Public Sales Register SAP AUCTION FRIDAY EVENING, lAN. 23,1976 6:00 P.M. LooM off Route 41 • Uncat ter Avenue Opposite Turkey HiH MinH Martel - Cross RR Bridge. ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS SOLD AT EVERY AUCTION. Inspection Friday iron 9:00 a.m. until sate lime CONSIGNMENTS ON MONDAYS OTHER DAYS BY APPOINTMENT FROM 1.00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. Call us for pick-up service IRA STOLTZFUS A SON, Auctioneers 442-4936 or 442-8254 CONDUCTORS ALL TYPES PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE 31 ACRE CHICKEN FARM SAT., JAN. 31,1976 at 1:30 P.M. On the premises located approx. 3 miles West of Rawlinsvtlle along Drytown Rd. off 372 North on Hilidaie Rd„ second crossroad, Martic Twp. Pa. Inspection of Property Jan. 17,22,23. This 31 acre chicken farm in Martic Twp. will be sold in three parts or as 1 unit. The three parts consists of: Real Estate consists of all that certain tract of land 20 acres erected thereon a double house of 10 rooms, 2 full baths, with modern kitchens, aluminum siding, storm windows & doors, 2 furnances, oil hot water heat, good well, nice lawn & shrubbery, 30 x 56 barn, 3 car garage, 2 two story chicken houses 40 x 125 & 40 x 90 which holds a capacity of 15,000 birds, nice size block storage building, 3*oo ft. road frontage, water storage tank for irrigation. 2nd. part. 8 acre tract of land, zoned R-2 3rd. part. 3 acre tract of land, zoned R-2 Terms; 10 percent down, possession March 16th. Sale by Auctioneers MERVIN G. NISSLEY Lloyd H. Kreider Randal V. Kline P. 6. STOCK BULLS ON HAND r FIRST CALF MfERS - FRESH & DUE | | IN NEXT TWO MONTHS J Livestock is our full time Business. CHARLES C. MYERS PARK MYERS, Sales Manager LOAD OF FRESH AND SPR. COWS COMING IN TUESDAY PHONE 717-569-2106 or 717-569-6800 SAT. MAR. 20 - 1:00 p.m. Selling Yorkshire boars, bred guts, & open gilts, about 60 head. Sale at Lebanon area fairgrounds. Sale by Pennsylvania Yorkshire Club. SAT. MAR. 20 Public Sale of Dairy Cows, Pipe line Milk Tank, and Farm Equipment, Selling for Mr. & Mrs. J. Elton Cramer, Birmingham, New Jersey. Allen Nixon Auctioneer. 609-267-5977. SAT. MAR. 20 - 10:30 Public Sale of Real Estate & Farm Machinery. Approx. 73 acres of land In Strasburg Twp. 8 mi. S. of Lancaster off 222 S. of Refton. 1% mi. of road frontage. Sale by John A. McCullough Sr. Auctioneers-. Lloyd Kreider & Randal Kline. SAT. MAR. 20 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Sales Report Secbrift Sales Company, Inc. Livestock Auction Stewartstown, PA Jan. 12,1971 CATTLE 118 Steers - High Choice and Prime None; Good Choice $40.00-43.75; Good 35.00-39.85; Standard Good 28.00-36.00; Holsteina Good None; Standard to Good 22.00-29.50. Heifers - High Choice and Prime None; Good to Choice $30.00-35.60; Good 25.00- 28.85; Standard Good 20.00- 25.10; Holsteins Good None; Standard Good none. Feeder Steers - Good and Choice none; Standard Good none; Utility none. Bulls - Good and Choice Commercial 30.00-32.50; Standard to Good 28.00-28.50; Utility to Standard none. Cows - High Yearling Commercial 25.00-28.50; Cutters 22.00-24.75; Canners Low Cutters 19.75-22.50; Shells 17.00-19.50. CALVES 123 CALVES - Private Sales Daily Household Goods & An tiques. Located 1 mi. South of Five Pointsvillc just off Route 897, Vi mi. East of Harold Good’s Feed Mill in Lancaster County, PA. Sale by Joseph M. Zimmerman. Auctioneers, Leroy S. Horst & Paul W. Horst. SAT. MARCH 20 - Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Dairy Cattle for Sylvester B. Pierce located at RDI, Coatesville. Pa. Nevin Z. Martin and Lewis B. Groff, Auctioneers. SAT. MARCH 20 • Public Sale of Farm Equipment for J. Harold Heagy, located North of Fontana in S. Ann ville Twp. Harry Bachman. Auctioneer. THURS. NIGHT MAR. 25 - 6 6m. Public Sale of ouaehold goods and An tiques, Kemp ton Community Coiter, 10 Auctioneers. Choice and Prime 65.00- 75.00, Good and Choice 55.00- 62.00, Standard and Good 40.00-54.50, Utility to Good 110-140 lbs. 35.00-46.50, Utility 90-110 lbs. 20.50 to 29.50, Culls 12.00-20.00. HOGS 192 HOGS -U.S. No. 1 and 2, 190-220 lbs. 50.00- 51.50, UJS, No. I and 3, 190- 230 lbs. 49.50-50.50, U.S. No. 1 and 3,180-250 lbs. 48.0050.00. SOWS 250375 lbs. 35.0037.50, 400500 lbs. 36.0042.50, boars 300500 lbs. none. SHEEP 2 LAMBS-Good to Choice none, Medium and Good none. EWES 7.0012.50. Private Treaty Fat Hogs, Select No. 1 and 2, 190-214 lbs. 51.00-51.50, Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 2, 190-220 lbs. 50.00-50.50, Private Treaty Fat Hogs, No. 1 and 3,235-250 lbs. 48.00- 49.75. Danville livestock Market Mon. Jan. 12,1976 HOGS: 51.10-52.00. SOWS: 35.5044.75. BOARS; 31.0040.50. STEERS: Good 39.00- 41.85; Standard 33.00-38.00. BULLS: 28.00-30.85. COWS: High Dressing Cutter 25.60-28.00, indiv. 