Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 17, 1976, Image 33
Miscellaneous For Sale - 3,000 frames - 2V«” x 4” for Addrcssograph plates. Any reasonable offer accepted. Lancaster Far «iing, Call 717-394-3047 or 17-026-2191. TOBACCO MUSLIN We save you money from last season’s price on genuine Chix cotton Tobacco Muslin in 2 and 3 yard widths. Also have the new nylon covers for less cost and they bring on the plants sooner. Orders taken for MICHIGAN PEAT with extra discount for quantity lots. LP-Gas Service TOBACCO PAPER in Large and Small Rolls W. L Zimmerman & Sons Phone: 766-8291 INTERCOURSE, PA. Hr M Hr M Hr M Hr 11 Hr HI H}* i» MESSICK FARM EQUIPMENT HI ♦ HI in + 574 TRACTOR WITH DUNHAM LOADER WINTER, BUYERS DIVIDEND PAYS TWO WAYS Get-the machine you need plus cash DIVIDENT PAYMENT Jan Feb Rakes, mowers, blowers 707 Forage Harvester crop choppers, crop carriers Balers, Haybmes, 718 & 770 Harvester 890 Forage Harvester Self propelled Haybmes Self-propelled Wmdrowers Self propelled Forage Harvesters 4 H • JL I.H. 706 - 3 pt. Hitch I H. 300 Utility IH 350 Ford 8N - Real Nicp N.H. 268 Baler N.H. 78 Baler .. N.H. 256 Rake - Rubber Teeth - Perfect ;JL. t.H. 15 Rake if" M.F. - 3 Baler N.H. 469 Haybine N.H. 461 Haybine N.H. 479 Haybine Hr m JL nr HI 2750 N. MARKET STREET PHONE 367-1319; JOHN KREIDER HOME 367-6039 WARREN SPICKLER HOME 653-4560 m Jl s il ji b m nr w Hr w Hr HI ill ji_ |j| Miscellaneous For Sale - Coal and wood stoves. All cast iron. No steel parts Phone 717-66541546. S' Wolverine Shoes Durability and Comfort Shoes and Boots for the entire family LEID SHOES AW SADDLERY Kutztown Rl, Berks Co., Pa. 215-682-7926 - $2O 125 210 455 USED EQUIPMENT N.H. 717 Harvester 9 knife 1 or 2 row head I.H. 650 Harvester w/screen ■ 2 row & pickup head N.l. 200 Bu. Spreader - Fine pan N.H. 145 Bu. Tank Spreader Hawk-Bilt 145 Bu. Tank Spreader 5 Ft. Bush-Hog rotary Cutter Gehl Forage Wagon MESSICK FARM BQUIPMBNT INC. Mitcellonaous . on Heavy Duty Fore Carta, with ForSalc-IS.OxSOor x3o co jj springs, brakes & auto M&W T. RfiU Dual Wheels t urn wheels. We also specify wth tlrca Excellent con- to ordcrs . C ar front dillon $400.00. Phone 814-355- cnd3 Elam b. Stoltzfoos. 2300 Hess Rd. Rl, Leola, Pa. 17540 Railroad Ties - Untreated 6x6xB' $4 32 ea sxBxB' 5 76ea « Slab Wood & Kindling -10 c cu ft Bark Mulch -20 c cu ft Sawdust - S'/ic cu ft 5 percent Discount on all orders over 500 bd ft 10 percent Discount on all orders over 3000 bd ft WALTER H. WEARER SONS INC. WAIVER OF FINANCE ON HAY $l5 EQUIPMENT UNTIL JUNE 1, 1976. | N.H. 1469 SELF-PROPELLED HAYBINE } 160 V ♦ 345 LAWN & GARDEN Cadet 70 - 38" Mower Cadet 60 Mower Cadet 100 - 38” Mower Sears Rider Hardwood Roof Sheathing 17c sq ft Oak Fence Boards 1” x 6" 8 thru 16 ft 10c In ft Hardwood Lumber 2x4’s 14c Lineal ft 2x6's 20c Lineal ft 2xB's 26c Lineal ft 2xlO's 50c Lineal Ft 2xl2's 60c Lineal ft Lebanon,Pa Phone 717-867-2212 RO4 NEW HOLLAND EXCELLENT CONDITION 10 ft. Briilion Packer Case 9 ft. offset Disc Midwest Lift Harrow Fits 12 ft. disc Spring Harrows 12 ff. and 14 ft. 11 IH. 401 12 ft- Spring Harrow =sp= N.l. #8 Crop Carrier w/third beater and if roof ® ELIZABETHTOWN, PA