Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 1975, Image 58
—Unc<»ttr Farming, Saturday, D«c. 27. 1975 58 Berks DHIA Report Robert Slttler H 4-7 H 5-1 Clarence B. Kulp Suile Kimba H M H 7-10 H 8-10 H 8-2 Raymond A. Seidel Lin H 8-3 Penny H 7-11 Hylark Finn 30 H 10-3 31 H 10-2 78 H 6-6 88 H M 123 H 34 128 H 3-3 Paul S. Phillips 45 H 5-2 Ernest 0. Miller 15 H 6-3 70 H 6-10 220 H 7-5 58 H 4-8 Harold & George Schuler Princes H 5-2 Ballary H 4-4 Beauty . H 2-11 Carl Zettlemoyer 52 H 6-11 Harold Fenstennaker Aline H Cost of production studied by Senate A government study released recently shows costs of growing specific crops. Aware of the variances which can be encountered in land prices, mortgage payments, taxes, etc., researchers who sub mitted the study point out that it “does not pretend to answer die question simply and finally. There is indeed no simple and final answer.” “But the study does tell, within specific sets of cir cumstances and clearly Price raised Starting January 1, the cost of a routine soil analysis at the University of Delaware’s College of Agricultural Sciences will be $2. Dean William E. Mc- Daniel, in announcing the change from the previous dollar fee, says the increase is necessary to offset rising costs of performing the service. Besides the routine analysis, the cost of some other more specialized soil tests may be increased slightly. f A new service, leaf mineral analysis, will also now be offered through the STOLTZFUS MEAT MARKET « , \\ Our Own Beef Right From The Farm Iky —FRESH BEEF AND PORK— jj I OUR OWN HOME MADE h SCRAPPLE & FRESH SAUSAGE IMi j Bacon and Country Cured Hams Orders taken for freezer Meats—Custom Butchering PH. 768-3941 Directions: 1 block east of Intercourse on Rt 772 - Newport Road Reg. Hours: Thurs. 9-5; Fri. 9-8; Sat 9-5 I Continued (ram fife 57) 289 306 306 306 305 305 259 305 305 305 305 272 297 305 305 stated assumptions, the average cost of growing a particular farm commodity in one year - 1974.” Here are some of the figures the researchers came up with: (AH figures are per bushel) Com: $2.06 - $2.77 Barley: $1.99 - $2.50 All wheat: $2.64 - $3.51 Winter wheat: $2.49 • $3.35 Soybeans: $3.97 - $5.69. The report was prepared by the Economic Research Service for use by the Senate Agriculture Committee. diagnostic laboratory. This test will be provided in conjunction with a routine soil analysis for $lO. These combined tests will be of primary use to growers of commercia,! crops, especially corn and soybeans, who are ex periencing unusual plant nutrition problems. EVERY FRIDAY FEEDER CATTLE 12 NOON Lancaster Stockyards, Inc. 595 618 15,099 15,048 826 623 643 654 21,476 14,584 17,778 16,892 551 638 13,782 17,651 17,183 18,990 18,300 16,804 19,638 18,919 13,793 599 638 555 574 20,881 18,055 15,923 16,945 643 605 627 17,568 17,720 ‘ 15,870 595 15,391 562 16,556 Letter Heyer Reflect H 4-9 Ramil K- Dittrich Tina Onttlynn Acres H 4-1 Poppy Junge Farms Liz H 8-5 Terry Binganum 23 H 3-8 200 H 0-4 BRB Farm Susie H 5-3 Hartman Brothers 84 H 3-2 106 H 2-3 Paul E. Labe 18 H 5-2 77 H 3-5 Gl9 H 8-3 *f§CIAL SPCC/Al SPg&jm* YEAR END SAVINGS For Better Milking IT'S BOU MATIC Fastest Growing Milking System In The Nation. 30% DISCOUNT ON GRAIN BINS 1976 BINS AT 74 PRICES A*. m w GRAIN STORAGE BINS Inquiries invited from outlying areas. COMPLETE PROGRAM SALES-INSTALLATION—SERVICE 24-Hour Service Offered SHENK'S FARM SERVICE 501 E. WOODS DRIVE, LITITZ, PA 17543 PHONE (717) 6251151 13,908 17,775 19,914 19,418 18,193 18,787 306 305 17,128 14,983 15,111 282 306 19,271 15,390 19,919 306 305 289 ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT ■-«—S' *— Raymond B. Noll 6 H 7-1 7 H 5-4 Blut Mtn.- Academy 131 H 9-2 186 H 205 H 5-3 Clarenct C. Sattazahn 11 H 7-4 Pat 50 H 3-10 Paul J. Kuril Vivian H 3-2 George S. Troutman Jr. Gaia H 4-5 581 810 613 Redroae Yoat Brother! 185 558 572 H 5-1 Eacutca H 3-11 Teen Chat Farm 45 H 5-2 40 H 3-3 750 597 679 DARI’KOOL BULK MILK TANK SAVINGS OF *250.00 TO *2500.00 3 u Model DKE • Direct Expansion 450t0 3000 Gal. Tank Model DKE Direct Expansion Available • 500 Gal. Only Special Diesel Operated Milk Tank 12 can Open Top Can Cooler 10 can open top can cooler 6 can open top can cooler 4 can open top can cooler 800 Gal. Mojonnier 5 H.P. belt driven compressor w/washer 625 Gal. Sunset flat top absolutely in new cond. 425 Gal. Esco $400.00 400 Gal. Jamesway LIQUID MANURE EQUIPMENT Trailer Mounted Pumps j 8-10-12 Ft. | 3 point-Hitch Mounted | Pumps | Tanks - 1250 gal. j 1875 gal. Tandem j 2500 gak Tandem | 3i.00 gal. Tandem j H 5-1 tT USED EQUIPMENT 1 "BETTERBILT” Husky Model 800 gal.; 1100 gal.; 1500 gal.; 2100 gal.; 3100 gal. Ml 304 18,1 M 17,731 290 306 306 14,848 10.083 18,867 306 309 19,006 16,132 13,878 21,180 16,377 306 306 280 309 14,068 17,178 309 306 16,100 18,019 ■« Vacuum Spreaders 863 093 501 60S 637 606 630 693 627 609 998 984 684