Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 1975, Image 51
McHale answers his critics >■} Too much research to aid rural paopla and not enough to IncraaM farm production. That’s tbo gist, 1 tako it, of criticism leveled against my tsnuro as Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture. Calling me a welfare secretary instead of an agriculture secretary is an effective way to knock me in rural communities where welfare is a loaded word. Unfortunately,' the real Issues get obscured when everyone begins shouting welfare. Permit me to set the record straight In these closing days. I never said I wanted rural people to exist on doles. Welfare handouts are a last resort that no one % wishes on another. I said rural communities have become populated with ex-farmers. I said let’s not forget these hard working men who were driven off their farms by harsh economic circumstances. Let’s find a way to employ them, to revive an unhealthy business climate. Call me an employment or a business secretary if agriculture secretary hurts too much. " i 7k(c6 <Uto Umct to * Uaft" 189 AS ' SB&O I Pi «jj R.D. 4 MYERSTOWN, PA. 17067 CALL COLLECT 717-866-5708 ONLY A FEW DAYS LIFT . FOR YEAR END SAVINGS V p PLACE ORDER NOW, BEFO •mm ' I f V' If you are in the market for a bulk milk cooler and you don’t check all the ad vantages of the Mueller Models “OH”, “MHL," and “MW” you may be buying an obsolete cooler. 1 also said that most farmers fortunate enough still to be forming were in danger of going under. I said a government that traditionally has balled out large Industrial corporations certainly could offer some protection to the small farmer-businessman. Was I whistling in the dark? Was the danger to small farmers real or imagined? Let’s look at some facts. In a report to the Congress prepared in August of this year by the Comptroller General of the United States • a report that is available in my office in case anyone wants to verify the accuracy of this column - the small farmer is depicted to be in economic trouble. The report plainly asserts that "although some publicly supported extension and research projects have related to the needs of small farm operators, the department (USDA) aim land grant colleges have not made a concerted effort to solve problems impending the economic improvement of small farm operations. THE BULK MILK COOLER THAT HAS EVERYTHING. including AUTOMATIC WASHING SYSTEM! - MUELLER NEW MODEL "MW" /tiy - USED BULK TANKS - New 18 can [Can Coolers) J2J 300 lb. Sputniks 400 jal. Esco 500 gal. Esco 300 gal. Jamesway 800 gal. Esco 500 gal. Girion 400 gal. Girton . QUEIN Box 67, Intercourse, Pa. 17534 After S P.M. JOHN D. WEAVER 656-9982 - KENNETH M. GROFF 354-0473 SID DIENNER 761-1521 OR Answerinf Sirvicfe 354-4374 We Stock Hess' Farm Supplies, Check Our Prices on Animal Medications Also, they have not adequately evaluated the economic and social Impacts of production-efficiency that small farm operators need to plan for and adjust to changes brought about by such research." In a nutshell, the weight of federally aupported agriculture research projects has been to increase farm production. This in turn has kept farm prices at about the same level over the years though farm costs have soared. Small fanners unable to assimilate new technology to Increase their production fell by the wayside. According to the report, the number of farms in the United States has steadily declined since 1935. From 1950 to 1975. for example, the number of farms decreased about 50 percent. What happened? Ac cording to the report, the spread between prices lauuers receive and prices they pay has always been too wide. Prices received for farm products increased 83 per cent from 1953 through 1974, with 50 percent of the in crease occurring Just in 1973. Meanwhile prices paid for farm input items increased 113 percent and prices paid for family living items in creased 92 percent. As the report sums it up, “because prices farmers received for sale of com modities have not kept pace with prices they paid for farm supplies and materials and family living items and because the real value of the dollar has continued to The Mueller Model “OH" with HiPerForm cooling, Mueller-Matic Automatic Washing System, and built in Ireeze protection control is the most advanced bulk milk cooler in the world. The nation’s most progressive dairymen are using it. Shouldn’t you be? y added new features of the “MW” bulk tank. ROAD REPAIR Foi The “MW" is one of the Lowest pouring Height Bulk tanks. Check with us ail the - USED DIESELS - V. A. Lister Ruston SRI Lister Phone 717—768-7 111 decline, farmers must use new or improved technology to increase their output Just to maintain stable incomes." Expressed in a more dramatic way, one agricultural economist has stated that "the cycle of introduction of new technology, adoption by farmers, increased output, depressed prices, and fur ther search for new technology to maintain farm income has placed fanners on a treadmill." What should be done? The report says USDA and the land grant colleges should intensify their efforts to give training and technical assistance to small farm operators. The objective should be to create a better life for these farmers and increase the productivity of the land under their management. After skiing, skating or sledding, appetites are apt to run high but enthusiasm for cooking may be low. With easy Taco Dogs, in 15 minutes you can have a quick hearty meal on the table. Wrap skinless franks in a taco shell. Season with prepared Mexican flavored taco sause, top with shredded Cheddar or Montery Jack cheese. Bake until cheese is melted. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! EASE 24 Hour Service Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Dec. 27,1975 Longwood Gardens offers short courses I/mgwood Gardens still has room for students In two of its winter-spring hor ticultural short courses; Bonsai for Beginners and Vegetables. The bonsai course will meet on Tuesdays, February 17 and 24, and March 2 and 9, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. Mr. Mark Ponganis, grower in charge of Longwood’s popular bonsai collection, will discuss the history and basic techniques of bonsai, in cluding selection of plant materials and containers, soil mixtures and planting, pruning, and general day-to day care. Registration for the course is 315.00 and will be open through January 23. The vegetable course will meet on Thursdays for six consecutive weeks, from February 12 through March 18. Two sections of the course are offered, one meeting from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m., the other from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Mr. David Foresman, instructor in Longwood’s Department of Education, will discuss soil y New Idea's Superpickers conditioning, vegetable variety selection, planting, fertilizing, and pest control. Registration for this course is $20.00 and will also close on January 23. For further information on registration procedures, write' the Department of Education, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pa., 19340, or call 21S-380- 6741, ext. 237. Be a wise consumer when shopping for sausage products. Select packages that provide a full view of the product and read labels carefully. Label information should include: name of the product, list of ingredients in descending order of amounts used, weight in pounds and • or ounces, names and ad dress of manufacturer or distributor, a government inspection stamp and in structions for storage and-or preparation. 51