Chianina heifers bred and open. Also Purebred Charolais cows and heifers. Lawson Burgert, R 2, Fleetwood, Pa. PH: 215-944-9669 Feed & Seed For Sale - Red Clover Seed. 139.00 per bushel. E. H. Eppley, Rl, Thomasville, PA 17364 PH: 792-1648 Buying SheUed Com 717-548-3181 Wanted - Ear Com, will pickup at your farm. Schuylkill Haven. 717-739- 4586 Hay Wanted Top quality Hay, Straw & Ear Com Call Tonyßudinski Rudinski Road Pine Island, NY 10969 Area Code 914-258-4459 For Sale - Barley delivered direct from farmer. Also straw and Timothy hay delivered in 5 to 6 ton loads. 717-776-3389 For Sale - Timothy and Steer Hay by the ton or trader load. Call 215-827-7806 FOR SALE 49% SOYBEAN MEAL BULK OR BAG PICKED UP OR DELIVERED ELAM HOOVER Faad & Seed For Sale - Hay, Straw. Wheat, Oats, Ear Com (17 miles East of Easton. Pa.) Phone 201-735-4408 after 7 p.m. Hay For Sale - Clean Hay, Early Cut, Mow dltloned, Good Bales, Ap> Sroximately 40 Tons, victor L Decker Sugar Hollow Road, Tunkhannock, Pa. 18857. Phone 717-833-2488 FARM SUPPLIES Potato bags paper sizes 5 -10 - 20 - 50’s. Always available. Special prices on volume. PHILLIPS FEED SERVICE, INC. Germans vllle & Route 3 Bath, PA 767-3819 • MULCH HAY • WANTID ! HAULING CAN • BE ARRANGED & CALL 215-268-8258 BUYING EAR CORN LARGE QUANTITIES ANYWHERE IN PENN, Ph: 717-284-4628 MARK RISSER Holtwood RDI Penna. 17532 717-354-0432 837-6061 Vi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers