Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 17, 1976, Image 35
Real Estate Wanted to Rent - Young ambitious farmer with almost 7 years experience in broiler (arming would like to rent broiler farm with a 45,000 minimum capacity in Spring of 1976. Would like the option to buy. Would desire house or trailer on property. Anyone sincerely interested in renting, please call 717- 684-6524 between 12 and 2 §.m. or after 5 p.m. or write tephen Collier, Locust Grove Road, Columbia, Pa. 17512 546 ACRES Fertile Mississippi River bottom land near LaGrange, Lewis County, Missouri. No buildings. Outstanding soybean and corn ground. For Sale by estate. Ap praised at $1325 per acre Further information contact: E. S. Burch 717-236-3010 or Jane S. Bunting 717-233-0107. STROUT REALTY INC. 717-532-5436 All Located in Cumberland County 44 Acres, Limestone farm, beautiful 2 story brick house, 2 large bams. Feed and Farm Supply Business, price includes lot, buildings, equipment, trucks and $40,000. inventory. Several building lots available, perk tested. Also 10 acre tracts. Shallots are similar to green onions, but grow in clusters and have practically no swelling at the base. \ HOLLAND ALLIS-CHALMERS^ BUYERS DIVIDENT PROGRAM ON ALL HAY & FORAGE EQUIPMENT buy now & save - *25.00 to *570.00 PIUS FREE FINANCE ON ALL HAY TOOLS AND HARVESTERS TILL JUNE 1, 1976 \ A. C. TRACTORS ON STOCK \ FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FREE ESTIMATE ON RECONDITIONING YOUR FARM EQUIPMENT. FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY IF BOOKED DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY CALL DICK BONHOLTZER 397-5179 SHOP FOREMAN \ \ WATCH FOR OPEN HOUSE IN NEXT WEEKS PAPER \ THUR., FRI., SAT., JAN 29 - 30 - 31 / sales and service * PARTS AND EQUIPMENT PARTS and SERVICE ' L. H. BRUBAKER, INC. JH$ Lancaster, pa 350 Strasburg Pike Real Estate For Sale - Bradford County' Farm, 172 Acres, 150 UUablc, 7 room house, large bam, will subdivide. Franklin Tillotson, Granville Summit, Pa. RDI, 16926. Phone 717- 364-5462 Wanted to Rent - Farm land in Lancaster County. Minimum 50 acres, 2 years lease minimum. Will pay up to $5O per acre for good tillable land. Call 717-684- 2755 or Write Box 148, Columbia, Pa. 17512. \3 135 A. 128 T. Complete dairy setup. HO stanchion bams also 53 free stalls, heifer barn, 2 large silos, pipeline bulk tank, good cropland. Owner says sell! 80 T. Ontario Soil, good ranch home, small barn $52,000. 160 A. 130 T. Loamy soil - many outbuildings, old silo, good home. Priced $92,000. 100 A. Good cropland - Small house, outbuildings including pole bam. A FARM IN YOUR NEAR FUTURE? South Central Pa. Level Limestone, Opportunity! 130 A , nearly all tillable, Dairy set-up, best water supply, Brick 5-bedroom home in excellent condition. This farm made available due to owners health. Make an offer. Near Sunbury 188 A. Highly productive farm, complete dairy facilities w-1,000 gal. Tank, adjoining 112 A. available. Excellent 375 A. Dairy or Beef, productive. Buildings are fine condition. Very Modem home, frontage along Rt. 44, easily reached from 1-80 (Near Anush neigh borhood), “a good buy”. Owner financing. 