Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 17, 1976, Image 19
CENTRAL TRACTOR Wim, •r*# «r^ T SAVE up to 35 00 SALE Pickup Tool Box Fits most standard pickups 22185-269 ... Poly Pak Batteries Group Si» Gutrantn Stock No 22F 9 7 /i, 'x6'y„"xBy„ 48 Mo 15741 252 24 10'/ 4 'x6'y„'xB%' 60 Mo 15748-252 24C lO'/.'xSy, xB%' 36 Mo 15739-252 24C lO'A'xSy, x8 7 /,' 24 Mo 15731 252 24F 10%'x6% x8 7 /,' 36 Mo 15740-252 27 12x6%'xS% 48 Mo 15732-252 29NF 13 xISV 2 x 9 24 Mo 15733 252 60 13'/,, x 6% x8 7 /, 36 Mo 15734-252 30H 13% x6'y„ x9'/„ 24 Mo 16749 252 17TF 17x6'y„x7 7 /, 24 Mo 15752-252 3ET 19 ! /n x4 7 /, x9'y„ 36 Mo 15735-252 3EE 19V„'x4V,i'x8% 24 Mo 15750 252 HEAVY DUTY 12 VOLT - GARDEN THACTOR/S 7% xs'/i x 7% 12 Mo 15743-252 HEAVY DUTY 6 VOLT BATTERIES 8 7 /, x6 7 A"x8 J /» 48 Mo 15746 252 8 7 /, x6 7 % 2 xBV. 24 Mo 15726 252 B%' x6 7 /, xBy, 12 Mo 15725 252 10H 'x7V„ x 8' 5 /„' 24 Mo 15727 252 1 1 r* 3 j x7’/„ x9>/„ 24 Mo 15729 252 12 7 /. x6»/ M x9’/, ? 24 Mo 15730 252 13#, x7'/;. x9'/‘ t 24 Mo 15742 252 19% x4y„ x9V, 24 Mo 15747 252 * VOLT BATTERIES 24 Mo 15736 252 74 B’%, x6'?„ xB% CENTRAL TRACTOR s E ifb Y W® HEAVY DUTY Wagon Gear SALE Reg 214 95 5 Ton Less Tires 8030 046 6 Ton Less Tires 8039 046 frTon Less Tires 8045 046 10 Ton Less Tires 8051 046 SALE Reg 204 95 SALE Reg 329 95 SALE Reg 549.95 7999 18 00 HEAVY DUTY 12 VOLT BATTERIES Prices subject to change without notice— We reserve the right to limit quantities— Sale prices good for sale dates only' 194 95 229 9S 294" 519" Rag. 99.99 SAVE 23% SALE 1 29 WD-40 Stop squeaks and free frozen or rusted parts Provides rust protection 10854-090 Outright Exchange Reg SALE 31 29 21.19 42 69 29 59 33 49 22.19 28 39 17.99 31 99 20 99 45 99 34 99 3019 19 19 34 99 23.99 46 99 32 99 65 99 47.99 44 39 32 99 41 19 27.99 INOWMOBILE 28 99 18 49 20 49 IB 29 12 99 17 B 9 28 19 2B 69 34 99 39 99 31 39 27 99 19 99 28 29 38 49 41 59 4919 55 99 31 39 21 99 SALE 29999 This cab is a combination of metal, fiberglas, and vinyl. Has sturdy, metal upper cab with tinted tempered glass all around. Can be used independent ly by removing lower section. Lower cab is made of heavy duty material to fit your tractor Fits all tractors with fenders Side entry. 24600-214 Reg. 369.99 Reg. 1.69 SAVE up to 20% Famous Brand Motor Oil SALE ECO O Reg. .69 per quart sa 6s° Reg. .79 per quart Quaker State Pennzoil 20W 13715-271 20W 13712-271 30W 13716 271 30W 13713 271 10W40 13717 271 10W40 13714 271 Kendall Havoline 20W 13718 271 20W 13721 271 30W 13719 271 30W 13722 271 10W40 13720 271 10W40 13723 271 Kendall Brand not stocked at ell stores Clear Vue Cabs SAVE 150I 50 ALE 449 Blue Chambray Work Shirt 50% polyester, 50% cotton permanent press Sizes small, medium, large, and X large 4580000-168 par quart 10W40 PEf®l |l I J *«t j Oil I *** ® H oznu jo’ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Jan. 17,1976—1 S 1590 Manheim Pike, Lancaster Phone 569-0111 Open Mon.- Sat. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. HURRY! Sale Prices Good Only THRU SAT., JAN. 24, 1976 R«g. 5.99 Nylon Tractor Fronts '• Ply Stock No 15453 238 15423 238 Sl2* 400-15 400 19 15400 238 15401 238 15402 238 5 00-15 5 50 16 600 16 6 00 16 15403 238* 105 6 50 16 15428 238* 1 22 7 50 16 15429 238* 1 60 7 50 1 8 1 5447 238 1 79 SALE PRICES 00 NOT INCLUDI o \ / \ I SAVE 50% SALE 4 for 77 0 Syivanla Light Bulbs 11314-116 . . . 11316-116 ll3lB-116 Reg. .39 each 60 watt 75 watt . 100 watt 9 ■H y„ SALE H 10901 094 Rag 3 99 nlio sale II H 10900-094 Rag 429 ff £ SAVE up to 25% Vise Grips SAVE 21 00 SALE 94" % Hp. Air Compressor V 2 h p, single cylinder, 7’/ 2 gal air tank 15’ air hose and tire chuck 3 2 c f m 115 volts, maximum working pressure, 100 p s i 17942-106 Rig. 115.99 SAVE up to 7 SO 5 Panel Steel Gates SALE _ _ Rag. 30.19 25" SALE 10 ft. 176*6-253 2799 R«s. 33.2* mm # SALE 12 ft. 176(7-253 2Q99 1t0«.35.79 V SALE _ 14 ft. 17676-253 „ 34" 16 ft. 17677-253 your Our Low Pnco 14 29 17 29 19 39 17 29 19 99 23 99 29 49 32 49 39 49 FET All othtrs 4 Ply FET 54 299 329