Weed control in corn.** so good it’s guaranteed! You can rely on Sulan ril) -f- herbicide and atrazine to do the job. Rain or shine, it works so well that Stauffer guarantees performance. Just mix Sutan+ and atrazine in the soil as you work the ground for planting. Incorporation puts your herbicide right in the weed sprouting zone. This makes sure that you control weeds as fast as they sprout. You don’t gamble on rain coming soon after corn planting to put your herbicide in the soil. That’s the chance you take with surface-applied herbicides. Most weed experts rate Sutan + and atrazine tops for £>road spectrum weed control in corn. This tank mix combination controls ever-present foxtails, crabgrass, bamyardgrass, pigweeds, lambsquarters and ragweed. And many others. Plus tough weeds like nutsedge, fall panicum and others. The low rate of atrazine reduces chances of residue carryover. Sutan + is biodegradable with no Vv’.-.- residue problems for rotation crops. Use Sutan + and Bladex * for weed control with no carryover. Performance of Sutan + and atrazine, and of Sutan + for grass weeds, is guaranteed in the continental United States when used as the label directs, or Stauffer will replace the Sutan +. Verify purchase, leave a check strip and notify Stauffer promptly. Don’t take a chance on losing control of weeds in your corn. Incorporate Sutan + and atrazine in the soil before planting and you won’t need to rush out with catch-up herbicides and cultivation. See your Stauffer supplier now. Always follow label directions carefully. Stauffer Chemical Company, Agricultural Chemical Division, Westport, Connecticut 06880. ■* Reg T M of Shell Chemical Co Sutan+from Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Jan. 10,1976 11
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