Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 17, 1976, Image 45

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Visit Your Eye Doctor
if you are indoubt.
Prescriptions Filled
Adjustments, Repairs
Always See Better
Phone 394-2767
Ladies Have
Lancaster Home Economist
About Those Credit Card
Billing Enron
Mistakes on your
Christmas bills? Well, did
you know that there is a new
federal law, “The Fair
Credit Billing Act” which
says that your complaints
must be answered. If you
think you have been billed
the wrong amount, have
been charged for products
you didn’t buy or were never
delivered, didn’t get credited
for a payment you sent, or
think that any other billing
error has occured, here’s
what your rights are:
Once you have notified the
credit card company in
writing, the company must
within 30 days acknowledge
that it has received the
complaint. Within 90 days, it
must either correct the
You Heard?
By Doris Thomas
mistake or send a written
explanation as to why the
original bill was correct.
During this 90 day period,
you do not have to pay any of
the amount that is in dispute
or any finance charge on this
The company cannot close
your account or give a bad
report on you to a credit
bureau during this period.
If the company doesn’t
follow these regulations, it
forfeits the amount disputed
up to $5O whether a billing
error has been made or not.
Do Your Pants
It looks like pants are
really in to stay, lie fashion
picture for spring has in
cluded them in all types of
fabric and styles. I believe,
however, that we should
really work on the fit. If your
pants are smiling or
frowning, there is something
Pants that “smile” in the
front are too tight across the
thighs. Frowns on pants in
the bade are caused % not
having enough seat room. Tn </ ■
To alter a pattern for full I f\ Y r\
thighs, add V*” to to the _
front at the inner leg, CLASSIFIED
beginning at the crotch.
Taper the addition to zero Aftl
about 7” down the inner leg. r\u ■
If your thighs are full to the
knee, do not taper to zero
until 1” beyond the knee.
This will give additional
room for the thigh and
prevent pants from riding up
while sitting or walking.
“Frowns” on the back of
pants mean more crotch
depth or sitting room is
needed. Every’ woman has a
different shape derriere, so
the pattern's crotch curve
won’t necessarily fit
Add Vt” to %” to the back
pattern piece of the inner
leg, beginning at the crotch.
Taper the addition to zero
about 7” down the inner leg.
In addition to this crotch
depth alteration, you may
find it necessary to deepen
the crotch curve. This gives
additional sitting room and
keeps the pants from riding
down in the back when you
sit down. Begin deepening
the crotch seam in back at
the crotch and lower the
crotch curve about for
about 1 Taper back to the
original sewing line.
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 17.1976
Several officer* were
i jOCIBty 23 installed for the coming
year. They included Mrs.
The January meeting of Ernest Hartline as
Farm Women Society 23 was president, Mrs. Mary Hill,
a “come as you are* v l ce 'Prcsldent > Mrs.
meeting” at the home of LaVerne Richard as
Mrs. Howard Martin, secretary and Mrs. Hazel
T.nnr«<t*r R 2. Sell as corresponding
The heart association has secretary. Mrs. William
designated Feb. 6as “Farm Moyer took the office of
Women’s Day’’ and eight of treasurer,
our members plan to help. Mrs. Joseph Bar-
Their work will be filling in thholomew, the newly
charts, taking blood elected president, was
pressure, health histories, presented with a pewter
etc. plate following the in-
Reports were given by the
eight members who attended
the State Convention at
Harrisburg with 544 people
at the evening banquet at the
Penn Harris Motor Lodge.
The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mis.
Paul Funk, Washington Boro
Society 19
Farm Women Society 19
met recently at the Lan
disville Church of God for an
all day sewing session.
Twenty-one members and
one guest were present.
Patchwork lap robes were
made for county institutions.
A covered dish luncheon
was held at noon with a
business meeting following.
The Society will help en
tertain the residents of
Conestoga View on Feb. 17,
with bingo and refresh
ments. Society 19 will also be
going to a Hershey Hockey
game Feb. 28. The group will
leave by bus from the bank
parking lot in Landisville at
6:30 pjn.
The next meeting will be
held Feb. 14, at the home of
Mrs. Harold Saylor, East
Petersburg. Miss Ruth Long
will be speaking on Japan.
Berks Co.
Society 3
Farm Women Society 3, of .*** , ..
Berks Co., held their annual _ These *^ e
Christmas banquet at Stabl’s , CPA \ on A
Seafood Restaurant near learn to take the bad with the
New BerlinviUe. worst
Cooking will be a taskless
pleasure when you use depend
able and clean LP-Gas. Put it
to work throughout your home.
For modern comfort, call soon.
Delivered Everywhere
PHONE 397-4954
A musical program was
presented by Mrs. Julie
Longarve and Mrs. Sonja
Society 22
Society of Farm Women 22
met Tuesday at the home of
Mrs. Carl Diller, 2112 South
View Hoad, Lancaster, with
Mrs. Jay Landis serving as
Most of the day was
devoted to assembling copies
of the Dinner Bell cookbook.
Cookbooks will continue to
be put together next
Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, and Tuesday and
Thursday evening.
During the business
meeting there was a report
on the state convention held
during .the Pennsylvania
Farm Show in Harrisburg.
Mrs. Wilbur Erb, Dauphin
County was elected state
Mrs. Lester Landis,
president, announced that
the Spring Farm Women
Rally will be held in Get
tysburg at the Sheraton Inn
on May 12, with Adams and
Franklin counties spon
soring. Tickets wiU be $4.75.
The February meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs.
William Weller. A program
on exotic plants wiU be
presented by Jack Mat