Hr Kl Miscellaneous JL JL INC. HI Hr HI JL HI JL H + JL m + H 4 s JL_ -IT Hr* ♦ JL + HI Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan, 17,1976 Saturday Sampler Classifieds for the Household Goods For Sale - Columbian choice kitchen range Sam Z Seller, RDI, Box 92, Kirk wood, Pa 17536. Don’t let mending and alterations pile up! Let us do it for you. Zippers, button holes, coat Linings, hemming and all general alterations expertly done in our shop JOE’S SEWING CENTER, 45 E. Main St., Ephrata, Pa. or call 717-733-8416 Sewing Machines Demonstration & Showroom models. Portable or Cabinet. Used machines also from $25 & up. Truck load of savings direct from warehouse. Why pay from $3OO to $BOO when there are savings of $lOO to $3OO for you? Financing available. Local outlet for necessary service. PH: 393- 3460. ;ss* save m • Ortho Pedic • Box Springs • and Mattresses • Double Sets $125.00 : Extra Firm $145.00 • Other Sizes Available : call I BARR'S AUCTION 1 & EXCHANGE Rt 322 just east of new Rt 222 Ephrata, Pa 717-733 4580 *»•••••••••••••••••••••••# CAST IRON BLACK COOK STOVES FOR SALE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION Phone 215-593-5754 Atglen, Pa. For Sale - 18th Century Settee. Phone Evenings 717- 394-3827. RITEWAY HEATERS Burn wood to save on fuel costs. Ther mostatically controlled. With or without cabinets. JONAS ESH NarvonßDl,PA 215-445-4324 Stoltzfus Harness Shop RDI Honey Brook, PA Services Offered Sewing machines repaired, all makes, home and in dustrial. Work guaranteed 90 days. Machines cleaned and oiled in 48 hours. JOE’S SEWING CENTER, 45 E. Main St., Ephrata, Pa., or call 717-733-8416. i rfxtique Stop All Kinds Of [FURNITURE REFINISHING I Leo B.Gibbl elf & Son Sjm > R. D. 4 (Oak Tre* Road) ; Manhaim, Pa. 17545 ; 665-5750 Farm Woman Printed Pattern • Printed Pattern 9225 Misses’ : Sizes 8,10, 12, 14,16,18, 20. I Size 12 (bust 34) takes 2% t yards 60-m fabric I ONE DOLLAR for each pat tern add 25 cents each foi first-class mail and special handling Send to 170 News paper Pattern Dept, 232 West 18th St, New York, N Y 10011 Crochet with Squares .... $1 00 Crocheting a Wardrobe . $1 00 Instant Sewing Book .. ..$1 00 Instant Fashion Book . . $1 00 Fashions to Sew (S/S) .. 75 1976 Needlecraft Catalog . 75 Designer Collection#?! 50 Book of 16 Quilts #1 50 Museum Quilt Book #2 £0 15 Quilts for Today #3 50 Book of 16 Jiffy Rugs . .50 12 Prize Afghans #l2 .... 50 Complete Afghans #l4 . . $l.OO Complete Gift Book . . .$l.OO Instant Crochet Book . .. $1 00 Easy Art of Flower Crochet $l.OO Easy Art of Hairpin Crochet $1 00 Easy Art of Needlepoint ..$l.OO Easy Art of Ripple Crochet $l.OO Nifty Fifty Quilts $l.OO Sew + Knit $1.25 Please add 25 cents for each Book for postage and handling. Miscellaneous New WARM MORNING and CAMERON Coal Heaters and ASHLEY Wood Heaters at 1975 Prices. Also good used coal and wood ranges. Good hand operated and electric meat sheers. Large variety of new ahd used furniture. Spring Air box springs and Mattresses. An tiques and Miscellaneous. FISHER FURNITURE Bart, PA 17503 Lancaster Co. (Rt. 896 In Georgetown) Bus. Hrs. Mon. thru Fri. 8 to 7 Sat. 8 to 5 33