Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 1975, Image 60
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Dtc. 27. 1975 60 Some deterioration Some deterioration in the quality of deer taken from areas of poor range con ditions has been noted in preliminary reports from checking stations operated by the Pennsylvania Game Commission during the first two days of the 1975 buck season. Game biologists have found a number of legal .bucks which have weighed far less than normal from counties where poor food conditions exist. The smallest deer checked weighed only 58 pounds; it was taken in Sullivan County. One buck taken in Clearfield County weighed 63 pounds; the Counties of Cameron, Centre and Potter each produced 67-pound bucks; and another, weighing just 68 pounds, was checked from Warren County. At the check station for northwest Pennsylvania, deer from only two counties had weight averages above 100 pounds. However, in the deer being checked at the central Pennsylvania station, there were a few more heavy bucks than were weighed last year. The percentages of spike bucks compared to larger racks were about on a par with those of last year. The harvest produced some rather nice trophies too. A five-year-old buck taken in McKean County had twelve points and a spread of nearly 22 inches. An eight year-old was checked from Clinton County, and Cameron and Lycoming Counties produced six-year old bucks. The heaviest deer checked weighed 170 pounds (from Crawford County) and 166 pounds (from Columbia County), while a number in the 150-pound category were recorded, including a 158- pound yearling taken in Venango County. As in the past, heaiver bodies and antlers showed up on bucks taken in counties where food conditions are good, while inferior quality deer continue to be recorded where the range is depleted. Deer Kill Report Cards Due Successful deer hunters BIG HUB TIRE SERVICE LOCATED 1 MILE WEST OF BLUE BALL 322 PHONE 354-4931 FARM PASSEI IKE jmericm mm WANTS TOO WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK are reminded that their deer kill report cards must be mailed to the Game Com mission at Harrisburg within five days of the date of the harvesting of the white tail. Those filing the report cards are urged to be sure to furnish all of the information sougitt The report card is not part of the hunting license, and the hunting license number is not on the report card. Hunters should be sure to record the license number, and check all ap propriate boxes mi the card. Hunters who do not have report cards can obtain them from the Game Commission. 6-Day Antlerleu Deer Season in Southeastern Pennsylvania Hunters possessing an tlerless deer licenses in five southeastern Pennsylvania counties will have six days in which to take a whitetail starting December 15. The area involved includes Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties and that part of Berks County south of Route 22 (Interstate Route 78) and that part of Bucks County in the Special Regulations (Buckshot) Area. Hunters must have an antlerless deer license for the county in which they are hunting. The six-day season opens one-half hour before sunrise on Monday, December 15, and closes at sunset on Saturday, December 20. Promotion not LANCASTER During Interstate Milk Cooperative’s annual meeting held here in November, it was reported that a three cent increase for milk promotion would be occurring within the future. As a number of producers have expressed concern over the matter, Lancaster Farming has chosen to clarify the matter. The members of Interstate did in fact resolve to endorse Meat Plants Can Process Deer Meat plants are permitted to. process deer, despite occasional rumors to the contrary. The Game Commission says that both state and federal meat inspection regulations specifically permit plants to process game for hunters. Venison and meat from other game can be mixed with beef, pork or other domestic meat, if desired. Game cannot be bought or sold. Special Field Report On Hunting Conditions Each week during the general hunting seasons, the Game Commission provides information cm field and forest conditions and chances for winter success throughout the state. These are the reports from various field divisions for the first week of the antlered'deer season: Northwest Division - Good snow cover in Crawford, Erie, Warren and Forest Counties; practically no snow in rest of division and dry, windy conditions with noisy forest floor have cut sharply into harvest; plenty of bucks still available in thick cover; some areas almost devoid of hunters; one 173-lb. 17-point taken in Venango County; numerous failures to tag bucks, loaded guns in vehicles' and hunting in safety zones. Southwest Division - Lack of snow holding down har vest; woods windy and increase immediate such an increase but this did not immediately institute the program. Before such an increase is actually put into action it must first be in troduced to the milk marketing administration and hearings on the proposed increase must be heard. Members would then vote on the action and decide whether to adopt it or not. Action such as this would probably take at least a year and perhaps more. In terstate has voiced an op timistic opinion on the future of the measure but the final decision will be up to the members of the co-op. For Further Information On Our STFFL BUILDINGS And GRAIN STORAGE ....Feel Free To Mail Attached Coupon noted in deer herd noisy; roads in fine shape; excellent supply of bucks still available; hunters urged to be mors cautious and follow all safety precautions; too many antlerless deer being shot - hunters should be sure of targets. Northcentral Division - Some light snow and icy conditions, particularly in northern tier counties; roads still in good shape generally, but may be slippery in spots; still lots of deer available; 15-pointer taken in Lycoming County; wearing of fluorescent orange strongly recommended, and shooters reminded to clearly identify target GET A GREAT DEAL TOOA Y! N. H. FLICKER & SONS INC. Maxatawny Phone |2ls| 683-7252 LEBANON VALLEY IMPLEMENT CO. 700 E Linden St Richland Pa Phone: (7171866-2544 A. L. HERR & BRO. 312 Park Ave. Quarryville Pa Phone [7l7] 786-3521 VERNON E. MYER STEEL BUILDINGS AND GRAIN STORAGE R. D. #4 LEBANON, PA. 17042 PHONE. (717)867-4139 Southcentral Division • Nice buck harvest so far, but still plenty of deer available; good turnout of hunters expected for Saturday; good hunting weather, but woods are dry and there is con siderable danger of forest fires; hunting accidents are a concern - deer art color blind and wearing of fluorescent orange does not Jeopardize a hunter’s chances of connecting on a bud; some hunters driving in cleared fields - more respect should be shown for landowners’ rights. Northeast Division - Crisp weather is ideal for deer hunting; quite a few bucks still available; mid-week M. M. WEAVER S. G. LEWIS & SONS AND SON North Grofftown Road Leola Pa 17540 Phone: |7l7{ 656-2321 HEITZMAN EQUIPMENT, INC. Rts 100 & 401. Glenmoore Pa Phone [2ls] 458-5777 or 1215] 458-8525 COMMERCIAL and AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS WE OFFER COMPLETE ERECTION ON ANY^EO^m^B^LDJNG | 1/liaii Coupon Today! □ SEND STEEL BUILDINGS LITERATURE □ SEND GRAIN STORAGE LITERATURE lAME DDRESS :ity. ELEPHONE bunting pressure had dropped, but pickup ex pected (or Saturday; roada in good shape; big increaae noted in uae of fluoraacent orange this year, which haa helped reduce chance* for bunting accident*. Southeast Division • Of ficers report Increaae in harvest of deer, but high number of road kills in dicates there are atm plenty of buck* available; better ratks being taken this ypar; increased hunter turnout expected Saturday; more respect fear private property needed, apd hunters urged to show more discretion in choice of locations to remove entrails from deer. Hitch up [^sS to Massey. West Grove, Pa. (2151869 9440 NISSLEY FARM SERVICE Charlestown Rd. - Prospect Rd. Washington Boro. PA Phone [7l7] 285-4844 ZIP. STATE 869 2214