29.00; Cutter 23.00-25.25; Lower Cutter 19.00-22.00; Shell 17.00-18.50. FAT HEIFERS: 34.00- 36.75. CALVES: 150-225 lb. 46.00- 64.00; 90-100 20.00-32.00. PIGS -Have you ever attended the “State Graded" Feeder Kg Sates at Westminster? ★LOTS OF PIGS ★EASY TO GET TO * SUPER SANITARY ★OUTSTANDING QUALITY ★QUICK SERVICE EVERY FOURTH FRIDAY 1:30 P.M. NEXT SALE )AN. 23RD WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION For directions or info, call collect 1301] 733-8120 or write Box 108 Hagerstown, Md. Lancntor Farming. Saturday, Jin. 17.1976 FRI. MAR. 28 - 11 a.m. Public Sale of Dairy Cows and Heifers, Purebred* and Grades, Stock Bulls all tested. Kempton Community Center. Ralph Zcttlemoycr, Auctioneer. FRI. NIGHT MAR. 26 - 5:30 p.m. Public Sale of Household Goods and An tiques, Kempton Community Center, 10 Auctioneers. SAT. MAR. 27 - Public Auction of Farm Im plements & Household Goods. Located between Rt. 222 Sc Rothsvllle off Rt. 772. Sale by Albert Martin. Frank Sc Paul Snyder, Auctioneers. SAT. MAR. 27 - 9 a.m. til midnight. Annual Spring Sale, Kempton Community Center. Everything sold on commission, Norman Berks Co. 10 Auctioneers. Hay. Straw, Small items, old and modern equipment, 50 tractors, cars, trucks. For information write “Sale”, Box 42, Kempton, Pa. 19529 or call 215-756-8511 SAT. MAR 27 - 10:00 A.M. Public Sale Of livestock, Farm Machinery & Household Goods. Located off Bt. 283 Mt. Joy Exit, first road left beyond light in Mt. Joy. Second road on left after Donegal High School. Farm •‘v.V • ~ VAV.V.‘.V., « V., . V«V., . V.V.ViV.V.V< , . V.y.%, . V.V Is^ Wrecto| y THING TO GETTING RICH •S TO EARN ENOUGH TO STAY OUT OF THE poor house AUCTIONEERS FRANK & PAUL SNYDER Livestock, Farm Equipment, Household Goods, Antiques No sale too small or too large 717-859-2688 717-733-7052 RANDAL V. A LLOYD H. KLINE g KREIDER 717-733-1006 717-786-3394 Auctioneers & Sales Managers Spedaidntln: Dairy A Farm Machinery Sates, Real Estate - Pnbfic or Private Sate. Complete Professional Auction Service with Tent Available PUBLIC AUCTION •dandU. jduetio* Sewice RDS MANHEIM, PA PHONE |7l7| 665-5735 PROFESSIONAL • LICENSED AUCTIONEERS J. Omar Landis &). M. Witman “SPECIALISTS" • AUTOMOBILES • ANTIQUES-FURNISHINGS • ESTATES • LIVESTOCK-MACHINERY • REAL ESTATE . MAILING LIST AVAILABLE We are now listing Spring Sales. located along Long Lone Road, tint road right bet ween Mt. Joy & Marietta. Sale by Benjamin J. & Emma Fisher Jr. Auc tioneer!: Lloyd Krelder & Stephen Pcteraheim. SAT. MAR. 27 - 12:00 Noon Sharp. Keister’s Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Horse Sale. Draft & Driving Horses. Located at Keister's Middleburg Auction Sales, Inc. Route 522. three Miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Sellnsgrove. Art Kling, Auct. SAT. APRIL 3 - 9:30 a.m. Wayland New York. Annual Consignment Auction of New and Used equipment and produce. A gigantic sale which serves as marketplace for buyers and sellers mat state area. All inquiries welcome. Contract James Pimmg, Victor Pimmg and Son, Auctioneers, Wayland, New York 718-728-2520 or Gerald Pirrung, Ulysses, Pa. 814-848-7421 or Robert M. Shaylor, Troy, Pa. 717-297- 3278 MON. APRIL 19 - The Red and White Dairy Cattle Association will sponsor the 2nd Annual Pennational Sale at the Guernsey Barn at 12:30 pm. Auctioneers - Mervin Scott and Kenneth Myer. Auctioneer’s FOR COMPLETE SERVICE CALL JOHN E. MARTIN RDI, RL 322 Ephrata, PA 717-733-3511 or PAUL E. MARTIN Stevens RDI, Box 561 717-733-3305 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS No Sale Too Small or Large Tents Available Sanger &Sensenig AUCTIONEERS Many years of Sale Experience will give you a better sale. Prompt courteous service. Can give you most any day you want. Licensed & Bonded Call 717-272-1025 or 717-786-3128 79
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