245 A. (2) fine homes, fully equipped dairy set-up w -800 gal. Tank, pipeline, Show Place, Western Pa. A partnership opportunity, one of Bradford County’s exceptional farms. Just under 800 acres, 500 A. Till. Some of the finest farm buildings and homes. See the photos, better yet view the farms. Other listings Owner Financing available Spring possession. ' REALTORS j / J 49 E Kmq stn ct Lament,*t - t / Phono 299-079/ j GOOD USED EQUIPMENT 3 pt. mtd. N H 70/ Harvester I.H. 650 Harvester w-New 2 Row Standard Corn Head [Good Cond.j $3000.00 N.H Harvester S P Cond.l 717 N.H. Harvester, 9 Knife with 1 Row Cornhead Oliver S.P. Harvester w-corn & pickup heads A.C. 780 Harvester w-Corn Head Several N.H. and Starline Tank Spreaders Several Used P.T.O. and Ground Drive Spreaders F Several Reconditioned tractors ! CA-Allis Chalmers , C-Allis Chalmers |_ |2]JB-Alljs Chalmers , HCLLAKD Phone 397-5179 Root Estate WJW REALTY Seneca Falls, NY Phone 315-568-5910 or 568-5502 A.C 829 mower conditioner J D. 480 Mower Conditioner 829 A.C. Mower Conditioner 479 Haybine [good condition) (2J 460 N.H. Haybines 480 A.C. Hopper Blower 78 N.H. Baler P.T.O. [2] IH - Balers #’s 37-47 w/thrower N.H Super 23 Blower [Good cond.] WD 45 w/manure loader [2] 7 ft. rear 3 pt. scraper blades 4-Row J D. Planter 12’ Brady Chisel Plow 1880 [Good CONTACT Real Estate BOBGANTZ— home 653-5020 OFFICE—397-5171 OR 687-6002 Lancaster Farminf, Saturday, Jan. 17.1976—35 117 Acre beef, gram & vegetable farm, nor thern Cumberland County, start vegetables in a 200 ft by 16 ft plastic greenhouse, gas heated, 60 acres level to gently rolling tillable acres, 50 acres of woodland within 1 mile of Blue Mountain. 2 streams, 2 ponds, Concrete stave silo 14 x 50 like new, 40 x 70 bank barn with new roof and some new siding, exceptionally large 4 bedroom home, with new modern kitchen, IVi baths, new fireplace, wall to wall carpet in some rooms, oil hot water heat, a peaceful rural setting near Penna Turnpike Amish nearby, 3 miles north of Newburg, PA - $117,000 HERSHEY FARM AGENCY INC. Harleysville, PA Call Howard Goss 717-737-2234 READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS \ NEW YORK STATE 420 A, level, 160 stalls, double 5 Surge parlor, 200 good Reg. Holstems 265 A level, gram and bean, nice home 225 A, 65 stalls, pipeline, exc bldgs. 2 lovely homes 400 A 60 stalls, good bldgs. 75 head dairy cattle and farm equipment $145,000. 300 A 100 free stalls. 85 cows 60 heifers, good machinery $200,000. FRANKLIN COUNTY 150 A. modern hog and beef, double brick home 205 A 40 stalls silos, frame home $135,000. CUMBERLAND COUNTY 137 A. 36 stalls, new barn, cows and equipment 125 A, Level, Dairy, new home 61 A, beef and Hogs, good bldgs CLINTON COUNTY 252 A. woodland, will sub-dmde. springs HUNTINGDON COUNTY 437 A. 200 cow barn, double 4 parlor, 2 homes milk processing equip, with dairy store and restaurant JUNIATA COUNTY 206 A. Dairy barn, large stone home 212 A beet and dairy, stone mansion, 6 fireplaces 400 A, home and barn, recreation facilities CENTRE COUNTY 300 A, limestone, new barn, 140 comfort stalls 24x70 and 18x70 silos 2 complete sets of bldgs BLAIR COUNTY 211 A. limestone beef and dairy, 4 homes, a show place PERRY COUNTY 250 A Dairy Limestone New Barn 100 Comfort Stalls Pipeline (2) 20x60 Silos, 3 family Units additional acreage for rent 212 A 50 stalls, modern dairy, immaculate brick home 120 A. beef and hogs, 2 homes 188 A, level, 32 stalls, nice brick home 122 A 38 stalls. 20x60 silo, modern home 240 A good house and barn, beef or dairy 183 A limestone, beef and Hogs 225 A. limestone, beef and hogs, nice home FULTON COUNTY 72 A Limestone 47 stalls silos, nice home, make offer LANCASTER COUNTY 41 A. beef and hogs, stone home 14 A brick mansion and barn 48 A, dairy, stone home, creek BLUE BALL REALTY Blue Ball. PA FOR SALE